The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1436: Kill again

Looking at the screaming in front of the crazy laughter, and the huge unresolved soul fire that was originally standing on the ground, it is slowly coming off the ground.

Coupled with the earth that I saw in my own knowledge, the eyes that are constantly being opened, Jiang Yun knows that calling the virtual reality is completely free from the shackles of the indefinite soul fire, and is separated from this. The **** of the prison.

Next, all the monsters will be out of the trap!

At this time, Wang Yuanzhong, who has always stood outside the indefinite soul fire, has shouted anxiously at Jiang Yun: "Run!"

Although Wang Yuanzhong did not know what happened, he saw the scene in front of him, but he was also aware that danger was about to come.

Although he really wanted to turn around and escape, he did not dare to leave Jiang Yun.

After all, the poison and shadow in his body, God knows when it will happen, so he can only hope that Jiang Yun can escape with himself.


When I heard Wang Yuanzhong’s shouting, Jiang Yun’s face showed a bitter smile and could go where!

Even if I ran today, but it won't take long, these monsters will leave the place under the guidance of the imaginary, and even leave the body of the ghostly beast, appear in the heavens and the earth.

By that time, no one can run!

The avatar of the imaginary has risen with the undecided fire, standing on the top of Jiang Yun’s head, watching Jiang Yundao condescendingly: “Jiang Yun, you are now too late to escape!”

Jiang Yun simply ignored the imaginary, but only to Wang Yuanzhong: "Let's go, if you can escape, just rush!"

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Wang Yuanzhong couldn’t take care of Jiang Yun’s life and death, and hurriedly turned around, regardless of the road that was coming to the road, and there was no trace in the blink of an eye.

Calling a virtual glance at Wang Yuanzhong's disappearing direction, cold and cold smile: "You can't escape, Jiang Yun, now, I will take your soul first!"

When the voice fell, the voice slowly raised his hand, and he saw that the unresolved soul fire rose with his arm and suddenly rose into the air.

Then, all the flames became a huge fire dragon. Calling the emptiness was like becoming a dragon head. With a smug smile, it rushed toward Jiang Yun.


At the same time, countless different beasts suddenly sounded.

Jiang Yun followed the sound and saw that there was already a huge claw of the claws protruding from the position where he had been sitting before.

Obviously, these monsters finally gained freedom with the rise of the unsettled soul.


Calling the emptiness with an endless indefinite soul fire, has already rushed into his eyebrows, and Jiang Yun did not do any defense.

Jiang Yun shook his head helplessly and shook his head. "Now, I really don't have any way to deal with these monsters, but this is a sham, maybe I can kill him again."

After the voice fell, Jiang Yun sat down on his knees and closed his eyes. He did not pay attention to the sound of the beasts around him, and ignored the one that was being drilled from the depths of the earth. Only the size of the figure.

Jiang Yun’s attention is all concentrated in his own body!

Because of his own body, it has become another battlefield, and there are two flames in it.

A group of flames naturally means that the unsuccessful soul fire has been successfully collected as its own.

In addition to his upper body, he is still human, and the rest of the body has completely turned into a flame.

However, at this moment, the face that evokes the imaginary is with a shocking color, watching another group of human-shaped flames in front of him, that is Jiang Yun’s fire!

Although the soulless fire is extremely powerful, Jiang Yun has completed five Nirvana fires but it is also not weak.

In calling for a virtual mind, it is a very easy thing to win the soul of Jiang Yun, but he never imagined that Jiang Yun’s fire would be so powerful.

If you want to take away the soul of Jiang Yun, you must first defeat Jiang Yun’s fire.

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s fire is also turned into the image of Jiang Yun. He looks cold and cold and swears: “Although I will not be your soul-killing technique, I will swallow all the flames in the world, including none. Set the soul fire, even, including you!"


After that, Jiang Yun’s fire had already screamed with a roaring sound, and he rushed to the endlessly screaming soullessness.

"How can there be such a powerful fire!"

There is a hint of panic on the face of the imaginary. If he knew that Jiang Yun’s fire would be so powerful, he would not choose the soul to win Jiang Yun.

After all, today, he does not have the strength of Zhan.

There is nothing wrong with Jiang Yun and the young soul's guess. After the singer is out of trouble, he divides himself into two and uses the image of Zhan's grievance to deal with Jiang Yun.

In the other part, he quietly entered the unsettled soul, and began to work hard to break the suppression of the soulless fire.

Therefore, most of his power is used to break through the unresolved soul fire. Nowadays, although it is out of the trap, it is also very weak.

But by this time, he also knew that he had no other choices. Only one person between himself and Jiang Yun could survive.

Responding to him is Jiang Yun’s indifferent voice: “This is not strong enough. After I have swallowed you, my fire will become stronger!”

Jiang Yun is also very fortunate that this singularity has always glared at his own soul, so that he did not hesitate to rush into his body.

If you want to kill yourself, then you can easily do it with one finger. After all, there is almost no effort in your body.

But he wants to take his own soul, and, with the help of the soul fire to win his own soul, the result can be different.

When I first played against Zhan, I didn’t use the soul force, so I still have enough soul power to use.

More importantly, I have cultivated the method of life and Nirvana, and then I may be able to devour all the sorrows with the unsettled soul.

As for living, Jiang Yun has not considered it.

Because even if you swallow up the murderous and undecided soul fire, let your life and soul become more powerful, but at the moment, there are already a large number of monsters in the body around the body.

With the fire and the soul alone, it is absolutely impossible for them to be the opponents of those monsters.

Therefore, the purpose of Jiang Yun is very clear, swallowing up the indefinite soul fire, completely killing the virtual, so that even if he still wants to die in the hands of the beast, it is dead and no regrets!


In an instant, the two groups of flames collided together, and the second fight between Jiang Yun and Calligraphy also officially began.

Although there is no clue in the body sitting on the knees of Jiang Yun, this time the fight is even more dangerous.

Because this is equivalent to the fight between the souls of the two.

Beyond Jiang Yun’s body, there are indeed countless monsters surrounding him.

Even the eyes of every beast are exposed to greed, and they can't wait to swallow Jiang Yun.

We must know that these are the fish that have come to the net from the destruction of the domain in the past few years, through the suppression of three holy objects in the passage.

They have been shut down for too long, and they are really eager for blood, eager for food, and eager to kill!

However, because there are orders to call the virtual, they dare not move against Jiang Yun, so in addition to leaving a few guarding Jiang Yun, the rest have already rushed to the rest of the nine-color world.

When the monsters were washed away, no one noticed that there was a huge human figure in the sky above the nine-color world!

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