The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1425: Soul of the Undead

If you say that Jiang Yun can have the right to choose to leave before the first time he enters the scope of the indefinite soul fire, but now that he understands that all the things have passed, he has no possibility of leaving.

Because, Zhan’s grievance is equal to what he released!

Therefore, there is only one way in front of Jiang Yun, that is, at all costs, killing Zhan.

Only when Zhan's grievances die can he make up for his own mistakes, so that the beasts who are imprisoned here can still not get out of trouble, so that the efforts of the nine ethnic groups will not be destroyed.

Maybe they will probably escape from here in the future, but at least it has nothing to do with Jiang Yun.

Zhan’s grievance clearly guessed that Jiang Yun would not leave, so he had already turned around when Jiang Yun’s fist arrived.

Looking at Jiangyun, who is getting closer and closer, Zhan’s face is not panicked, but there is still time to say: “The power you borrowed now, called the power of silence, in my world of heaven and earth. It is indeed one of the strongest forces!"

"But the strength I have is also not weaker than the silence..."


After waiting for Zhan’s resentment, Jiang Yun’s fist had already reached the face of Zhan’s grievance, and it made a dull impact.

However, there was no change in the face of Zhan’s grievances, and even the eyes did not look awkward.

Because, in the air in front of him, there was a sound of crisp cracking.

I saw that there were countless cracks from the illusory, madness spread, and instantly covered the square.

Obviously, while Zhan complained, he had used his power to condense an invisible shield in front of himself, thus blocking Jiang Yun’s fist.

Looking at the piece of the cracked void in front of him, Jiang Yun's face has no expression, but the heart has been slightly sinking.

Under his current state, all his strengths have been improved, and the sensitivity of various senses has been promoted to the extreme.

However, this grievance made an invisible shield, and he did not even notice that there was a slight fluctuation in his body.

Moreover, this punch is all done, and it is no exaggeration to say that even a world can easily penetrate, but it is easily blocked by a thin invisible shield.

"What is the power of this jealous grievance!"

For another piece of the world, Jiang Yun is not ignorant.

He at least knows that there should be no various avenues, and there are only a variety of forces that are not related to the avenue.

Among these forces, there is a meaning of destroying ridiculousness.

Even Zhan’s grievances have just personally acknowledged that the power that he borrowed is called the silence, and among the heavens and the earth, it is also one of the strongest forces.

But the power that this grievance possesses is not dead, but the power is obviously good, at least against the power of silence.

Even from the current situation, the strength of Zhan’s grievances is much stronger than that of today’s.

Of course, this does not mean that the power he possesses is definitely far stronger than the power of silence.

After all, I just borrowed the strength. If I can borrow the power of three, I believe that there should still be the ability to kill him.

"Since the power of silence is not as good as him, then I will use the power of my world!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly turned into blood, and he stared deeply at Zhan’s grievances, and suddenly let the blood of Zhan’s body boil.

Then, the Thunder mark in Jiang Yunmei's heart also burst into a golden light, and numerous Thunder emerged from the air, and the extremely fast condensed into a thunderball, rushing toward Zhan.

Although this is a prison set up by the Nine, it is obvious that the Nine may not completely shield the forces that exist in this world.

Listening to the sound of blood in his body, Zhan’s face still smiles with a smile: “I thought that you might come from the same world as me, but now it seems that you should not.”

"You obviously won't use the power of silence. What you are good at is the power of your world!"

"However, even the power of silence is not my opponent. The power of your heaven and earth can help me!"

"Call, long ion!"

Hearing the four words spit out in Zhan’s grievances, Jiang Yun’s pupils could not help but suddenly contract.

The long ion has been killed by himself, but why does this jealousy summon a long ion, how can he summon it?

However, Jiang Yun finally saw that there was a faint ash on the body of Zhan’s resentment, and he swept away in all directions, just like the avatar he had previously formed with an infinite soul.

However, this time the gray gas is no longer the power of the soulless fire, but a force that Jiang Yun has never seen before!

Under the spread of this gray gas, the area surrounded by the unresolved soul fire has been completely covered by this gray gas, making the heavens and the earth seem to be gray, even if even Jiang Yun is in the gray air. .


A very loud beast suddenly emerged from nothingness, and then an illusory shadow emerged.

This shadow, it is the long ion that Jiang Yun just killed just before!

At this moment, the long ion shape is illusory, there is no pupil in the eyes, and it also shows a gray color, which looks extremely strange.

In particular, his body is not a human figure, but a state of half man and half demon, and his hands are turned into two black giant horns like a whip.

Jiang Yun’s brows are slightly wrinkled, and the dark road: “Is this the soul of long ions?”

When the long ion appeared, Jiang Yun’s thunder ball just happened to be in front of him. He saw that he suddenly lifted his two black tentacles and slammed it toward the thunderball.


The impact of the two, suddenly let the thunderball and long ions burst into the air, turned into nothingness, but Zhan complained again and again: "Call, Ge Song!"

"Call, battle the power!"

"Call, terrain spider!"


The gray gas that filled the entire area of ​​the uninhibited soul fire trembled fiercely, as it turned into a rough sea, and three figures emerged from it!

Ge Song, Zhan Tianli, and a huge spider!

They are all monsters that have been killed by Jiang Yun, and now they appear again, and Jiang Yun’s face finally shows a shocking color!

The war force and the long ion, although killed by Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun did not destroy their soul.

But Ge Song and the spider's soul, one was crushed by Jiang Yun with power, and one was directly killed by the death and death.

Even if this jailer can really summon the souls of the undead from the dead, it is impossible to summon these two monsters.

Immediately after the appearance of the three monsters, the sound of roaring sounded like a ghost crying, and it sounded incomparable.

In the face of these three monsters who are returning from the dead, Jiang Yun, despite the shock and doubt, did not panic.

Jiang Yun’s face has been restored to calmness: “No matter what you are, no matter which piece of heaven and earth you come from, dust and dust, soil and earth, since you are dead, then give me back to where you should go!”

Jiang Yun reached out and pointed out that a turbid river with a length of thousands of feet emerged and directly surrounded the three monsters.

Taoism, the art of death and suffering!

Among the thousands of yellow springs, there are not only coffin bones, but also numerous fuzzy ghosts. They stretch out their hands and wrap the three monsters firmly, pulling them toward the depths of Huangquan.

Seeing this yellow spring, Zhan’s face finally showed a hint of moving color: “What power is this!”

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