The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1434: Domain domain


Jiang Yun is already preparing to collapse the body, because of this sudden sound and suddenly become very stiff again.

Although this is not the voice of Zhan's resentment, now in the whole nine-color world, except for himself, only Wang Yuanzhong and Zizhu are left, and a group of demon animals still being held.

How could there be a sound that I have never heard before?

Although Jiang Yun wants to turn his head, follow the direction of the voice, see who the speaker is, but lose the external power, let him at this moment, it feels like a beast that has just been riddled with countless violent Just stepping on the body, every inch of muscle on the body is as torn apart, and it is extremely painful.

The body is turned over the river, the internal organs and the six internal organs have been completely displaced, and no longer have the slightest strength, even the simple action of turning the head can not be done.

"it's me!"

The sound is ringing again, but it is no longer from the ear of Jiang Yun, but from the cloud in all directions, it is like a person who talks, not one, but has countless!

Although Jiang Yun’s body still couldn’t move, he could see that with the sound of this voice, the in front of himself... the indefinite soul fire suddenly rose.

The fire is soaring, the flames are rolling!

"Nothing to do?"

Jiang Yun’s heart is moving, thinking that it’s the soul of the predecessor?

After all, there is a strong person in every sacred object sitting in the town. Perhaps the strong person of the soul family, like the old man of the Jiang family, has become a spirit?


With the fall of Jiang Yun’s voice, the indefinite soul fire in front of Jiang Yun suddenly boiled up, and countless flames burst into the sky, condensing into a middle-aged man.

Looking at this man, Jiang Yun’s heart is slightly certain.

Because the appearance of the other party was previously summoned by Zhan, and it was also a strong soul who was not killed by himself.

However, just when Jiang Yun was just about to open his mouth, the middle-aged man smiled coldly at Jiang Yun: "I just killed me, I don't know me?"

"Zhan complains!"

The other party's sentence made Jiang Yun's pupil shrink suddenly, and the body that had already burned out the light, because of the huge shock, actually gave a hint of strength, and also made his body take a step forward.

"Ha ha ha!" The man suddenly laughed and said: "Now we officially know about it. Zhan is just a soul that I have won, and my real name is called imaginary!"

Take a soul!

These five words made Jiang Yun suddenly realize that he understood it!

This murder, as long as the soul of other creatures is captured, can appear in the life of the other party.

Moreover, his soul does not seem to have only one, but can be divided into countless, so that it can capture the soul of countless souls.

These souls that he has taken away can be seen as one after another, which means that he has countless lives!

Unless he can kill all his objects that rob the soul, otherwise he will never die!

It is no wonder that the nine ethnic groups could only hold him in custody because there was no way to kill him completely.

Although he killed the other side of the soul of the Zhan resentment, but in this nine-color world, the call to the virtual even claimed the soul of the soul of the year to defend the unsettled soul of the strong!

Perhaps there are other powerful people that you don't know!

Jiang Yun’s heart has once again sunk to the bottom.

With the help of the more than four hundred lines that Jin Ge sent, they attracted the power of the sorcerer's demon, and summoned the power of the reincarnation of the third world, which killed Zhan.

Now, this soul-winning soul-like powerhouse is like a singularity with the undecided soul fire, how powerful it will be!

What's more, since he has already robbed the soul of the strong, as if the incarnation is indefinite, so it will not take long, he will really get out of trouble, with the imprisoned who do not know the number of demon Beast, leave this colorful world.

Although I thought of this consequence, Jiang Yun could only show a bitter smile, because he had already exhausted himself, and he really couldn’t help himself.

There is no possibility that I will kill this again!

"Jiang Yun, are you feeling desperate now?"

Calling a big smile and laughing: "The power you borrowed is gone, do you need me to lend you some strength?"

"噗通", Jiang Yun directly sat down on the ground, resisting the pain in the body, looking calmly and screaming: "Then you still do not hurry to kill me?"

"If I wait until my strength recovers, then you may have to be killed again by me!"

Calling a smirk, he shook his head and said: "Although you killed me once, I am still saying that I am very interested in you."

"I already know about your life, so now I can give you a chance. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, then the conditions I gave you before will be fulfilled, how?"

Although Jiang Yun does not know why he wants to cooperate with himself, but since the other party does not want to kill himself directly, he is happy to talk to him.

Maybe, what kind of turnaround will happen in a while!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun said after a moment of silence, "What kind of person are you? Come to our world, what is it for?"

Calling the virtual also sat down in the void, smiling at Jiang Yundao: "Well, it should indeed let you know something, maybe you can make up your mind."

"First of all, I want to tell you that this piece of heaven and earth is called the Dojo, and our world is called the Destruction!"

Road domain, destroy the domain!

In the simple movement of Jiang Yun’s heart, it is not difficult to make a guess from the simple sentence of calling the virtual. Although within this world, few people know the existence of the domain, but in the field, it is obvious that many people know the domain. The presence.

Otherwise, they can't give their names to this world.

However, this name is very image.

Because by name, you can see the difference between two worlds, one is repairing, the other is repairing power!

Calling the virtual and following: "As for the relationship between the two worlds, I think you should also know that it is actually a relationship between the master and the slave, and the domain is subordinate to the domain!"

"You are born in these fields, no matter from the form of life or strength, it is not as good as the creatures we destroy."

For the previous sentence of calling the imaginary, Jiang Yun believes.

After all, the domain is created by the nine ethnic groups from the demise of the domain, so it is reasonable to subordinate to the domain.

But in the latter sentence, Jiang Yun will not agree!

Even though the domain is subordinate to the domain, even if the strength of the domain is indeed extremely powerful, but the blue is better than the blue, who said that the domain of the soul must not be the opponent of the domain.

Looking at Jiang Yun's face, he called a cold and cold smile: "You still don't be convinced, even if you just killed me, but you still use the power of my domain!"

"If you use the power of your avenues, don't say kill me, I can't even hurt me!"

Jiang Yun did not open again, although he did not want to admit it, but he also had to admit that the power of reincarnation and the power of the sorcerer's image were all derived from the domain.

"You don't have to be discouraged, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me. After I have studied the so-called avenues of your domain, I can make you the master of this domain!"

"As for my identity, in the demise of the domain, although it cannot be said to be the most powerful existence, there are not many opponents."

"In short, my identity is the same as the Taoist in your domain!"

"So, I will give you these conditions, I will definitely be able to cash it!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s mind suddenly sounded the voice of the young soul: “Jiang Yun, don’t go to him, he is delaying time!”

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