The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1420: One force

Looking at the empty, whirlpool where nothing exists, everyone is stunned.

Especially Jiang Yun, the face is already gloomy to the extreme.

Although he does not know what is going on in this matter, if the summons does not come to the power of the sorcerer, then not only will he die today, but it will not take long before these monsters will have a great chance to get out of trouble.

At that time, it is the end of this world.

"A false alarm?" The chaotic road was cold and cold, and it was necessary to continue to go to Jiang Yun.

However, just as he lifted his foot, there was a sudden drop in the whirlpool, covering everyone's body, so that they could not move.

Only Jiang Yun’s ear sounded a thick voice!

"There are three in this seat. Now you summon the power of this seat. As a reward, this seat can give you two choices!"

"You can use this force directly to attack as you have in the past, or you can integrate this force into your body for you to display!"

"However, this seat also reminds you that the power of this seat is extremely powerful. Once you are integrated into your body, your body can't bear it, then you will fly away!"

Although Jiang Yun still hides in the depths of the space, this discourse is clearly introduced into his ears, and he is allowed to see it after he hears it, and then he understands it.

This voice should be the spirit of the real sacred objects of the Mozu!

The statue of the dead, three heads and six arms, is the so-called three-power.

In the past, he borrowed the power of the sorcerer's sorcerer. At first, he was able to borrow the power of one finger, and then he could borrow a hand.

However, now, because the number of scars that Jin Ge and others have given to them is 20, the number of scars that have been broken is 20, so it has attracted the power of the statue.

That is the power of his third.

Although Jiang Yun does not understand why the summoning of a force is to reward himself, but the two choices given by the spirit, for him, is an unexpected joy.

Especially the latter choice, in fact, just like the Nine Festivals, you can temporarily improve your strength!

Just this choice, there will be considerable danger!

The power of a palm of this sorcerer can not only kill a monster, but also kills Tumen from the three strongmen of the three heavens.

Although my body is extremely strong, can it withstand the power of this body?


The thick voice sounded again, letting Jiang Yun’s eyes flash in the cold, and he said, “I chose to integrate this power into my body!”

Although this choice will have certain risks, Jiang Yun would like to know how powerful this power is!


Along with the word spit out, from the open whirlpool, a black storm suddenly appeared, falling from the sky and rushing toward Jiang Yun's body.

From a distance, this storm is like a pillar of the sky that connects the heavens and the earth. It is extremely spectacular.

The advent of the storm made Jiang Yun's figure emerge from nothingness, and became the end of the storm. He felt that all the storms had gathered into a powerful force and poured into his own body.

This power is too strong, and it has brought Jiang Yun a great impact, which makes him feel that the body has become a leaf in the storm.

All the organs in the body, under the impact of this force, began to be torn a little bit, even the soul can feel like a crash.

This kind of tearing and collapsing will bring Jiang Yun a great pain, but he knows that as long as he withstands this kind of pain, he is qualified to get this power!

With the influx of more and more power, the atmosphere above Jiang Yun’s body is constantly rising.

Under the cover of this black storm, Jiang Yun can clearly feel that the original diamond-covered magic pattern on his body has changed himself at this moment, and has turned toward another kind of magic pattern.

Jiang Yunxin has realized: "This is, the dead magic pattern!"

The power of the sorcerer's demon can not only temporarily improve the strength of Jiang Yun, but also change his magic pattern, and naturally make his body more powerful.

Jiang Yun’s gaze is firmly focused on these dead magic lines, thinking that if you can remember these magic lines, then after the power of this body disappears, I don’t know if I can draw myself with the power of the Mozu. Desperate the magic pattern, so that you can change from the flesh after that to the sorcerer.

It’s a pity that although Jiang Yun thinks it is good, it is obviously different from the dead magic pattern and the diamond magic pattern.

After they appear, they will immediately disappear into the skin of Jiang Yun and disappear.

Even from the outside, there is no change in the body.

This also allowed Jiang Yun to give up his own ideas.

At the same time, the five monsters and Zhan Qiu, who are also watching the black storm, have finally returned.

Even, feeling the breath of the black storm, Zhan complained that the gloomy face suddenly showed a shocking color, murmured: "This is... this is, his breath! Is it? Is he not dead?"

Speaking of this, Zhan’s grievances suddenly shifted to Jiang Yun’s body: “No wonder this power can easily kill long ions!”

"However, how can this Jiang Yun summon his power, it is difficult, what is the relationship between the two?"

"No matter why, now you must stop Jiang Yun and stop this power from coming!"

The grievances of Zhan’s grievances looked at Wei’s ninety-four people and screamed out: “You are still doing what you are doing!”

With the swearing of Zhan's resentment, although Wei Jiu and other four people were covered by the pressure, they were obviously a lot smaller, so the four people immediately whipped up all the power and walked toward Jiang Yun with difficulty.

Jiang Yun naturally knew the arrival of these four people. Although his body was still suffering from the baptism of this power, he could not move, but he did not care.

Because Jiang Yun believes that they can never come to their own body.

Sure enough, when there was a hundred feet away from Jiang Yun, the four people’s body shape had to stop again.

At this time, Zhan’s gaze suddenly looked at Zhan Qiu, and his face showed a smile: “Zhan Qiu, actually, I know, you always want to completely integrate the soul of Zhan’s resentment, completely swallow it, so that you Your own soul can be made complete."

"You don't feel wrong, because the speciality of your brother's soul makes me not really take your soul, so I can not only return your soul to you, but I can also take the soul. Give it to you."

"As long as you master this technique, you can capture the soul of this creature in this world!"

For Zhan’s resentment, Zhan Qiu’s face was still sneer, but gradually, his sneer was turned into excitement and turned into a happy color.

Naturally, he also understood the purpose of the other party, so he smiled coldly: "You tell me this technique first, then I will shoot with them to deal with Jiang Yun."

"You listened!"

Zhan complained that his lips were gently squirming, and a series of words were introduced into the ears of Zhan Qiu, and after Zhan Qiu listened, he said: "I need to try the true and false of this technique!"

When the voice fell, there was a monk in front of Zhan Qiu’s body, and the soul of Zhan Qiu came out of the body and directly fell into the body of the monk and began to rob the soul.

Just then, an earth-shattering shouting sounded abruptly!

Howling, from Jiang Yun!

At this moment, the black storm that connected the heavens and the earth has completely disappeared, or all of them rushed into the body of Jiang Yun, making the breath that came out of him strong enough to the extreme.

Jiang Yun also regained his gaze and turned to the Wei 94 people in four orientations. The calm way: "You, I have kept you waiting!"

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