The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1637: one question

Although Xuepao has already told Jiang Yun about each time they enter the field battlefield, for Jiang Yun, there is actually not much reference value.

Because every time they enter, they are only the periphery of the battlefield. The purpose is to catch a few weaker beasts.

Even the time of each visit is not too long, long months, and short days, so the understanding of the extraterrestrial battlefield is not very detailed.

As for the monks who have destroyed the domain, they have never had any contact.

If you think of the entire extraterrestrial battlefield as a circle, then the domain is on the side of the circle, and the domain is on the side of the circle.

In order to reach out to the monks, you must pass through the center of the circle, that is, through the center of the battlefield.

Don't talk about blood robes. According to his words, even if Jiang Yun's master is old, he can't do it.

However, since Jiang Yun wants to save the moon as a fire, it means that he must cross the center and reach the side guarded by the monks.

It is conceivable that he will encounter a great degree of danger.

Although the situation provided by the blood robe does not bring any substantial help to Jiang Yun, but looking at the world with a maximum size of only one gate, Jiang Yun knows that this is the gateway to the extraterrestrial battlefield from the domain!

Any monk who wants to enter the extraterrestrial battlefield must first cross this portal.

Naturally, it has a monk guarding the territory and is extremely powerful.

Because of this small world, it is also the last line of defense of the monsters in the extraterritorial battlefield.

Jiang Yun stood in the darkness, and the knowledge spread and looked around. After confirming that there was no abnormality, it took a step toward the world.

By the time he came to the world, he had already restored his true appearance.

Because the people who are here are almost completely isolated from the Tao.

They will not control which Zongmen family you are from, and will not control your purpose in the extraterrestrial battlefield, and will not inquire about any of your origins.

Even if you are in the dojo, there is no evil, and they will not care.

All they do is just record your name.

If you can return to it someday, they will take your name.

If not, your name will be recorded here forever.

For the sake of confirmation, it is to confirm how many monks in the domain will enter the field battlefield.

With the shape of Jiang Yun finally entering the world, at the same time, it is already in the middle of an empty and innocent world.

This world is completely built by the monks with supernatural powers, and it is not for living in the living, so there is no geographical environment in it, and there are only a lot of traps that can be seen or invisible.

Naturally, the aura here is also ample scary.

Because the whole piece of land is completely built with Lingshi, it is for the long-term maintenance of the monks here to provide aura.

Just as Jiang Yun just appeared here, before he could use his knowledge to look around, his ear had already sounded an indifferent voice: "The place is not moving, it falls to the ground, and then to you." Walk three feet six in front left!"

Jiang Yun knows that the monks who are here are hiding under the earth.

Moreover, the land seems to be flat, but in reality it hides the trap, so that according to the other party's instructions, it has reached the position requested by the other party.


With a radiant glow, Jiang Yun once again had a flower in front of him, and he was already in a huge cave.

Looking at it, there are thirteen passages around this cave, which stretched out in all directions and infinitely, and could not see the end.

What makes Jiang Yun shocked is that there are countless pieces of stone standing in the cave.

Each stone monument has a height of ten feet, and it has a dense name...

Next to the stone tablet, a black-haired old man sitting cross-legged, wearing a gray gown.

For the emergence of Jiang Yun, the old man did not even open his eyes, just a faint saying: "Choose a blank space, leave your name!"

Although this old man is full of breath, but Jiang Yun is not difficult to judge that the other side of the realm should be the Tao.

Such a strong, even in the nine avenues are the existence of the elders level, in other forces is a party overlord.

However, here, it is only responsible for guarding these stone monuments, leaving each person to enter a name.

Jiang Yun rushed to the old man to hold a fist, no opening, his eyes swept through the countless names left on these stone tablets, and the shock in his heart was even more intense.

You must know that each stone monument here can leave at least tens of thousands of names, and the number of stone monuments is more than one hundred.

Today, most of the stone monuments have been filled.

In other words, at least more than a million monks have entered the extraterrestrial battlefield from here, and have never returned!

If it wasn’t for his own eyes, Jiang Yun couldn’t believe that there were so many monks in the Taoist domain that had entered the field.

Although not everyone is protecting the domain, most of them are.

Among them, some may still be alive, but some may have been buried in the belly of the monster, buried in the field battlefield.

In addition to the names on these stone tablets, they have never left any traces in this world.

Jiang Yun does not know who wants to make such a stone monument, and wants to let everyone who enters the field battlefield leave their own names.

But this method is the only way to commemorate these monks.

Jiang Yun didn't look at these names any more. Instead, he went to an inconspicuous stone monument in a corner, where he found a blank space, reached out and placed it on top.

The purpose of Jiang Yun’s coming here is to save people. It is not like the monks, but to protect the domain and protect the family, so he is embarrassed to leave his name in a conspicuous place.

Even Jiang Yun originally didn't want to leave his real name, but looking at the names of these people, he finally chose to leave his real name.

Because leaving a pseudonym is a big disrespect for these people!

Jiang Yun!

Thinking about it, Jiang Yun added the word Shan Hai in front of his name!

Adding your own hometown before the name is also the practice of many people.

After leaving the name, Jiang Yun went to the old man who had not blinked from beginning to end. He took a storage ring from his arms and gently put it on the ground: "Predecessors, there are several pots of wine inside. It’s a little bit of a younger generation, and I’m also pleased with my predecessors!”

This is naturally the blood robe told Jiang Yun.

When the blood robe came here for the first time, it was the old man, who has been to him until now.

Because the number of times has come, although the blood robe does not know the name of the old man, but knows that the old man is good wine, so every time he comes, he will bring some to the old man.

This time, the blood robe did not come, but still remember to let Jiang Yun bring some.

This kind of behavior is not to please the old man, or to beat the old man's flattery, but to respect the old man.

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, the old man blinked slightly, and some of the muddy eyes lit up after seeing the storage ring on the ground.

"Although this is definitely someone who has instructed you to do this, but this wine, I can not accept it, plus you are here for the first time, I allow you to ask a question!"

The old man finally opened his mouth, but it made Jiang Yun stunned, because the original blood robes did not have such treatment.

Naturally, Jiang Yun also knows that this is a golden opportunity. It’s just that there are too many questions about the battlefield outside this field. What questions should I ask?

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