The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1461: Come here for this

This sudden appearance, especially one alone, can not help but let Dao Tianyun ask the Taoist disciples are a slight glimpse.

Even Dan Daozi took back the steps he was about to leave, turned his head and looked at it with interest.

Being able to be asked to call the Lord as a guest, and to be greeted by the bell, must be the same big force as the Taoist.

For example, the rest of the Eight Avenues, Thunder Sky, Jiang Detian, Dao Temple and so on.

However, all such forces, as long as they hear the welcoming bells, will deliberately slow down and wait until the bell rings to formally enter the main sect.

Moreover, these big forces sent people to come to see the ceremony, it is impossible to be alone, certainly with a lot of disciples or men.

However, now, this person has not seen the distinguished guests, not only alone, but also the temper is obviously very impatient, even before the bell rings, it has appeared directly in the main sect.

No matter who is coming, since there is a bell ringing, Dao Tianyun naturally does not dare to neglect, once again complete the whole clothes, hands clenched fists, ready to meet.

When he finally saw who the person was, the whole person was suddenly struck by lightning, and his expression on his face and his body were all stiff again.

It’s not just him, but anyone who recognizes this person’s identity is all the same expression at the moment, even if Dan Danzi is a strange color.

But those who don't know this person are all frowning and have a suspicious color on their faces.

Because in their eyes, this looks ordinary, there is nothing special, the lonely middle-aged man who asked the main sect, it is not like a big man with a head and face.


At this time, the last bell fell.

The same is nine!

Naturally, this means that this unremarkable man, like the identity of Dan Daozi, is the same as one!

The bell will also wake up like a road of heaven and clay.

Even so, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief again. This was with a trembling voice, and he went deep into the middle-aged man in front of him: "The younger generations are lucky, see, see. Swordmaster, sword predecessor!"


Come, it is indeed the sword sect of the sword!

Although he is not alone, he has only kendo in his heart, and nothing else.

He did not pay attention to anything like etiquette and etiquette. He didn't even wait for the elders of his own ancestral hall, and he didn't care what the welcoming bells!

The sect of the Swordsman, these four words, like four megaliths, all fell into the hearts of all people, set off the waves of the sky!

Now, those who did not know the middle-aged man before finally understand why, they will be so shocked.

The lords of the avenues, the lords of the avenues, although the average person is indeed difficult to see, but for their looks, everyone will be more or less heard.

Can only be the Swordsman, not to mention the few people you see, even his appearance, everyone can rarely hear.

One is because the Swordsman’s lord is indeed ordinary, there is nothing special;

The second is because the Swordsman has not left the sword for too long.

No matter which event is held in this piece of heaven and earth, Jianzong will send elders and Taoists to attend, and the sovereign will never show up.

However, no one thought that this time, asked the Dao Zong's Zong Nai Da, even let the Swords Lord also personally come!

And this is why the road is so exciting.

Among his own sects, he was able to see the Swordsman of the Swordsman himself, except for his own master and a few elders.

For yourself, this is a supreme honor!

Therefore, after the completion of the ceremony, Dao Tianyun still felt that he was not enough to express his respect for the patriarch of the sword. The body that had been bent down did not rise up quickly. He still maintained this position and then said: "The swordsmen are coming to visit, it is really younger generation……"

However, after waiting for the Tianyun to finish the words, Jiansheng was already rudely interrupted: "Without a lot of gifts, I ask you, Shanhai asked where the people are?"

The sentence of Jiansheng said that the whole world has once again fallen into the dead!

The sentence of Jian Sheng is much more shocking than the shock that was brought to everyone when Tian Tianyun reported his identity!

The medicinal Taoist sect, Dan Daozi, is going to see the disciples of the mountains and seas, which is enough to shock them.

However, now the sword of the sect of the Tang dynasty, the sword is born, even to see the disciples of the mountains and seas.

Dan Daozi has at least a good time with Dao Tianyun, and Jiansheng is even too lazy to chill, and directly opens the door to see his own intentions!

At this time, Dao Tianyun’s heart is like having 10,000 fierce beasts, so that he can’t help but want to open his mouth.

The patriarchs of these Taoists, are their brains broken, and they ran to themselves and asked if they should not be observing the ceremony?

How do you have to come to see the mountains and seas and ask the people who are divided?

Not to mention him, even the elders of the main sect have the same idea.

As for the people in the mountains and seas, although they are also in the midst of extreme shock, they have not had much excitement.

After all, they don’t know anything about the Pharmacists and Jianzong, and they don’t know if such a big person wants to see themselves and others. Is it a good thing or a bad thing!

"Ha ha ha!"

Just then, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded, and laughter came from Dan Daozi!

Dan Daozi’s face showed a color of interest, watching the sword and saying: “Jiandaoyou, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

"Dan Daoyou! It is really a long time no see!"

Jiansheng saw Dan Daozi, even though he was so proud of his character, but he still had some good feelings for Dan Daozi, so he nodded politely.

However, that's it!

After that, Jiansheng’s gaze has been re-examined to the Tao Tianyun Road: “You didn’t hear the words of Jian’s? I want to see your disciples in the mountains and seas!”

Don't wait for the opening of the heavens, Dan Daozi has already said: "The Kendo friends are not safe, don't think we haven't seen it for many years, but now the purpose of asking the Taoist is the same."

Jiansheng’s gaze once again looked at Dan Daozi’s words: “Dan Daoyou is also asking for the sake of the mountains and seas?”

Dan Daozi nodded: "Does the Kendo friends come for this?"

The dialogue between the two Taoists is not intended, but the listener has the heart!

They came here personally, but they did not come to the Taoist priests for the ceremony, but specifically for the mountains and seas to ask for the separation!

At this time, Dao Tianyun suddenly turned his eyes and shook hands at the two people. "The two predecessors, I don't know if I did anything in Shanhai, and provoked two predecessors?"

"If it is, then the younger generation will be the main disciple and willing to accept the two punishments for them!"

I have to say that the words of Dao Tianyun are very beautiful.

When an unsuspecting person hears it, he really thinks that he is thinking about the disciples, and he thinks that he is fighting against the mountains and seas everywhere!

Moreover, this is actually a matter of how the Tianyun Yun is changing the way to find out that the two of them want to see the mountains and seas and ask the disciples, what is the matter.

Jiansheng looked at him and said: "Without your business, I finally asked you again, Shanhai asked where the disciples are?"

Dan Daozi is also taking a step, looking coldly at the road: "Yes, where are they?"


At the same time, with a series of crisp sounds of swords, the swordsman's elders and twelve swordsmen finally arrived.

Together with the disciples brought by Dan Daozi, everyone’s eyes are all concentrated on the Tao Tianyun!

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