The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1582: Jiang Yun

"Oh? Is it?" Hidden Hong suddenly laughed and said: "Then I really look forward to it, I am looking forward to how you can kill me!"

At this time, the nine thunders that were also aimed at his last wave have already fallen on him.

And he temporarily closed his mouth, while dispelling the power of the Thunder, while watching the evil Jiang Yun with a sneer.

At the same time, not far behind him, the good Jiang Yun has also received 18 golden thunders.

The second road robbery is over!

Above the sky, heavy black clouds began to dissipate, and the power of avenue protection on the evil Jiang Yun began to fade.

Looking at all of this, Hidden's mouth spit out a long breath, and after the last thunder of the body was dispelled, his face showed a smirk, facing the evil Jiang Yundao: "Now, let's die!!"

Evil Jiang Yun did not respond, but looked at Hidden with a sneerful look.


Just then, behind Hidden Hung, there was a thunderous sound of earth-shattering again.

I saw a huge golden thunder of a size of a thousand feet, like a glimpse of nothingness, rushing toward the hidden glory.

After this huge incomparable thunder, it also sounded the voice of the good Jiangyun: "Except evil is to do good, kill you, I will not have any guilt and burden in my heart!"

Because of the late attention of Hidden, it was completely concentrated on the evil Jiang Yun, so he did not see the process of reconciliation.

Heshan Jiangyun, just as he swallowed the first Thunder, put all the thunders from the robbery, and a lot of them into his own body.

For these Thunder, he did not take it for himself, but at this moment, he suddenly sprayed them all out of his mouth.

At the same time, He Shan Jiang Yun also frowned slightly.

The expression was so distinct that after he had eaten the Thunder, he suddenly felt that the taste was not good, so he spit it out.

Sure enough, he shook his head and said: "The thunder of the Tao of this situation and the thunder of the first robbery of the heavens, the power can not be compared."

"However, both are made of lines, not real thunder, so I can't absorb it, and it's useless to me!"

At this time, there is no sound at all in the ears of Hidden, and nothing can be seen in the eyes.

In his eyes, only the huge golden thunder that was rushing toward him quickly made his face show a dignified color.

Now, he finally understands why the evil Jiang Yun will have the confidence to kill himself.

Because, from the beginning to the end, the evil Jiang Yun is doing all kinds of preparations for killing himself.

Just the evil Jiang Yun was the one who took the 18 red thunders as a stick and let himself hurt.

Now, there is another huge thunder that is coming to him.

Even if you are yourself, facing such a terrible thunder, you will certainly suffer a minor injury.

Because of this thunder, a total of thirty-seven thunders that He Shanyun experienced in this robbing were brought together!

Thirty-seven, completely made by the lines, completely from the thunder of the power of the avenue!

Therefore, he did not dare to pick up, but chose to hide.

His figure has become blurred,

But at this moment, he always attacked his evil Jiang Yun, but he suddenly put out two arms that filled the dead magic pattern, and hugged his body.

This made Hidden Hong suddenly shocked again, arrogantly said: "Let me go!"

Although he immediately launched an attack, the evil Jiang Yun still has the protection of the avenue, so his attacks were all shocked.

"I said, it will be you who will die!"

Evil Jiang Yun's two arms are like the world's strongest lock, firmly locking the body of Hidden, so that he can not break into the space.

When I spoke this sentence, I looked at the huge thunder that had already come to the face of Hidden Hung. The face of the evil Jiang Yun also showed a strong excitement.


The Thunder finally slammed into the body of Hidden and Evil Jiang Yun, and the golden light that swollen opened up, illuminating the world and completely engulfing the two.

At this moment, Meng Qiao’s faces were all shocked.

Because they also did not think that after the good Jiang Yun can actually swallow the thunder of the robbery, they can turn it into their own weapons and use it to attack.

However, they did not take the opportunity to attack the good Jiang Yun.

At this time, although they still don't understand why it is clearly the avatar and deity of Jiang Yun, but the Avenue has to treat them as two different people, but they have accepted this fact.

Therefore, since this kind of good Jiang Yun has successfully passed the road robbery, it means that the avenue will soon protect him and temper his body.

Attacking him now is tantamount to wasting his own strength, so the three people just look at the endless golden light, waiting to see how the hidden end of Hidden.

They are not worried that the good and the good will escape, because even if they escaped from the world, the outer boundary is full of endless ghosts.

That Jiang Yun is the real self-seeking dead end.

"I want to kill you and kill you!"

Not waiting for the golden light to disperse, there is already a voice full of anger in the hidden Hong.

Then, a figure rushed out of the golden light, it is Hidden!

Although Hidden is not dead, his left shoulder and his arm are completely gone.

Even the face is full of flesh and blood, and one eye has become a hole in the black hole.

This is the power of the thundering avenue of the thirty-seven lines of the thunder, even if he is robbed by the heavens and the five, he is seriously injured under all of them!

At the moment, Hidden Hung, the facial features on the face have been completely distorted, and the body is even more exuding the murderousness of the sky.

There is only one eye left, staring at the figure of the evil Jiang Yun who is coming out of the golden light behind him.

The hands of the evil Jiang Yun are also **** and fuzzy.

Obviously, when attacked by the thunder, the power of avenue protection on his body has disappeared.

However, he is hiding behind Hidden, so the injury is obviously much smaller!

Seeing the emergence of the evil Jiang Yun, Hidden immediately gave a roar, just like a beast, rushing straight toward the other side.

As a clan patriarch, as a special assassination of other masters, he has not suffered such a serious injury in this life.

However, nowadays, the strength of the two is not far worse than that of his Jiang Yun.

It can be imagined that the hatred of Jiang Yun in the heart of Hidden has reached the limit, and it is impossible to let go of Jiang Yun.

Looking at the hidden hong rush to his own, the face of the evil Jiang Yun once again showed a cold smile, his body flashed, he turned and fled, and the speed reached the extreme, in the blink of an eye, it has disappeared from the eyes of everyone.

This is enough to show that today, he is no longer an opponent of Hidden, as long as he is caught by Hidden, then his end is death.

Of course, Hidden Hung will not let him go. He said that there is only a curse that he can understand, and he does not hesitate to follow the evil Jiang Yun.

At the same time, in the mountains of this nameless wilderness, a figure that has been sitting for too long has finally slowly raised his head.

Looking at the dark clouds above the top of the head, the figure said to himself: "I am finally about to enter the Tao, now I should be able to kill that guy!"

As the voice fell, the figure grew up, and a ray of light crossed the sky, illuminating his face.

He is also a ghost!

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