The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1651: Entering the giant city

Before the closed city gate of the giant city, a figure was facing away from Yan Zhaohe's book madness, standing quietly there, looking up at the majestic walls in front of him.

Looking at this back, I heard the sound of the sound in my ear, Yanzhao and the book mad two naturally know that the other party is Jiang Yun!

For Jiang Yun to be able to return to the fifth town before the two of them, the two are not surprised.

After all, it is now six days since Jiang Yun went to chase and kill the beast.

At the speed of Jiang Yun, six days, back here, very normal things.

In particular, Yan Zhao, at this time turned his head and squinted at the book, his face was full of excitement.

Although there is no opening, but the book can not understand what he meant, nothing more than reminding himself, his own gambling, lost!

Jiang Yun is definitely the last to chase the demon beast, so he returned to the fifth town boundary in advance.

The book madness did not pay attention to Yanzhao, but screamed: "The speed of the Taoist friends is amazing, and I am bothering."

"Hey!" Yan Zhao was suddenly screaming: "It's not because of you, after the monsters are brought in, they don't solve it, but they go to chase the Tai!"

"If we were not to kill the more than 200 monsters, we have already returned!"

When I mentioned this matter, Yan Zhao had a temper in his heart. It was obvious that he wanted to look at the strength and performance of Jiang Yun. I didn’t expect it to be the second to solve the monsters.

Jiang Yun finally turned around and looked at the book madness. He said with no expression: "This Taoist friend just let me kill the monster beast to prove his identity, but he did not tell me. To kill the monster!"

Yan Zhao said with a face: "That is Taiyang? Have you killed it?"

"No!" Jiang Yun shook his head.

Jiang Yun’s answer made Yan Zhao’s face flash a touch of joy again, and at the same time he glanced at the book madness.

The book madness is too lazy to care for him, and he is holding a fist in front of Jiang Yun: "Even if the Taoist friend failed to kill Taiyang, but the performance of the Taoist friend in the face of the monster, we all look in the eyes, it is enough to prove Friends are not the devil's beast."

"Now, if the Taoist friends don't give up, please come with us!"

While talking, the book mad hands made a number of prints, hitting the closed city gate of the giant city.


This always closed city gate, under the impact of these prints, finally opened to the sides.

However, just after opening a gap, it stopped.

The book madness once again said: "Daoyou first please!"

Jiang Yun did not speak, turned directly and stepped into the city gate.

Although the gate only opened a gap, but the thickness of the gate reached a hundred feet, so like a deep lane, Jiang Yun took dozens of steps to cross the gate.

The reason why Jiang Yun did not use cultivation was because when he passed through the city gate, he saw the inner wall of the city gate, and also engraved with countless runes.

These runes exude an undetectable volatility that covers themselves and feels like a pair of eyes looking up and down at themselves.

Naturally, this is also the setting of the monks in the city in order to prevent the demon from posing as a human being.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Jiang Yun also allowed these runes to check himself.

With Jiang Yun finally entering the city, the book mad and Yan Zhao two talents joined in, the city gate is closed again.

Jiang Yun looked up and began to look at the giant city in front of him.

From the outside, the city is just a sense of majesty, but at this moment in the city, it makes Jiang Yun feel a sense of desperation.

Because this is not so much a city, it is better to say that it is a bunker!

In the city, there is no such thing as a restaurant or other building in the normal city.

There is only one building after another, shaped like a tower, which is dense and inexhaustible.

Looking at it, you can't see the end at all, at least there are thousands of people.

The length and width of these buildings are uneven, some are as high as a thousand feet, some are only a hundred feet, and the width is also three or fifty feet.

Within each building, although it was blocked by the wall, Jiang Yun knew that there were monks sitting in the town.

And on each building, it is also full of countless complicated runes.

Some of the formation methods, some of the composition of the ban, even Jiang Yun in it also recognized the rune composed of the voluptuous print and refining the demon print and other simple refining prints.

There is a stream of light between these runes, and the cyclical flow of the cycle begins with a hint of invisible pressure.

In short, every building here is a powerful attacking instrument.

With Jiang Yun's accomplishments on the road, he can see that all the buildings are clearly a series of large-scale buildings.

Arrays, arrays!

Once the array is fully open, the power, even if even Jiang Yun can not imagine, but it is absolutely ruined!

The sound of the book madness once again sounded in the ears of Jiang Yun: "The Taoist friends also saw it. The reason why this city cannot be allowed to enter is because it is necessary to avoid these arrangements in the city being known by the monsters."

Jiang Yun nodded in understanding.

If the monsters really launch a large-scale attack, then with this giant city and these buildings in the city, at least let the monks have the power to counter.

"I know that there are certain problems in the hearts of the Taoist friends, so please come with us!"

After the madness of the book fell, the path between Yan and Yan Zhao led the way. Jiang Yun followed the two men and walked through the buildings until they reached the highest building.

"We are guarding the monks in the fifth town, and in addition to being responsible for surveillance in the boundaries, they live in these buildings on weekdays."

While explaining to Jiang Yun, the book madly made a few more prints and hit the wall in front of the building.

After a stream of flashing lights, the walls automatically separated to the sides, revealing a hole.

Looking through the hole inward, you can see a layer of winding stairs.

The book madly reached out and pointed to the hole: "Daoyou, please!"

Jiang Yun did not hesitate to step forward again, went straight down the stairs to the top, and entered a room.

Although you can't see the inside from the outside of the building, but in this room, the walls around it are all transparent, you can clearly see the outside situation.

Here, that is, the highest point in the city, look around, the entire giant city, even the fifth town boundary is a panoramic view.

After Jiang Yun only swept a circle, he recovered his gaze.

Yan Zhaohe and the book madman also entered, and the book laughed and said: "The conditions here are simple, and there is nothing to entertain the Taoist friends. They can only sit on the ground."

After the three of them all sat down, Jiang Yun calmly looked at the two people: "You don't have to say anything about the guest. The two should already know my identity. Can you explain it to me now, why should I let me kill?" That is too central?"

Regarding Jiang Yun’s attitude, Yan Zhao’s point of view is somewhat incomprehensible, so he still has a face and a cold voice: “The kid, we only know that you are called Jiang Yun, who is a refining demon, and the others don’t know.”

"Let you kill Taiyang, you know that you can't kill it. It's nothing more than to see if you dare to start with the monster, so as to judge whether you are being robbed by the monster, is it a vain person!"

“Virtual world?” Jiang Yun brows slightly wrinkled: “What is the virtual world?”

Yan Zhao did not answer Jiang Yun at all. He said, "You don't have to ask questions urgently. You haven't killed Taiyang, so your identity is still open to question."

Jiang Yun glanced coldly at Yan Zhaodao: "Although I did not kill Taiyang, I don't know, can this prove the identity of Jiang!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun slammed toward Yan Zhao and raised his big sleeves!

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