The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1545: Casualties

In the picture, Jiang Yun and the body of the moon have been planted in nothingness.

However, on the body of Jiang Yun, there is a black light that illuminates and wraps up the body of Jiang Yun. Then, it disappears without a trace, leaving only the moon still lying still in the fire. .

The picture, when it is here, is the real end.

And looking at the picture that there is no Jiang Yun, the nameless eyes are still unwilling to remove.

It was not until long after the past that he did not know how long it took, and a long sigh was heard in his mouth, and then the sleeves disappeared and the picture disappeared again.

Even the colorful light of the nearly 100 world explosions that have been settled, all of them are dissipated under this force, revealing a riddled seam and inside. Countless monks still frozen.

If Jiang Yun can see this scene, he will know that he is holding the same crazy behavior as he did, and he is actually in front of the nameless saying that the main road is unknown.

Looking at the many monks, the unspeakable gaze directly fell on the body of the murder that Jiang Yun summoned. After the slightest sinking, he pointed to it.

As soon as I saw that the body shape was slightly trembled, it also began to dissipate like a bubble.

However, just as the avatar's figure was about to disappear completely, his gray-white eyes suddenly illuminate two lights, and even with a flowing flow, his face reveals a smirk, which completely disappears.

Because calling the imaginary is the name of the back to the road, so the nameless name did not find the abnormality of the last moment of calling the virtual.

After doing all this, the Tao looked at him again and again, and then he carried his hands and turned to ask the direction of the Lord, and walked away.

As the nameless figure disappeared and disappeared, the settled area suddenly returned to normal, and all the monks returned to their ability to act.

However, they obviously did not know what they were fixed, and they did not know that during the period in which they were settled, there was a brief conversation between the three superpowers in this area.

They just wondered that the power of the horrible world explosion would have disappeared inexplicably.

However, they have experienced too many shocks and incredible people, but they have not been able to follow the truth of the incident.

Especially the forces who came to observe the ceremony, now it is hard to rob the rest of their lives, and they dare not stay any longer.

Even if they couldn’t even tell each other, they had already taken their own disciples with their own ethnic disciples and escaped from the seams.

This is true even for the five elements and the second class.

If they change, they may also ask the Taoist trouble.

After all, they are guests who come to observe the ceremony and ask the Tao to have the obligation to protect their safety.

Nowadays, they all have different degrees of death and injury, at least let the Taoist sect give them a saying that makes them satisfied.

However, after seeing the powerful and terrible strength of the lord, they still have the courage.

Even in their hearts, they have secretly made up their minds, and in their lifetime, they will never step into this half-step.

Soon, there is only one left in this area to ask Dao Zong and Xuanyuanxing!

Asking Dao Zong, it can be said that the casualties are heavy and the sorrows are everywhere.

The main disciples who were here were almost killed, and even three of the seven elders died.

However, the situation of the main sect is actually fine.

Because after all, it is just a question of the comparison test, not the real thing of the Zongmen.

The main disciples who come here are only responsible for the protection and other duties, so even if these disciples are all dead, there is not much influence on the main sect.

Only the fall of three elders can be regarded as a relatively large sacrifice.

As for the number of casualties in the case, it is very amazing.

At least one-third of the many disciples died, and almost two-thirds of the remaining ones were injured.

However, some people have noticed that the dead disciples are basically classified as six or more.

In other words, they are the ones who once bullied the mountains and seas.

Although I don’t know if this is Jiang Yun’s deliberate targeting of them, or their luck is too bad, after these wars, their living disciples, since then, the words “mountain sea” or “Jing Yun” have become They are forever lingering nightmares.

At this time, there were a large number of figures in the distant seams. These naturally asked the main disciples, who came to clean up the mess and clean the battlefield.

As for the mountains and seas and the medicinal tracts, the Taikoo Yaozu, etc., because they have already received the reminder of Situ Jing, they have not suffered any losses, almost unharmed.

At this moment, many disciples of Shanhai and Zongzi, each with a look of hope and eagerness on their faces, are constantly looking around, hoping to see a familiar figure among the many figures.

It is a pity that as time goes by, the expectation and desire on their faces are gradually becoming sad and turned into helplessness.

Among the crowds, I don’t know who made a low cry, and this crying is like a contagion, and it is spread all over the crowd.

"Cry and cry!" Just then, a roar suddenly screamed, overwhelming the cry of hundreds of thousands of people, and let everyone close their mouths.

Xuanyuanxing holding the Oriental Bo, the tiger's eyes are round and round, sweeping everyone's face one by one: "The younger brother is not dead, he just disappeared, and it will not take long, he will definitely come back!"

Although the voice of Xuanyuan was shocking, even though he let everyone not cry, but at the moment he turned around, the round eyes were equally foggy.

Situ Jing, who has returned to his body, suddenly walked to the side of Bu Yi, deeply bent down, did not speak, and kept standing in this position.

Bu Yi difficult naturally knows the purpose of Situ Jing, and sighs: "Situ Daoyou is not like this, not that I don't say it, I really don't know!"

However, his answer made Situ Jing straight up, gave a fist, and nodded: "Thank you for your friend!"

Although Bu Yi difficult did not give Situ Jing the answer, but for Situ Jing, do not know, it means that at least Jiang Yun may still be alive.

After that, Situ Jing turned around and looked at the many disciples who had been divided into mountains and seas: "The younger brother said that when he was not there, let me take care of you, so before he returns, you should follow me first. Let's go!"

Without Jiang Yun, it is impossible for everyone in Shanhai to continue to ask for the day.

And with their strength, although the world is big, there is nowhere to go.

However, with the fall of Situ Jing's voice, Xia Zhongxing, who has already revived, is arrogant to Situ Jing: "Thank you for the kindness of the seniors, but we want to go back to the mountains and seas."

"There is our home, if the **** brother returns, then he will definitely go home first!"

Although the outside world is indeed very exciting, but for those who have experienced all of this, they would rather return to the secluded mountains and seas.

Situ Jingwei sank and nodded. "Okay, I will go back with you!"

Dan Daozi came over and said to Situ Jing and Xuanyuan: "The two palms, there is something I need to help, open at any time."

The two held a fist and just wanted to express their gratitude, but at this moment, the piece had just recovered the calm seam, and suddenly it was once again raging.

An incomparably strong atmosphere, descending from the sky, turned into a huge whirlpool, a whirlpool, slowly emerged a face!

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