The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1457: Find a sword

The change of Tenglin's face, as well as the gaze of the Tibetan sword, and Jiang Yun certainly noticed, and this made his heart can not help but move.

"Does this Tenglin recognize this Tibetan sword and know the origins of the Tibetan sword?"

The Tibetan Taoist Sword is actually the sixth peak in addition to the Five Peaks, which is also known as the Tibetan Peak. It is the place where the ancient non-teachers and five people lived.

Although Jiang Yun got the Tibetan sword, he also knew that the sword was left in the wild, but he knew nothing about the specific origin of the sword.

It is reasonable to say that since the Tibetan Taoist sword is a Taoist device, it must be extraordinary.

However, among the objects that Jiang Yun has played against in the past few years, there is no shortage of strong people, but no one can always recognize the origin of this sword.

Of course, Jiang Yun has never taken the initiative to inquire.

Now, watching Teng Lin's astonishment, coupled with the identity of the other as the elder of Jianzong, Jiang Yun wants to come, the other party should recognize the Tibetan sword.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun asked: "Teng Chang old know this sword?"

If Tenglin can tell the origins of the Tibetan sword, it is naturally best. If you don't say it, then Jiang Yun doesn't care.

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Teng Lin’s eyes slowly recovered from the Tibetan Taoist sword and looked back at Jiang Yun. He did not answer and asked: “Where is this sword, where did you come from?”

"Ginger's ancestral thing!"

"Which door are you?"

"Shan Hai asked for the separation!"

Originally, Jiang Yun was unwilling to tell his own origins, but he thought that his whereabouts now seems to be known to anyone, and he no longer needs to hide his identity.

What's more, now that Zonai is about to start, he can also make a name for Shanhai.

For the origin of Jiang Yun’s report, Teng Lin could not help but frown slightly.

When asked, he naturally knew that he had never heard of Shanhai.

However, he also clearly asked Daozong's way of expansion. Under the main sect, there were countless cases, so he did not care. Then he asked: "How long have you been with this sword?"

Jiang Yun’s brow wrinkled and said: “You came to avenge your son’s apprentice, or did you specifically ask me this sword?”

Although Jiang Yun’s words made Teng Lin’s eyes appear to be killing again, after a moment of silence, he said coldly: “You are lucky!”

As the voice fell, Tenglin’s figure suddenly rose to the sky, and disappeared from the eyes of everyone in the blink of an eye. He left the road and left Jiang Yun with a slightly wrong expression.

Jiang Yun really couldn't understand. This Tenglin came to the ground to kill himself. Not only did he smash the sword, but he did not care to kill dozens of monks.

However, after seeing the Tibetan sword, I asked myself a few questions about the sword, and then I left inexplicably.

He killed his son and abolished his disciple. He even gave up his pursuit of himself so easily!

"Is it because the origin of this Tibetan sword is too amazing, or the original master of this sword is strong, so Tenglin mistakenly thought that my relationship with the original owner is good, so I dare not shoot me?"

For a moment, Shen Yun felt that only this possibility could explain the reason why Tenglin’s behavior was so abnormal.

"However, the real luck is you! If I am not in a hurry, I must kill you!"

Don't look at the strength of Tenglin is really strong, but today's Jiang Yun is not without the power of a war.

Putting aside the Tibetan sword, Jiang Yun’s gaze looked at the bodies of dozens of monks in the nearby corpse, and he could not help but sigh.

The last time Song Yue chased himself, and even the old Wang family watched the old man and died. Now this Tenglin chasing himself, even more than dozens of monks died.

Under the silence, Jiang Yun’s fascination suddenly came out, and his body shape was also taken one step at a time. He appeared in front of a pale middle-aged man: “Those who died, if they have family members, let them Come to the body."

"This is some compensation I gave them. If not, then trouble you to bury them."

"In addition, I also told my family to speak with me. One day, I will definitely kill the Tenglin!"

While talking, Jiang Yun dropped a storage ring filled with Lingshi, then turned and left.

This middle-aged man is the master of this world.

Despite being a landlord, he did not dare to appear after Tenglin appeared.

In particular, I saw that Tenglin and Jiang Yun had to fight in their own world, so that he could only wait with fear.

Unexpectedly, Tenglin did not fight, and this Jiang Yun suddenly came to his face and explained his own words.

The repeated accidents made him return to God after a long time, and looked at the Lingshi filled with storage rings. The man couldn’t help but breathe a cold breath: "It’s really a big hand, it’s a nine-way. Zong, the body of a disciple of the district is so rich!"

Although he would like to take these Lingshi as his own, but he thought that he had just left Tenglin without thinking about it. When he thought of Jiang Yun’s identity as a disciple, he naturally did not dare to have greed. He just sighed and shook his head. I am unlucky to start dealing with the bodies of those who died.

After a while, Jiang Yun’s figure has appeared in the seam.

No way, Tenglin ruined the transmission array, so that he could only cross the road by walking through the boundaries.

It’s just like this, but it takes a little more time, so it makes him hate it too much for that Tenglin!


At the moment, Tenglin is also in the middle of the seam. The face finally reveals a thick and doubtful color: "How can this be? It is difficult, is this Jiang Yun the person the lord is looking for?"

"But this Jiang Yun, whether it is strength or identity, really should not be related to the sovereign."

"But the sword, I can never admit it!"

Within the Jianzong, about a few years ago, there was an outsider, even the inside and outside disciples did not know, that is, all the elders in the Zong, all were summoned by the lord, and everyone saw a sword.

A black sword with a handle!

The Sovereign also gave them an order, that if they could see the sword in the future, if the sword had no ownership, bring the sword back at all costs;

If the sword has a master, then no matter who its owner is, it is not allowed to shoot it, and it is necessary to report the other person's whereabouts to himself.

You must know that the Swordsman's lord almost never asked Zongmen, and all his thoughts were completely on the kendo.

Therefore, now the Sovereign has finally issued such an order. Although the elders are puzzled, they do not dare to neglect. Everyone has the details of the sword, all firmly engraved in their minds. Try to find it.

However, no one has found it over the years.

And this is normal. After all, the world is big, there are countless swords, and it is difficult to find a person, let alone find a sword.

However, Tenglin did not think that he would kill his own son and abolish his own apprentice's enemies, Jiang Yun, and saw the same sword.

In addition, the sword may not be known to others, but with his eyesight, it can be seen as a Taoist device at a glance, so he can be infinitely affirmed, that is, the sword the lord is looking for.

Only he couldn't figure out why this sword would belong to Jiang Yun, and he asked a few questions.

Jiang Yun’s answer did not help him with his doubts.

Therefore, although he can't wait to kill Jiang Yun, he does not dare to defy the life of the sovereign.

Since the sect is accountable and cannot be shot by the master of the sword, he can only choose to leave.

"I don't know if the Sovereign knows about this, will he really have to go to ask God in person!"

With this doubt, Tenglin returned to Jianzong!

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