The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1526: Think more and no benefit

"What exactly is going on?"

Looking like a demon god, I have completely got rid of the assimilation technique of Dao Tianyun. Jiang Yun standing there, the doubts and shocks in everyone's mind have reached the limit.

They can clearly feel that not only their own breathing, but even their own heartbeat, as if they are slowly beating with Jiang Yun’s heartbeat.

If we say that the assimilation technique that was applied before the Tianyun Yun was to assimilate Jiang Yun’s body and himself, then at this moment, Jiang Yun did not use any technique, even without any action, but let everyone The body seems to be assimilated with his body.

Naturally, this also makes people unable to understand, and does not understand why Jiang Yun’s body suddenly has such earth-shaking changes;

Why Jiang Yun’s body at the moment seems to be much more powerful than the innate body of Tian Yunyun.

The congenital body, it is already the strongest body that exists in the legend.

However, there is still a body that is stronger than the innate celestial body. This is beyond their understanding, beyond their imagination, and they can't believe it, but they have to believe it.

Although everyone is shocked at the moment, Jiang Yun suddenly became a very powerful body, but Jiang Yun himself is extremely dissatisfied.

Originally, he thought that the role of the sorrowful demon pattern would only speed up the break of the seal left by Grandpa.

However, he later learned that the role of the sacred magic pattern is not to break the seal, but to transform his body on the body and in those areas where there is no seal!

It is a transformation, but it is more like a kind of excavation.

It seems that although his body is indeed a demon body, the corresponding power that should have been is deeply hidden.

This kind of concealment, any external force and gods can not be detected, only the "satisfaction" of the dead magic pattern can be excavated.

In other words, in order to completely restore your body to the sorcerer's body, the premise must first untie the seal left by Grandpa.

If Dao Tianyun continues to torture his body with the power of his body, if time is enough, all the seals left by Grandpa will be completely broken.

It is a pity that because his breath has risen too fast, it has caused the uneasiness of the heavenly movement, so that he will not continue to destroy his body, and thus he will lose a great opportunity to directly unlock all the seals of Grandpa.

Therefore, my body today is not really a true body of silence.

However, it is enough to deal with Tao Tianyun!

Jiang Yun put away all the thoughts, looked coldly at the road, did not open his mouth, just slowly raised his feet and walked toward the road.


This step of Jiang Yun fell, and the sound of the landing was as loud as thunder, and it resounded throughout the world and resounded in the hearts of everyone.

With the move of Jiang Yun's step, Dao Tianyun's body shape has involuntarily stepped back.

Although it was just a simple one-in-one retreat, it has already caused the position of the two of them to be reversed, and it has also changed the face of Tian Tianyun, causing everyone's heart to tremble.

Jiang Yun is taking another step.


Taking three consecutive steps, Dao Tianyun exited three steps!


Dao Tianyun's chest was violently ups and downs, and the color of the eruption erupted in his eyes. Once again, he screamed in the sky, and in every pore above the body, there were countless other lights.

Innumerable stocks of powerful atmosphere rose up to the sky, condensed together, turned into a storm that connected the world, and rushed toward Jiang Yun.

Everyone knows well. Nowadays, the battle between Jiang Yun and Dao Tianyun is not the strength of both sides. It is not their cultivation, not magic, but their respective bodies!

The congenital body, the battle against Jiang Yun, almost no one knows the powerful body of the origin.

In the face of the oncoming storm, Jiang Yun kept going, taking another step and taking the initiative to welcome him, so that the storm came to him in an instant.

However, this storm actually split into two from the middle, although the wind blows Jiang Yun's hair and clothes all high, but it does not hurt Jiang Yun, but whispers from both sides of Jiang Yun's body... ...

This scene is like a deja vu!

Not long ago, Jiang Yun’s various attacks could not hit the body of the Heavenly Movement, but he could only let the attack of Tian Tianyun hit him.

Now, it is the turn of Jiang Yun.

At the same time, Jiang Yun once again said: "Dao Tianyun, what tricks, although let it out, otherwise, I am afraid you have no chance."

Hearing Jiang Yun’s constant action, he repeated everything he had said to Jiang Yun from the previous words, and Dao Tianyun’s face was twisted together because of anger.

At this time, there was an endless purple glow on his body again!

With the appearance of this ray, the sky of this world suddenly sagged.

The original clear sky instantly fell into the darkness, and the wind and the earth trembled, giving the impression that the world was going to be destroyed.

"No, this is really going to be ruined!"

The face of Dongfang Bo changed first. As he spoke, the big sleeves waved, and a blue light screamed out. Suddenly, he grew up and shrouded all the people in the mountains and seas.

When I heard Dongfang Bo, Dao Tianyou and others waited first, but then they said in a hurry: "Predecessors, we have many other disciples here."

Dongfang Bo once again said: "The third child!"


Xuanyuan line promised, and the three incarnations that always condensed behind them suddenly went in three directions.

In addition to the Oriental Bo, the other powerful forces of the various forces have also shot, each of them to display the supernatural powers of the disciples under their own doors.

Even all the elders who asked the main sects were screaming loudly: "The monks of all the sects of the main sects will immediately protect all the disciples."

Because they are all very clear, Dao Tianyun has raised his level of cultivation to a level once again, and he has once again upgraded his realm to a level of one, and entered the world of heaven and earth, thus welcoming his heavenly people. The first robbery!

The horror of the power of the first robbery of heaven, all the strong are well-informed.

Not to mention that Tianyun is an innate celestial body, then the power of the first robbery that he ushered in must be more than imagination, and the world cannot afford it.

Everyone at this time did not have the heart to watch the battle between Jiang Yun and Dao Tianyun. They were busy trying to protect their disciples, and some even hurriedly left the world.

Only Jiang Yun is still like an outsider, stopped his figure, stood there, looked up at the world of wind and clouds.

Although Jiang Yun knows that the demon body is far stronger than the innate body, there are still gaps in some places.

In other words, in this domain, the sorcerer's body is inferior in some respects to the innate celestial body.

For example, the speed of cultivation!

Dao Tianyun can use the innate celestial body to raise a realm, but Jiang Yun’s sorcerer can’t do it.

Unless, Jiang Yun’s sorcerer’s body can be achieved, he can completely ignore the various avenues of existence in this world.

This is too far away for Jiang Yun, so he does not think too much.

Now Jiang Yun wants to know that if he wants to take the shots again, then the first robbery he will bring will fall on his own.

“I don’t think so much, I’ll know it!”

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