The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1574: Not to die

At this moment, everyone in the city of Moyun heard the sound of the earth-shattering explosion, and they all were scared to stand in the same place, looked up and looked at the four figures appearing above the sky!

In the city of Moyun, there are also monks, and it is natural to know that these four figures must be monks.

Therefore, there was a monk in the city who was the strongest Taoist monk who hurried to the sky and appeared in front of the four men. He clenched his fists and politely said: "I don't know which four friends are sent. What is my business in Moyun City?"


Hidden Hood took a sneer and glanced at the monk who said: "Whoever gives you the courage, let you call us a friend!"

With the sound of the words of Hidden, he also exuded his own hidden cultivation.

Suddenly, the spiritual monk felt as if he had a big mountain and slammed into his body.

He simply did not have the slightest possibility of contending, and fell directly from the air, pulling the earth out of a deep pit.

Although he did not die, but lying there, his seven miles are constantly flowing out of the blood, the pale face is even more revealing the endless panic color.


The powerful pressure formed by the scent of the hidden Hong, the entire building in the city of Moyun, together with the land, all violently shaken.

The nameless wilderness, the strongest is only the monk who protects the environment, and almost never has contact with the outside world, so for them, it is impossible to imagine that there is such a powerful monk in this world, just by breath. It will make the ground shake.

Even the monks are so shocked, not to mention those mortals who do not have the slightest repair.

Everyone's body trembled with the vibration of the earth, and everyone's face showed a sense of fear. I don't know where the four inexplicable people are sacred.

Feeling the fear of the hundreds of thousands of creatures in Moyun City for themselves and others, Hidden's face could not help but reveal a scornful smile.

You must know that he has not yet erupted his strongest breath as a strong man of heaven and earth.

Originally, he thought that this world, which is hidden by the power of assimilation, is so powerful!

Unexpectedly, here is just a wasteland.

If you really burst out of all the breath, then the wilderness will not be able to withstand it, and it will immediately fall into a complete collapse.

After Hidden's gaze swept through everyone below, the cold voice said: "We are here to find a monk named Jiang Yun."

At the same time of talking, Hidden is also waving a handful of aura, condensed into the appearance of Jiang Yun.

"This is his appearance, but he may have changed his face after he came here and changed his name, but he should have come to your world about nine years ago."

"Now, you have to give me a good thought. At that time, have you seen any strangers here?"

Although all the people in Moyun City have been scared to move, they can see the appearance of Jiang Yun, and every word that Hidehong said is also clearly introduced into their ears.

Naturally, they did not dare to neglect, and they all began to work hard to recall.

Nine years, for the mortal, it is not too short, and in any town, there are strange faces appearing almost every day, so they really can't think of it, there is no trace of the Jiang Yun.

Others can't think of it, but among a small hotel, a 50-year-old middle-aged man has a sudden change.

This man is naturally Zheng De!

Because Jiang Yun let his Zheng family succeed, he saved his wife and son, and he has great kindness to him. So since Jiang Yun left Moyun City more than three years ago, he always remembers Jiang Yun and even jail. Keep in mind the time of Jiang Yun’s appearance and the time of leaving.

Therefore, at the moment, when he heard the time stated in the hidden mouth, he immediately realized that Jiang Yun, who was looking for the other side, should be the treasurer of Renxintang, his own **** brother!

This made his heart suddenly tighten, his mouth closed, and his mind quickly turned his mind, thinking how to help Jiang Yun.

Although he does not know where Jiang Yun is now, these four people are too strong, so he feels that it is best not to let the other party know that Jiang Yun once lived in this city.

Hidden is still there loudly: "Jiang Yun, are you here? If you don't show up again, then all the creatures in this city will die for you!"

At this moment, Meng Qiao suddenly reached out and pointed to the following: "You have the atmosphere of the dead world."

"So, you should be Jiang Yun's unwillingness to interfere in the reincarnation of Tiandao, the **** person who was taken from my dead world!"

Everyone’s eyes suddenly looked down at her fingers, including Zheng De!

At first glance, Zheng De’s body suddenly became stiff again.

Because he was surprised to find that the other party pointed, it was actually his wife who was holding Zheng Xiao!

Under Meng Qiao's fingers, Zheng De's wife's body floated uncontrollably, which made her pale face even scared.

Zheng De’s body is violently shaking, and a bite of teeth is about to be broken.

Although he wanted to rush to grab his wife, he couldn’t move at all. He could only watch his wife and son, and he rose higher.

"Say, Jiang Yun, where is he, what is your relationship with Jiang Yun?"

Meng Qiao looked at Zheng De’s daughter-in-law coldly and said again: “If you don’t say it again, then I will bring you back to the dead world together with your children.”

Hidden also slightly converges on the pressure that he exudes, and Zheng De’s daughter-in-law has shivered and opened her mouth.

At this time, she naturally thought of it, the treasurer of the benevolent hall that is good to them, is Jiang Yun!

Although she didn't want to say anything about Jiang Yun, she couldn't help her to kill her son.

But when she just wanted to speak, there was a screaming scream in the bottom: "Can't say, death can't be said!"

The person who is awkward is Zheng De!

Although his wife and son are in danger, Zheng De will never forget the scene in which Jiang Yun took a packet of medicine to him. He must not forget that he walked in front of himself with Zheng Xiao and told his mother and son to be safe. That scene...

Therefore, even though he is already bursting into tears, even the most extreme eyelids and the biting corners of his mouth have even blood donation, but still licking his wife, death can not be said!

"Can't you say death?"

Hidden Hung smiled coldly: "I didn't expect you to be such an ordinary mortal, you can have such loyalty. If so, then I will fulfill you, die!"

When the voice fell, Hidden reached out and straightened to Zheng De.

Seeing that his palm was about to fall on Zheng De's body, in this Moyun City, suddenly there was a force that skyrocketed, and it turned into a palm, and slammed into the palm of Hidden.


The two palms collided, and the palms that rushed out of the city of Moyun suddenly dissipated.

Although Hidden is a bit unexpected, the sneer on his face is even more powerful: "Jiang Yun has left a force to protect you."

"It’s a pity that his own strength will not work. He also wants to protect you through a force. It’s an idiotic dream!”

The voice of Hidden has just fallen, and there is a sudden violent wind between the heavens and the earth. In this gust of wind, there is a very indifferent voice: "You, are you saying me?"

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