The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1476: Dead and dead

Three thousand disciples of the mountains and seas, now all of them are red eyes, murderous in the eyes, staring at the hundreds of law enforcement disciples in the body.

Although there are only a hundred law enforcement disciples, the weakest ones are the heavens, and it is really necessary to move their hands. Shanhai is not an opponent.

A young man with a temperament took a step and said with a blank expression: "Do you want to go by yourself, or do we need to do it?"

The old black cold road: "We don't go anywhere!"

The young man is no nonsense, and he waved: "Hands!"

While talking, he has already caught the old black, and the old black eyes flashed in the cold, and laughed loudly: "You dare!"

The voice fell, and the black mist had already risen above the old black, spreading toward the surrounding.

Old black, finally started!

With the old hands, Dao Tianyun's face flashed a sinister smile, and Dan Daozi was a long sigh!

This time, Laohe finally gave the opportunity to kill them!

However, Dan Daozi also knows that the practice of Dao Tianyun is too much, let alone the old black, and replaced it with any one person. Faced with such a situation, I am afraid I can't help but shoot it!

Thinking of this, Dan Daozi once again stopped the moon, which was also ready to stand up, by voice, but he grew up.

Although Dan Daozi knows very well that he is coming out at this time, it is equivalent to interfering with Taoist chores, which is a provocation for any sect.

But he is more aware that if he really looks at the old black and they die in front of themselves, then they will face Jiang Yun again.

Dan Daozi’s attention was completely concentrated on the mountains and seas, so he did not find it. Just as he stood up, he was placed in the seat of the Yuanyuan who was not far from him. The coffin on it was also slightly shaken.

It seems that there are people who want to appear inside.

In the place where the Taikoo Yaozu gathers, the Earth Star River is full of anger, and the lips are squirming, apparently talking to someone.

Even in a small world outside the world, there is a middle-aged woman who looks up and raises her feet and seems to be ready to take it one step at a time.

However, at the same time that Dan Daozi stood up, Bu Yi, who was beside him, whispered softly: "Dan Daoyou, since they asked Daozong's chores, it is better to ask them to solve their own problems. Ok."

"We are outsiders, don't let go!"

Bu Yi suddenly said this sentence. Let Dan Daozi's heart can't help but move!

In today's situation, it is impossible for Shanhai to have the ability to solve this problem. However, Bu Yi is persuading himself not to take the shot, but to ask them to solve the problem.

Although Bu Yi has not yet explained who the so-called disciple he has to wait for, and what is the relationship between the mountain and the sea, Dan Daozi knows that he will at least not be an enemy of Shanhai.

Coupled with the difficulty of Bu Yi's mastery, it means that he must have foreseen something, so he will discourage himself.

However, Dan Daozi really can't think of it, and can't see it. How can Shanhai and Zongzi have the ability to solve today's crisis?

At this time, Lao Hei has completely turned into the truth, not only wrapped his own door, but also shrouded the disciples of the main law enforcement court.

Naturally, this is his technique of cloud and fog!

For the scene that happened in front of us, no one was worried about asking what the main disciples would have.

After all, the old black is only the strength of the heavenly environment.

The facts are indeed true. From that fog, the cold voice of the former disciple was suddenly revealed: "The mountains and the seas are not respected by these demon people. According to my rules, killing innocents!"

This sentence is extremely loud, and it is clearly introduced into the ears of everyone present, so that all those who are worried about the separation of mountains and seas can not help but feel tight.

Dan Daozi, who just sat down, couldn't help but stand up again, but at this moment, there was a sudden sound coming from the sky.

"Rules? First, people are driven out of the sect. Now they say that others are disobeying. When did you ask this time?"

“It’s hard to be done. Is it now unreasonable to ask Dao Zong?”

"Moreover, suddenly there is such an unreasonable rule. I should inform you in advance, after all, I can count as a disciple of the first half."

The sound of this sound, and the series of words he said, suddenly made everyone stunned.

Most of them naturally don’t know who the person is, just think that the person who spoke is a bit embarrassed...

However, Dao Tianyou, Lan Huazhao and some disciples who were originally Shanshan divided, after hearing this voice, suddenly showed a surprise color on his face.

In addition to them, some people's faces are exposed to the color of surprise, because they already know who the owner of the sound is!

It’s just that they can’t imagine that this person would actually say that he is a half disciple of Dao Zong!

At the same time, the gently twitching coffin in Guiyuanzong regained its calm;

In the small world not far from this world, the middle-aged woman is also smiling and taking back the foot she is about to take.

Dan Daozi really took a deep breath and looked at the calm and easy-looking Bu Yi, and extended his thumb to him: "Bu Daoyou, amazing!"

Dao Tianyun frowned, although he did not know who the voice was, but he did not pay attention to it, but spoke to many law enforcement disciples in the fog: "Hands!"

However, it is a dark fog with a group of blue light falling from the sky and turning the old black, together with all the people inside it.

Then, a silhouette appeared slowly on the sky.

This man is wearing a blue gown, looks twenty years old, looks mediocre, with a smile on his face.

Although it seems that this person does not have the slightest special features, but seeing him, everyone feels incomprehensible.


In a void, a turbid river is slowly circling.

From there, there is a whisper of a nightmare like: "Death, die, die!"

Naturally, here is the world of life and death!

The person who talks is Jiang Yun who has been wrapped in Huang Quan!

He already doesn't know how long he has stayed here, and he doesn't know how many dead words he said, and he doesn't know if he will wake up.

However, if someone's eyes can see through Huang Quan and see Jiang Yun in it, they will find that at this moment, his body has become extremely terrible!

Almost all of his powerful body has been completely shrunk and his skin is tightly attached to the bone.

Especially the hair is all white, the face is wrinkled and stacked, the cheekbones are high and raised, and the closed eyes are deeply trapped in the eye sockets. It is like a cockroach that has become a dead and rot. .

Even the vigorous fire in his body has almost turned into black!

This all shows that today's Jiang Yun has been firmly wrapped in death, and is walking towards death.


An old sigh suddenly sounded: "After all, it still fails. It must be shot. If you don't take it again, he will really die!"

"However, even if I shot, now in his case, I can only send him to the dead world!"

Jiang Yun almost turned into a black fire, suddenly protruding a crystal clear palm.

However, at this time, like a cockroach, Jiang Yun, who is going to be a wood, has repeated the word "death" that he has not known how many times, but suddenly it has become - "born"!

"Dead, dead, dead...born!"

"Sheng" word export, Jiang Yun, opened his eyes!

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