The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1566: Both sides

Appearing in front of Jiang Yun is a young man who seems to be only about twenty years old.

Although the man's body is tall, but the body is a bit thin, it seems that there is not much meat on the body.

Although it was ice and snow, the temperature was extremely low, but his body was just wearing a single coat, and the one with a little tender face was frozen and red. Covered with frostbite.

Especially on the hands of the rusty knife that he held in his hand, he was covered with frostbite. At first glance, he lived in this snow and ice all year round.

Most importantly, he is not a monk, just a mortal!

Looking at this hand holding a big knife, round his eyes, scornful contempt for his man, Jiang Yun did not feel the slightest accident.

Although he has not used his own knowledge for a long time, after entering this snow, he has some indications that there must be someone living here.

And the snow in the side of the body hides the individual, but he can't beat him anyway.

As for the case of being robbed, he does not feel fresh. He has encountered several times during the three years of walking.

After all, not everyone can live a life without worry, and not everyone can be poor and happy, so there will be many people who choose to become robbers, become thieves, and rob others.

Of course, some of these people are really forced by life, while others are for nothing.

For such people, Jiang Yun will not care about them, let alone what they are for, and will give them a certain amount of money each time.

Fortunately, they are only seeking money, not fatal.

Therefore, this time, Jiang Yun still took out a few pieces of broken silver from his arms and gently put it on the snow in front of him: "This is all the silver in my body, you can take it!" ”

The young man glanced at the silver on the ground and glanced at the thin **** cloud that he wore. He grabbed most of the silver, but left a piece of broken silver. "You are not afraid of freezing, this silver. Leave it to you, hurry and buy some clothes!"

"Thank you!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly, and he was welcome. He put the piece of broken silver back into his arms and looked at the man: "Can I go now?"

The man held the knife in one hand and held the pieces of broken silver in one hand. Hesitated and asked, "Where are you going?"

"There is no fixed place to go, just walk around!"

Jiang Yun’s answer made the man suddenly open his eyes and looked at Jiang Yundao like a monster. “Where are you coming here to walk around?”

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Don't you let it here?"

"You are sick!" The man pointed at the knife tip of the big knife in his hand and pointed at Jiang Yundao: "It's ice and snow, others are too late to hide, you still ran here to walk around, not afraid to be frozen to death?"

In the face of the very rude attitude of men, Jiang Yun is not angry: "Although it is really cold here, the scenery here is very beautiful, but it is not seen in other places!"


After the man repeated the two words, his face was suddenly inexplicably slid down, and his eyes slowly swept over and said: "What did you see?"

The sudden change in the attitude of the man made Jiang Yun’s eyes flash a little puzzled, but he still replied: "Snow!"

The man’s look is more indifferent: “Yes, you saw the snow, is this snow beautiful?”

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded. "This snow is white, pure, and really beautiful!"

Jiang Yun’s answer, let the man’s tone continue to be colder than this snow: “In your eyes, this snow is pure white, clean, beautiful, but you know, this snow, how many people have been taken away s life!"

"My father, when I was born, in order to allow my mother to drink broth, risking heavy snow to find food, and when I left, I never came back!"

“The uncles in the village, in order to add a piece of warm clothes to the children, they will never come back again!”

“Every year, after someone in our village leaves the village, they never come back!”

"They, they are buried in this heavy snow, buried in the snow that looks like you are beautiful!"

The man suddenly snarled and screamed at Jiang Yun with anger.

This embarrassment seems to have all the strength in his body, so that he can sit on the ground with a weak butt, and even tears come out in his eyes. The mouth is still talking, but the voice is much smaller.

"Now, my mother is sick, can't move in bed, I want to get some money for my mother to see a doctor, but I can't hit the prey at all, can't find something that can be exchanged for money!"

"Even if I can change the money, it is definitely not enough for the doctor to come back to the village with me because the snow here is too cold!"

"All I can do is watch my mother lie in bed and die!"

"All this is because these are the scenery in your eyes, the white and pure snow!"

At the end of the day, the man suddenly burst into tears!

Jiang Yun quietly stood there, his body was covered with countless white snowflakes, like a snowman, motionless, but his heart was full of shock!

Every word that the man said, every word, is like a sharp edge, deeply pierced into his heart!

Indeed, as the man said, as a bystander himself, he only saw the whiteness of the snow and saw the purity and holiness of the snow.

Although he did not use his own cultivation, his body has undergone tempering and has not been afraid of the cold of this area.

However, for ordinary people who live in this snow and ice all year round, to the hard life here, this snow has nothing to do with the scenery!

The man wiped a tear and continued: "For you, this snow is a beautiful scenery in your eyes, making you feel good and pleasing, so that you are willing to walk around, but for us, this snow is Cold, despair, death!"

The man’s words made Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly jump, and there was a vague feeling in his mind.

Even he can be very sure, as long as he can make this feeling feel concrete, then he can find his own way.

Jiang Yun stood there and really thought about this feeling, and the man sat on the ground and sobbed constantly.

I don't know how long it took, the man finally stopped crying, and wiped the tears on his face with tears: "Sorry, our experience has nothing to do with you!"

While talking, he also stood up again: "My mother told me that everything in this world has both sides!"

"They always exist there, they don't change, they change, but when we see it all, the attitude in the heart!"

"Your heart is right, what you see is positive, your heart is opposite, what you see is the opposite!"

"As we are, there are good and bad points."

"When you are mourning, you are a bad person. When you have good thoughts, you are a good person!"

The man raised his hand and handed it to Jiang Yun’s face: "Although I was a bad person, my mother hoped that I could be a good person forever! I will give it to you, and you will leave here quickly. This snow can really freeze people." of!"

The man also turned around and looked around the white snow road: "Actually, when I was just sensible, when I saw this snow for the first time, this snow was really beautiful!"

As the man's voice fell and stood in front of him, Jiang Yun, who had almost been covered by heavy snow, suddenly showed a dazzling light in his eyes.

This light shrouded the man's body, and suddenly dispelled the chill in his body, let him bathe in the sun!

Even, even the snow above the sky, which has not been known for how long it has fallen, has finally stopped under the light of Jiang Yun’s eyes...

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