The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1446: Tao Zun

For his own chaotic road, in fact, Jiang Yun always has some doubts, that is, this Taoist cultivation does not need to worry about himself.

As long as the cultivation of the deity is improved, the cultivation of the Tao will automatically increase, unlike the Thunder and the physical body, but also need to cultivate.

Doubt is doubtful. Before, Jiang Yun never thought about it. He thought that this should be the magical power left by the spirit of the Tao.

But now, combined with the things that happened before, combined with the news that the chaotic sun disappeared in the nine-colored land, it is to enlarge the doubts in Jiang Yun’s heart.

However, I have been watching the chaotic sun in Dantian for a long time, and even my own knowledge has spread into it without any politeness. Besides feeling a lot of chaos, Jiang Yun has no other. Find.

Just as Jiang Yun had nothing to gain, while the gods were separated, there was a sudden emergence of two eyes in the darkness, with a hint of sorrow in his eyes.

Jiang Yun asked Jiang Ying: "He is telling you that the chaotic sun has disappeared. Didn't you say how to disappear?"

Jiang Ying shook his head and said: "No!"

However, the side of the towering spirit is suddenly opening: "Maybe I know how the chaotic sun disappeared."

Not waiting for Jiang Yun to ask, the old man has already said: "Because the deliberate blockade of the Nine in the past made this passage, the existence of the nine-color world and the beasts, etc., are not known by the descendants of the Jiu."

"But among the nine people, there is one person who accidentally knew all this after a lapse of years."

"This person, you are no stranger, is your grandfather, the spirit of the **** family!"

When I heard this sentence, Jiang Yun’s heart moved and naturally understood why Grandpa knew this.

It should be that Grandpa unlocked a reincarnation seal!

Although the strongman who entered the tower in the same year was not the Ginger Lingong, when Grandpa was in that world, as a spirit, he must know all these hidden things.

Moreover, I am afraid that only as a grandfather can really control the tower.

The old man continued: "He found a watchtower based on his memory and found me."

"This is also why, after the defeat of the Jiang people, Ming Ming has escaped into the body of the ghost spirit, but they have to re-born."

"Even, the Jiang people also took the initiative to find the Tao, told him about it, and stressed that it is necessary to be connected by the tower to connect the channel with the nine-color world to ensure the safety of this world!"

"When Tao Zun visited the passage in person, this acquiesced to the existence of the Jiang people and acquiesced in the existence of the tower."

Jiang Yun suddenly realized.

I feel very strange, why the Jiang people are not as good as the Soul and the Mozu, but the Tao is allowed to exist.

It turned out that it was because Dao Zun needed the Jiang people to continue to connect the passage to the nine-color boundary.

Even Dao Zun did not continue to chase the spirit of the beast, it should be this reason!

Killing the beasts of the spirits, all the worlds in the body, together with the nine-color world, will inevitably collapse.

"After the re-emergence of the Jiang people, when the Jiang family met a tribe who also escaped, they informed him of this."

"So, I suspect that the people of the chaotic people found it here, and took away the holy things belonging to them, the chaos of chaos!"

As the voice of the old man fell, Jiang Yun’s mouth suddenly spit out a name: “浑天!”

Although the chaotic people also lost the hand of the Tao, but the chaotic people also fled, that is, the heavens that they have seen in the illusion and reality!

Not only did the sky escape, but it was also sealed by the land refining demon.

This also gives him two different strengths, the power of doctrine and chaos.

In this way, the old man's speculation is also very likely.

In order to pursue strength and to avenge revenge, Haotian knows that the sacred objects in his own family have come to this place after the nine-color world, and have taken away the chaotic sun.

"Just, hey, where did you go?"

This problem, Jiang Yun naturally can not have an answer, so he no longer thinks, and turned to the old man: "Predecessors, can you help me send my door back to ask the day now."

"It is best to send them directly to the outside world. After all, most of my same doors have not left the world, so if they are sent to other places, I am afraid that it is very difficult for them to pass through the boundaries and safely rush to ask the day."

Jiang Yun considered it extremely thoughtfully, and his fellow door is not like him, he has a rich experience.

Apart from being harmless, others have no experience of walking through the boundaries.

If the old man just sent them back to the thousands of circles, if the place where they appeared was far away from the day, then don’t say that they could come to Daozang before the big brother, even their own lives. It is difficult to protect.

The old man's brow wrinkled and said: "This, I don't know about the situation of the Dojo. I don't even know where God is!"

"I can only send them to the place where the projections last appeared. No, it wasn't for me, but the last time I used the power to borrow me to send me!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yun’s eyes were suddenly bright.

Because the place where the last projection of the tower was appeared, it is an unknown world in the demon day.

The demon road asks the distance, and it can only be reached in about one and a half months.

More importantly, the demon day is the land of the demon sect, and the demon sect has the bud of the blood robes. As long as their own counterparts can see the blood robes, then by virtue of their experience in the turbid wilderness, The blood robe will inevitably send them safely to ask the heavens.

In this way, it is just enough to catch up with Daozong’s big ratio!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun immediately said: "Yes! However, I have to trouble the same door that the seniors told me, so that they must first find the deity of the blood robe!"

"After seeing the blood robes, if the blood robes don't believe, then mention my name and Wuyang, Jin Ge their names!"

The old man nodded: "Yes, but you have to tell me first, where is the turbid wasteland."

Nowadays, the disappearance of the Jiu Caizhi Prison has made him also a complete freedom, and he can go anywhere in the body of the sacred beast.

Jiang Ying said: "I can let the shadow take you in the past."

"Okay, then I will go now, lest you worry."

Before leaving, the old man did not forget to use the voice again to lick Jiang Yun once: "Make sure Jiang Ying left!"

Jiang Yun nodded silently.

After the old man left, Jiang Yun said to Jiang Ying: "Do you want to know my experience over the years?"

Jiang Ying suddenly put a light in his eyes: "Of course I think!"

"Okay, then I will tell you!"

In order to make up for the embarrassment of the heart, Jiang Yun began to make his own experience detailed and detailed in order to make up for the freedom that Jiang Ying is about to lose.

Jiang Yun’s experience is far more complicated and bizarre than other people. Even Wang Yuanzhong and Zizhu, both in the white mist and listening to their ears, are stunned and ups and downs.

Both of them are experienced generations. After listening to Jiang Yun’s experience, they know that their experiences are really nothing, let alone have no experience at all, and have never seen any shadow of the world. I heard it with relish.

Jiang Yun said enough for three days before he finished his experience, and the three were still immersed in the experience of Jiang Yun, and could not return to God for a long time.

Jiang Yun was also silent for a moment. When I just wanted to continue to speak, I suddenly felt a move and looked at my life.

In the fire of life, it suddenly appeared to call the virtual!

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