The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1444: Your way

For these questions, Daoyi really couldn't think of an answer, so he could only shake his head and shook his head: "I always think that Master and the old top are planning what is going on!"

"Just, it is impossible to know in my identity, or report the matter to Master, let Master decide!"

After a while, Daoyi received a reply from Dao Zun. There is only one simple sentence: "Continue to stay there!"


"Jiang Ying!"

In the world of nine colors, Jiang Ying, who is standing next to Jiang Yun, suddenly heard someone shouting his name, which made his body tremble with excitement. "Excited, are you awake?"

Jiang Yun is talking, but Jiang Yun at the moment is still closed, so that Jiang Ying does not know what is going on.

Jiang Yun’s voice rang again: “I’m fine, but I still need to stay closed for a while, I’m afraid you’re worried, so I’m talking to you ahead of time.”

In fact, since the young soul burned with its own soul fire, it reignited the fire of Jiang Yun, so that after Jiang Yun in turn confessed to the virtual and undecided soul, he had nothing to do.

Moreover, if you just swallowed up the indefinite soul fire and finished the sixth life of Nirvana, then Jiang Yun could have woken up.

Just because the call of emptiness and the indeterminate soul fire have merged into one, so the process of devour the indefinite soul fire is tantamount to the process of engulfing the imaginary.

This kind of engulfing is not only a devour of the flame, but a bit similar to the technique of robbing the soul, which will completely devour the murder.

Although the murder was very weak at the time, his real strength was too strong, so Jiang Yun wanted to completely devour it, and he could only digest it a little bit, so it took a long time.

However, for Jiang Yun, it is a great creation in addition to the fire of Nirvana.

Because in the process of engulfing, Jiang Yun accidentally discovered that he actually had the power to call the virtual.

The power of calling the imaginary power is actually the same as the power possessed by the nine ethnic groups. Whether it is the domain or the domain of the living being, it only needs a medium to lead.

Just like Jiang Yun’s wild lines left behind by the wild, he realized his own wild lines;

For example, Lu Lun and Xiao Letian took the initiative to give him the impression of reincarnation and the seal of the robbery, so that he has the same power of reincarnation and the power of looting.

Calling the virtual, is not an ordinary demon, nor a monster, but a demon!

Its body is a void, gradually possessing consciousness until it becomes a demon.

Therefore, after Jiang Yun swallowed it, it turned into a vain seal, branded in the fire of Jiang Yun, which made Jiang Yun possess its power.

For more than two years, Jiang Yun was swallowing up the sham, while he was studying the power of voicing.

The so-called power of voicing, in Jiang Yun's view, is not so much a power, it is more like a technique unique to calling the virtual.

The premise of this method is that you must first have a virtual world, and then you can summon them in the virtual world by marking the other things or creatures with nothingness.

Just such a call, the power is actually not big.

What is really powerful is the creatures that have been marked with nothingness. Even if they are killed by others, their souls cannot enter the reincarnation after they die. They can only exist in the virtual world.

Even if you are a ghost, you can still condense your remnants with the illusory seal, and also exist in the virtual world, waiting to be summoned at any time!

This is also the reason why Ge Song and long ions, which had been crushed by Jiang Yunlian's soul, can still be summoned.

However, this existence is not eternal. Once it is killed again, it will disappear completely.

As for whether it is reintroduced into the reincarnation or completely disappeared, it is not known.

In short, this power is indeed extremely powerful.

Although Jiang Yun does not have his own virtual world, his Dan Tian is a world in his own right, so he can use this technique completely!

If it is not because he can't move now, he can't wait to try it right away.

"Adults are fine!"

Jiang Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart that was always hung was completely put down: "The adults don't have to worry, you are at peace of mind, Jiang Ying is here, and will never let anyone disturb the adults."

At this time, Jiang Yun’s knowledge has already swept through the nine-color world. Looking at the body of the monster, he couldn’t help but scream: “These monsters are, are you killing? ”


After hearing Jiang Ying’s acknowledgment, Jiang Yun was naturally surprised: “You, how did you do it?”

"I just entered their bodies and killed them directly!"

While speaking, Jiang Ying also raised his hand, and the palm of his hand made a shadow. He fell into a dead monster and then drilled it out.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Yunwei will understand when he sinks.

Jiang Ying's life form allows him to enter any place, including the soul of these monsters.

If Jiang Ying is just an ordinary shadow, then even so, it can't cause too much damage to these monsters. At most, it is a bite on them.

But Jiang Ying has a repair!

Especially in these four or fifty years, he has made his cultivation a staggering climb with his unique cultivation methods and the continuous supply of world debris.

In addition, those monsters are from the domain, they are able to block almost all attacks, including the attack of the gods, despite their physical strength, but they are not as powerful as the monks. A variety of instruments to protect their souls.

Therefore, as long as someone can ignore their flesh and gain access to their bodies, they can directly attack their souls, and they will become vulnerable.

And this is their real weakness!

After Jiang Yun’s knowledge of Jiang Ying’s next look, he couldn’t help but be surprised again: “You have entered the Tao?”

Jiang Ying’s face showed a sad color, touched his nose and nodded: “Yes!”

Jiang Yun is speechless!

He originally thought that his cultivation speed was already very fast, and it was impossible for other monks to compare. But now that Jiang Ying’s cultivation is in the realm, he knows that there are people outside and there are days outside.

Jiang Ying is the sanity given by himself. However, nowadays it has surpassed himself and entered the Tao. It is conceivable that his cultivation is absolutely smooth and smooth, without encountering any bottlenecks and bumps. .

Naturally, this is still related to his life form and the way he cultivates.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun asked: "What is your Tao?"

Jiang Ying scratched his head and smiled. "I don't know. Anyway, I thought that I must work hard to cultivate. I saw adults early, followed by others, and then my cultivation has been climbing. Got a path."

Listening to Jiang Ying’s narrative narrative, Jiang Yun couldn’t help but have some envy, but the heart is full of warmth: “Then show me your way.”

"it is good!"

Jiang Ying nodded and immediately gave up a strong breath on his body.

In the midst of this breath, you can see that all the shadows in the world of the nine colors have also radiated a similar atmosphere.

Even Wang Yuanzhong and Zizhu, under the scent of this breath, all showed a near-fanatic look in their eyes, looking straight at Jiang Yun.

All the breaths are all around Jiang Yun, so that Jiang Yun feels his own strength. Under the pervasive atmosphere, there has been some growth, and Jiang Yun’s heart has realized: It turned out that this is the meaning of Jiang Ying..."

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