The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1474: Protrusion

In the day of the inquiry, there is an enormously large world. There is almost no living being in it, and it is extremely empty. The Dainong, who asked the Tao, is held in this world.

In the center of this world, there is a circular platform with an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square feet. This is where many disciples compare.

In all directions, the platform is a stepped arrangement of countless megaliths, enough to accommodate as many as a million people.

Although the area of ​​the test is extremely amazing, it is impossible to accommodate all the main disciples who asked the Taoist and the people who came to observe the ceremony.

There are 300,000 disciples in the mountains and seas, and the number of other disciples is more or less, and the least is more than 100,000.

Therefore, among the disciples who do not play in the various divisions, naturally not every one can enter the vicinity of this platform.

Instead, let the guests fill up first, and then select a certain number of disciples from each of the divisions according to the number of seats left.

As for those disciples who can't enter the platform, they don't have to worry about not seeing the big ratio.

Because in this world, every other distance there is a cloud of up to a thousand feet erected, which will be presented clearly and completely than the situation on the test bench.

Therefore, as long as you are in this world, no matter where you are, you can see the big ratio.

On the night before Dabie, all the disciples who did not participate in the war were first sent to the world in a certain order, and were placed in various regions in a certain order.

Naturally, some people have already done statistics. Each of the sects can send 3,000 disciples to the seat of the test bench to watch the test.

These three thousand people will be selected by each of them.

In order to comfort the dissatisfaction that the demon disciples could not play, Shanhai Dizong specially gave almost three thousand places to the Yaozu.

In addition, the reputation of Shanhai and Zongzong has grown stronger over the past few days. Therefore, under the leadership of Laohei, their 3,000 disciples have not only entered the first test bench, but also have a very good position.

For the arrangement of the main sect, it is finally to give some comfort to the hearts of the demon people such as Lao Hei.

"This is almost the same!" Looking around, the old black face showed a satisfactory color, nodded, and the big hand waved: "Brothers, let's go!"

Three thousand disciples walked into the test bench with a cheerful look, and in their rear, the faces of several master disciples who were responsible for arranging them were ridiculed: "A bunch of silly goods, died It’s still so happy!”

After the disciples of the mountains and seas sat down, the other divisions entered, and then the main disciples entered, and then the guests who attended the ceremony entered, and finally they were the disciples.

In short, under the arrangement of the Taoist sect, when the day was just bright, everyone had already entered the test bench in an orderly manner, filling up all the millions of seats.

Naturally, the arrangement of the seats is also exquisite. The stronger the power, the stronger the strength of the guests, the better the position of the seats.

Only in this way, Dan Daozi and Bu Yi, who have been staying in the mountains and seas for the past few days, have to be separated from the mountains and seas.

Xia Zhongxing and others finally got together with Lao Hei, and Lao He, although they have already heard about the sects of the avenues in the past few days, they did not know.

At this moment, Xia Zhongxing's simple and concise general will be said, especially the arrival of the Earth Xinghe, and the news about Jiang Yun, so that everyone is very excited.

Lao Hei was excited and asked: "Where can the **** brother come to participate in this big ratio?"

Xia Zhongxing smiled and shook his head. "This is not known, but the predecessors of the Goblin family said that he should come. Perhaps, he is now heading for it!"

"I also believe that he will definitely come!" The tone of the old black is extremely certain: "Because the **** brother, I have never let us down!"

Just then, a shout of cheering finally sounded, and interrupted the dialogue between the mountains and the sea.

It turned out that the center of the platform appeared in the sky!

At this moment, everyone's emotions have become high, because the emergence of Tao Tianyun, in order to simply introduce the rules of Dabi, after his introduction, is the official start of Dabi.

These days, although the reputation of Dao Tianyun is not as good as Jiang Yun, but many people have known and remembered to ask Daozong the next lord.

At this moment, Dao Tianyun had a smile, and he continued to hold his fists around him, greeting him with someone he knew.

However, when his gaze fell on the mountains and seas, the brows were suddenly wrinkled, and the smile on his face was instantly turned into a anger: "Shan Hai Zong Zong, you are so bold!"

When I heard the words of Tian Yunyun, everyone was slightly stunned, and the original lively atmosphere suddenly calmed down.

In particular, the people in the mountains and seas are even more stunned, not knowing what happened.

Only the Tao Tianyou, who is also sitting here in the mountains and seas, has a sudden change in his face.

Dao Tianyun’s face is like a frosty cold, cold and cold road: “As everyone knows, I asked Daozong to be a Taoist patriarch, and always only accept humanistic disciples.”

"Although you are only a sect, but since I asked the sect of the sect, then naturally we must abide by this rule!"

"You have recruited the demon disciples in the mountains and seas. I read that you are from the wilderness, and you will not pursue them, but now you dare to let so many demon disciples sit here!"

Speaking of this, Dao Tianyun suddenly reached out and pointed out that Tianyou said: "Dao Tianyou, you used to be the sovereign of the mountains and seas, this matter, you give me a statement!"

In a word, everyone’s eyes were all focused on Dao Tianyou’s body, and Dao Tianyou’s face was already flushed.

He finally understood that he had put down his self-esteem on the same day, and even hesitated to swear by a finger, but in exchange for the play of Tian Yunyun.

From the beginning to the end, Dao Tianyun has not changed his decision!

He wants to make a sudden rise in the beginning of the big ratio, and to be an embarrassment to himself and the disciples of the mountains and seas in front of everyone.

Not only is Dao Tianyou aware, but everyone in Shanhai and Zongzi also understands!

Although they understand, they are also well aware that even if they and others will tell the truth now, no one will believe it.

After all, the dialogue between Dao Tianyun and Dao Tianyou, except for the two of them, no third person knows.

More importantly, Dao Tianyun occupies the truth!

Looking at it, now all the disciples who are sitting here and asking the main sect and the sects are all human.

Only my own mountains and seas have come here, but almost all of them are demon!

In contrast, the contradictions and inconsistencies of their own mountains and seas are even more apparent.

"It's no wonder that let us enter the first batch. It's no wonder that we have arranged such a good position for us. It turned out to be embarrassing to us!"

After the old black grits, after just saying this, I just wanted to stand up and scream, but Xia Zhongxing grabbed his arm, and under the aura of anger, he held his body and said: "Don’t move. !"

At the same time, the voice of Dan Daozi also sounded in the ears of all the disciples of Shanhai: "Everyone of you, sit down for me, no one can shake!"

Although Dan Daozi didn't know the specific things, but he couldn't see the Tianyun Yun in the deliberate martyrdom.

In particular, he also saw a group of outsiders asking the main disciples, who are already gearing up, staring at everyone in the mountains and seas!

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