The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1413: Have a home


Jiang Yun’s body shape that he was just about to rush to, because the sudden sound that sounded in his mind suddenly stopped, and from his body, there was also a figure floating slowly.


Looking at the sound, Jiang Yun finally saw it clearly. The figure standing in front of him was the soul he found in the small world that he had arranged from the seniors of the medicine god.

Although the previous seven remnants of the soul, because of the role of the soul of the soul, have condensed themselves into a complete soul, but always closed eyes, in a state of sleep.

At this moment, he has already opened his eyes. Although he is only a soul, he can clearly see that his eyes are carrying a hint of curiosity and looking at Jiang Yun.

"you are……"

Looking at this appearance and the drug **** predecessors are somewhat similar, but they are young and many souls, Jiang Yun does not know how to call him.

The young man smiled slightly: "I am just a brand new soul, no name, but if you want, you can also think of me as the person who gave you the inheritance of the medicine!"

This sentence made Jiang Yunxian a glimpse, but then he understood it.

The soul in front of us is not the soul of any soul, but a new soul created by the predecessors of the drug gods with their own unique powers, according to his own soul!

Although I understand this, Jiang Yun still clenched his hands and respected the soul in front of him. He said: "The younger generation Jiang Yun, see the drug **** predecessors!"

The drug god, the help for Jiang Yun is too big.

Although Jiang Yun has already worshipped the ancients as a teacher, in his heart, the drug **** is also like his own master.

Even the drug **** gave him a lot more than the old one.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is really a sincere respect for the drug god.

Hearing Jiang Yun’s name to himself, the young man’s face showed a self-deprecating color: “That’s just the love of everyone, even if it’s the real soul, you can’t afford this name, let alone me. ”

Medicine God, soul Cang!

Jiang Yun can naturally hear the self-deprecating meaning in this new soul tone, and understand why he laughs at himself, but he does not know how to comfort himself.

Fortunately, the young man has already waved his hand: "Don't say this, my life is limited and it may disappear at any time."

"Before I disappear, I have something to tell you, and this is the meaning of my existence. It is the purpose that Soul created me."

The words of the young people made Jiang Yun’s heart undone again.

Although Jiang Yun does not know how to create a brand new soul, it is not difficult to imagine that such a soul, because it does not have a body, although it seems to have life, but in fact it is like a rootless ping, it will not Have a life that is too long.

And this is probably why, the predecessor of the drug **** deliberately wants to divide it into seven remnants.

Once the soul is united, it means that its life is officially born. Naturally, it is not far from death.

It seems that Jiang Yun’s heart can’t bear it. The young man is open-minded and smiles: “You don’t have to be sorry for me. Although I am a new soul, I don’t know much, but the soul has told me that everything is in heaven and earth. Each has its own destination."

"Even if I disappear, it is no longer a soul, no longer conscious, but I will be born again in another way.

When I heard this, Jiang Yun’s heart could not help but tremble!

Everything in the heavens and the earth has its own destination!

In a simple sentence, although it sounds very ordinary, the meaning contained in it is profound.

To get this kind of sentiment, if you want to understand the meaning of it, it is not the average person, at least not the present, you can do it.

I am afraid, only like the predecessors of the drug god, in some respects, people who have stood at a certain height can think of, see, and get!

"All right!"

At this time, the young man spoke again, smiled and shook his head and said: "Although I am a brand new soul, it is like a newborn baby, but my character is obviously affected by the soul, and now, Let's hurry up!"


Jiang Yun’s rush also converges on the mind and waits respectfully.

With the strength of the medicinal gods, there are countless ways to leave some words, but he has chosen to create a new soul.

Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that these words must be very important.

The young man suddenly said: "The soul Cang also said that all he told me was only based on the various clues he collected, and he could not guarantee that it must be."

"After all, the truth of the facts, and the lives that have been involved in the truth, have long since disappeared with the passage of time."

Jiang Yun nodded, and vaguely knew that the predecessors of the drug **** should say that it should be about the world of these nine colors, about those monsters!

"The dead nine people come from another world. As for why they came to this world, the reason is unknown, but it is not only them who come to this world, but also some extremely scary monsters!"

"The strength of these monsters is extremely powerful, so strong that it is impossible to compete with the power of the nine people and it is difficult to kill them."

"Nature, their existence is also a threat to the nine ethnic groups, and even threatened this world, so in desperation, the nine people have to come up with a solution."

"The nine ethnic groups each contributed to the construction of a prison and detained these monsters!"

"This place has become the biggest secret of the Nine, except for the people who participated in the event that year, even the people of the Nine nationality do not know."

Jiang Yun nodded, and the other said that it was basically the same as his own speculation.

The prison created by the Jiuzu is the nine-color world that you are now in.

The young man shook his head and said: "However, just when they thought that they had this prison, and then they could sit back and relax, there were new monsters!"

"And these new monsters, playing the Jiuzu one by surprise, can be regarded as a disaster for the then nine people."

"At the end of the nine races, after paying a great price, they finally killed these monsters."

When I heard this, Jiang Yun suddenly remembered that in the illusion he had experienced, almost everyone knew that the nine people at that time were already declining and their strengths were weakened.

At that time, I thought that the reason for the decline of the nine ethnic groups was because they were not in harmony with each other and they were fighting each other. But now, it seems that the real reason should be because of the great battle between the nine races and those monsters!

The young man continued: "The killing of these new monsters, who want to come in the Nine, is finally the peace of the world."

"However, by searching for the soul of one of the monsters, it is to let them discover something even more terrible!"

"In short, there is a passage between the two worlds that is outside their control. Even the nine people do not know the existence of this passage."

"And those monsters are coming through this passage!"

"The only way to solve the troubles of these monsters once and for all is to completely close this passage!"


Speaking of this, the young man suddenly closed his mouth, and there was a light group on the fingertips: "The situation behind it is the real clue that the soul Cang himself collected, and he left it to the interested people. You see it yourself!"

The light group flew to the front of Jiang Yun and directly fell into his eyebrows.

With the light blasting, there was a scene in front of Jiang Yun’s eyes, a scene that he could never forget forever!

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