The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1576: I do not like

As they have speculated, Jiang Yun’s body is still sitting on the mountain, even his eyes are not open.

But his knowledge of the gods is merged with the world in a strange way.

Although he is sitting here, he can clearly see the hidden Hong who stood above the city of Moyun, and see Zheng De in the city, seeing the expression of everyone.

Everything that happened in the whole nameless wilderness, even if it was the wind and the grass, could not beat him.

As long as he is willing, he can control all the forces of the world, such as the gang that has just attacked Hidden.

In order to protect the city of Moyun, Jiang Yun also temporarily gave up the intention of pulling the hidden Hong together with them.

At this moment, they are afraid to shoot, and let him let go of his heart, open his eyes and go all out to deal with the robbery.

Although for the other monks who are about to enter the situation, what they encountered was the first catastrophe in their lives, but for Jiang Yun, it was already his third catastrophe.

When he stepped into the cave and the Thunder’s way into the heavens, they each ushered in a robbery.

Therefore, looking at the dark clouds, there are all kinds of shining sky, he has no slight tension and fear, as if he is just a bystander.

But this does not mean that he has no emotions. His eyes have turned into blood, exudes endless fierce light. His long black hair has skyrocketed and almost dragged to his feet, and his strong body. Above, it is even more exuding murder.

Hidden and others are also watching the sky. Even if Jiang Yun is standing in front of them, they will not shoot Jiang Yun.

Although they do not want Jiang Yun to enter the Tao, but at this time, they also know that they are unable to stop.

The only thing that can stop Jiang Yun is this robbery!

Therefore, they also want to see what Jiang Yun’s road robbery will be.

Since the road robbery originated from the avenue and the avenues are numerous, everyone cannot know the specific form of the robbery in advance, but it is certain that the robbery must be composed of the road pattern and contains the power of the road.

Although the Tao of the Tao is arbitrarily, it can be speculated based on the sensibility that everyone perceives.

It’s just that they don’t know what kind of Tao Yun’s understanding is, and naturally there is no guess.

Surprisingly, under the gaze of everyone, after a quarter of an hour, the dark clouds that were bred in the robbery were still shining and shining, but they were not seen. The road robbery appeared!

This can not help but make everyone's face have a puzzled color.

After all, although the robbery is horrible, it is not a human being. It will not deliberately slow down the coming time, so that the people who are robbing will continue to withstand the pressure brought by the robbery, and will completely collapse when they cannot bear it.

The road robbery represents the avenue, and it is supreme. Its power is also clean and neat, or it is directly killed by the power of the avenue.

Anyway, for the hidden Hong, they don't say anything, they have never even heard of it. The road robbery is only a gestation, and it takes so long.

However, this also gives them a look.

The longer the time of the robbery, the stronger the power.

Naturally, the lower the possibility of Jiang Yun’s crossing the road, the more likely it is, and the direct death is in the road robbery.

As for Jiang Yun, it was in such a wait, lost patience, and raised his hand, a force from the fingertips, rushed to the dark clouds above the sky.

Although Hidden, they still don't know where Jiang Yun is, but they all see the power that is shot, and their face can't help but change again.

They naturally know that the power must come from Jiang Yun.

In the face of the road robbery, all the looters were almost all treacherous, waiting for the advent of the robbery.

But Jiang Yun, the thief, clearly lost the patience of waiting, even took the initiative to take the lead to attack the robbery!

Even if they are, they have to admit that Jiang Yun is really daring.

Throughout the ages, few monks dared to do this!

With the power of Jiang Yun’s shot, under the mountain where Jiang Yun was sitting, it was a sound of bitter laughter that no one could hear. “I forgot to remove the power from him...”

If you let Hidden or Meng Qiao hear this sentence, then it will be even more shocking.

Obviously, the reason why the road robbery did not move is not to be gestating, but because even if it is a road robbery, even if it is the power of the road, it cannot find Jiang Yun under the protection of assimilation.

However, with Jiang Yun’s pointing out, it is equivalent to exposing his position.

Therefore, in the dark clouds that have been ready to be sent for too long, suddenly there is a red thunder, and the speed is extremely fast toward Jiang Yun.

Seeing this red Thunder, the eyes of Hidden and Meng Qiao and others could not help but show their surprise.

The Thunder is a form of disaster that the monks most often encounter.

Among the robbings, the most common ones are the Thunder, but the Thunder is not a real thunder, but a dove pattern.

However, the color of the Thunder is different, and the power of the robbery is different.

Red, in general, is already very powerful.

What's more, what they didn't think of was that among the red thunders, there was even a smashing killing!

Although the power of the avenue is powerful, it should never be mixed with any emotions.

For the avenue, all beings are cockroaches, so even if he wants to kill Jiang Yun, he should not give up the killing.

This is like when you want to kill a cockroach ant, there will be no killing in your heart.

Because it is not worthy, the ants are not worthy of your killing!

However, there is such a clear killing in this Thunder!

Under the gaze of Hidden and others, the red Thunder finally fell heavily, and the amazing sound of "bang" was emitted, splashing the red light of the sky.

Looking far away, the light is like blood, bright and glaring.

In the light, there was a figure, and raised his foot. From one step, he came to the Moyun City from the foothills and came to the face of Hidden and others!

Looking at the figure that appeared in front of him, the faces of both Hidden and Meng Qiao were revealing doubts.

Although they can all see that the appearance of this figure is indeed Jiang Yun, but this Jiang Yun's body is clearly distinct.

Especially the fierce light emanating from the blood-red eyes of Jiang Yun, so that even if they saw more of them, they felt a shudder.

The murderousness of the overbearing meaning of Jiang Yun’s body made them feel a painful skin on their bodies.

And this, and Jiang Yun in their memory, is like, but there is no small difference.

So that Hyunhong couldn't help but ask: "You, is Jiang Yun?"

Jiang Yun looked at him coldly and coldly: "Is the world of life and death that you sent me. Why don't you know me now?"

Upon hearing this, the face of Hidden Happiness suddenly changed. This is his biggest secret, but now it is directly broken by Jiang Yun.

This also made Meng Qiao look at him thoughtfully.

Although Hidden Hood could not immediately put Jiang Yun in his hands, but now the road robbery is coming, so he resisted the impulse to shoot.

Jiang Yun no longer cares for him, and he did not even go to see Zheng De and others below, but looked at the gates of Moyun City. The cold road: "This Moyun City's 'Word, I don't like it!'

While talking, Jiang Yun raised his hand and reached out to the high-hanging plaque at the gate of the city. He saw the word "Mo" on it and suddenly became "magic!"

Magic Cloud City!

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