The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1529: Hard hit hard

When Jiang Yun was enveloped by purple light, both the original Dongbo and Situ Jing were ready to help Jiang Yun.

However, I did not expect that Jiang Yun actually in turn absorbed the lines, and also let them have no chance to shoot.

At this moment, I saw the six elders who asked Daozong to stop Jiang Yun from killing the Tianyun. They naturally would not stand by and watch, so they appeared and blocked the six people.

Oriental Bo noodles said with a smile: "We don't mean anything, but we just want to talk to the elders. Are the elders not willing to show their faces?"

Although Dongbo is completely blind in the eyes, the six elders are also afraid to speak.

After all, as the palm of the hand, their three brothers and sisters are equal to control all the boundaries, and the number of boundaries is more than ten million.

Even though not all the Taoists will obey the orders of the three of them, even if only one percent, one thousandth of the Tao is willing to follow them, it is also a very large force.

Moreover, the three major palms have existed for a long time. In the past few years, if the three of them did not have some loyalty to the road, no one would believe it.

Although I dare not offend the two, but the first elders will also face the face: "The two palms, if my disciples have any accidents, then we ask Dao Zong can only find The two palms have to say it!"

Dongfang Bo’s brow wrinkled, and the smile on his face suddenly turned into an unpleasant color: “This elder, you can’t say this right, you ask the disciple’s disciple to have an accident, and what can our brothers and sisters have? relationship?"

"We didn't do anything! I said, we just want to chat with the elders."

"If you don't want to show your face, then just say, why do you need to plant our brothers and sisters!"

In the words of Botanic in the East, the voice of the fast-moving voice of the heavens came again: "What are you doing, come and protect me!"

Without the obstruction of the six elders, Jiang Yun is getting closer and closer to the Tianyun.

Hearing the help of Tian Yunyun, the head of the elders suddenly looked at the other nine powerful Taoist screams: "What are you doing, you are not going to save the heavens!"

Then, he also said with a heart: "The two palms, we only have to offend, wait until the end of the matter, I will personally go to the door, apologize to the two!"

When the voice fell, he first waved his sleeves, and countless ice crystals emerged from the air, attacking Dongbo and Situ Jing.

Since Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing, they want to stop themselves and others, then they and others will also drag them, so that the nine strong Taiwanese will save the road.

Asked about the nine Taoist strongmen left by Zongzhong, who heard the elders’ anger, hurriedly swayed, and appeared in the middle of Jiang Yun and Dao Tianyun, surrounded Jiang Yun and blocked again. Jiang Yun’s way.

Moreover, these nine strong players apparently often act together.

Because at the same time they fell, the position of each person has already arranged a formation.

A middle-aged man headed by Jiang Yun shouted loudly: "Jiang Yun, quickly retire, don't be obsessed again..."

Responding to him is Jiang Yun that has raised his hand and condensed all the power of the shock!

In the face of the five-day robbery of the heavens and the people, although Jiang Yun has the power of a battle, but still can not be an opponent, but in the face of the Tao, the current Jiang Yun is the power to kill.

As for the array...

Nine people's faces can't help but change together. They didn't expect Jiang Yun to dare to shoot under the encirclement of his own nine people.

Therefore, they also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to persuade Jiang Yun, and the nine people flickered and ran the battle.

With the operation of the array, I saw nine people's bodies twirling nine lights, condensed into a huge mountain, with trees, strange rocks, like real.

However, when the mountain just condensed out, Jiang Yun’s fist that went out was just the smashing of the huge mountain of the mountain.

The feeling for everyone seems to be that Jiang Yun knows that there will be such a mountain in advance, and even knows the specific location of the mountain. Therefore, punch out in advance and crush the mountain before it is completely solidified!

The truth is true!

Although the power of the array of these nine people is indeed not small, but in the eyes of Jiang Yun, there are only four words - flawed!

Coupled with the powerful knowledge of Jiang Yun, it is easy to infer the operation mode and attack method of this array, so throw a punch in advance.


In the fierce roar, this mountain, which is still fully formed in the future, will explode directly.

The power of the explosion made the bodies of the nine people swell together, and they also showed a shocking color on their faces.

"Come back!"

Nine people launched the attack again, and this time, they also had nine auras rising into the sky, turning into a huge incomparable palm, and went straight to Jiang Yun.

However, this time they did not use the power of the formation, but with the effect of the formation, the strength of the nine people condensed together, in the simplest and most direct way, attacked Jiang Yun.

They are able to cultivate into the Taoist world, and naturally they are experienced and experienced.

Through the fist of Jiang Yun, they have already realized that Jiang Yun is also very accomplished in the way of the formation. With the power of the formation, he has no help for himself and others, so he simply gave up the formation.

In the face of the palm of the hand that has gathered almost nine powerful players, if there is no strong Jiang Yun who has the power of the dead, it may not be hard to pick it up.

But nowadays, he feels the power contained in the palm of his hand, but it is a flash of cold in his eyes, raising his hand, and in front of him there is also a huge black palm, which also condenses all his power, 狠狠Welcomed.

Hard to hit hard!


The impact of the two palms burst into a terrifying sound of horror, so that many monks in the seams were screamed by the sound.

The power that erupted from this palm formed a circular wave of air, sweeping away in all directions, making the world tremble again and again.


The earth is cracked everywhere, the mountains of the mountains collapse, and the world has finally begun to destroy!


Jiang Yun’s figure receded, and a blood spurted out, while his eyes were staring at the nine nine figures that were also flying out to the front!

By the time his figure stopped, he couldn’t attend to see his injury, but his body was shaking and he strode again toward the road.

Until then, the nine strong men of the Taoist platform fell to the ground, each person's face with a horrible color is pale, and the seven squats are screaming out of blood.

With the power of oneself, Jiang Yun shocked the joint efforts of nine powerful Taoist soldiers!

Although they can't believe it, although they still want to struggle to stop Jiang Yun, but the blow has almost consumed all the power in their body, coupled with the current injury, so that they have no way to stand up.

However, even if they can stand up and block Jiang Yun again, they believe that waiting for them will still have the same consequences as they do now.

even death!

Looking at the road that has been close to him, Jiang Yun faintly said: "Dao Tianyun, this time, I see who else can save you!"

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