The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1654: Looking for less master

The book shook his head and said: "We don't know this, but it is said that the name of the virtual world is composed of one of the names of the three big devils."

Although the book madness did not give a clear answer, Jiang Yun is almost certain -

Calling the virtual, it must be one of the three big devils who created the virtual world!

And the strength of this imaginary world is indeed incredible.

So powerful calling, it is just one of the three big demon.

Although the strength of the two big demons is unknown, even if they are weaker than they are, they should not be weak.

Naturally, this also makes Jiang Yun understand that when he was in the world of nine colors, he would devour the illusory and undecided souls, and the falsehood was not a false statement.

He really hasn't died yet!

A strong man who can create the greatest power in the extraterrestrial battlefield, how could it be so easily killed by himself.

It’s just that he kills himself like a avatar.

Even Jiang Yun thought of the time when he left to tell himself that the field battlefield monster suddenly became smart, before 11 or 2 years.

At that time, I was asking about the day and the nameless war, and in order to go with the nameless, I would summon the call out.

Although he later lost consciousness and was brought into the nameless wasteland, the murder that he must have summoned himself should have been solved by the nameless name.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of the death of the imaginary, which is known to the demon sacred, which began to intentionally spur the monsters of the extraterrestrial battlefield to gather together to attack the towns frequently.

As for the union of the two forces that do not return to heaven and the imaginary world, in fact, they have already guessed it, and even suspected that the original is a prisoner.

These prisoners, after being sent to the extraterritorial battlefield, know that there is no hope of returning, and some may choose to kill a lot of monsters, but some will choose to smother with the monsters.

However, the most unexpected thing for Jiang Yun is that there are even ethnic tribes here!

I just don't know if these nine ethnic groups entered the extraterrestrial battlefield after the emergence of the Taoist domain, or they were already in the extraterritorial battlefield before the dojo appeared.

In addition, the other four forces, their purpose in the field battlefield, Jiang Yun can speculate.

Not returning to heaven and imagining the world, nothing more than to annex the domain or destroy the domain;

The life and death gate naturally exists as a protection domain;

Then Dao Zun and the Nine Nationalities have also created their own forces in this extraterritorial battlefield. What is the purpose?

With these thoughts flashing in my mind, Jiang Yun only felt that his brain was a bit confusing and simply asked this question.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that the book mad would not answer his own question, or he did not know, but did not expect the book madness to give the answer very happy.

"The purpose of the Jiuzu here is to find their young masters!"

"Little Lord!"

This answer makes Jiang Yun suddenly think of the dream that he did during his coma.

There are nine strong and nine strong people in the dream, and a baby is found in the passage connecting the extraterrestrial battlefield and the domain.

The nine ethnic groups, they have a common master, this person has the power of silence, and the strength is extremely powerful in the destruction of the domain.

But I don't know why, this person left the domain with the nine people, created a domain with a seed, and finally seemed to be killed by the nine people.

Then the younger the Nine people are looking for is naturally the descendant of the strong, even the most likely, the baby.

Jiang Yun’s heart once again came up with the thought he once thought: “What kind of identity is that baby? Is it, is it... me?”

At this time, the book mad again said: "Well, Jiang Daoyou, I can tell you all."

"Although there was a little misunderstanding between us before, but now we are sincere, you should also see it."

If the book is mad, let Jiang Yun return to God, look at the book mad, realize that the other party tells himself that it seems to have another purpose.

Sure enough, the book madly hesitated a bit later: "Although we are responsible for guarding this field outside the battlefield, but not every monk who is here is our life and death!"

"We have a very strict selection of members for the life and death. Among the five towns that the Taoist friends have already experienced, only those who are counted as leaders by us and Cheng Zuo are members of the life and death gate."

"I don't know Jiang Daoyou, the reason why we know your identity is because from the beginning of Zuo, the leaders of four consecutive towns, they told us about your situation one by one."

"In short, they are very optimistic about Jiang Daoyou, so they are daring and want to invite Jiang Daoyou to join us!"

Jiang Yun finally understood, this is the real purpose of telling them these things, and even letting themselves kill the evil beast Taiyang!

The book mad followed: "Jiang Daoyou, in the field battlefield, although the strength of the virtual world and the return of the heavens is strong, but we can live to death today, it is not to be underestimated."

"You just have to join us in life and death, so no matter what you are going to do here, we can give you as much convenience as possible."

I have to say that this sentence of book madness really makes Jiang Yun a little tempted.

The purpose of coming here is to look for the moon and Lu Xiaoyu.

Even if they are mad, they don't know the whereabouts of the three, but since they can be connected to each other, they are likely to have a transmission array between each town, or between each level.

As long as you become a member of them, you can greatly shorten your time in this field, and you can return to the domain early.

"In addition, you can rest assured that for Jiang Daoyou, we will not ask you to be in the same town as we are."

"You can stay here, you can return to the domain, and even we can send you to the domain!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed a strange color.

Unexpectedly, the power of life and death is even greater.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun asked: "Why is it so special for me?"

The book mad smiled, did not answer, but looked at the demon beast at the foot of Jiang Yun from the beginning to the end!

He has given the answer!

Jiang Yunlian's king of the monsters in the fifth-level area can easily be tamed, so that in time, perhaps Jiang Yun can retire the more advanced monsters, thus completely solving the threat of the field battlefield monsters.

Of course, if you let them know, Jiang Yun has killed six or seven monsters like Wei Jiu, and even killed the words of calling the virtual, at this moment to invite Jiang Yun, definitely not a book mad and Yan Zhao It is.

For the life and death gate, although Jiang Yun knows a lot, but they can choose a large number of monks, guarding the battlefield outside the field, and protecting the security of the Tao, it is enough to make Jiang Yun heart admire.

However, if you let yourself join them and become one of them, you can't do it.

There are too many things in one's own life, but the benefits given by the life and death are not contributing, so cheap, they are not willing to take it.

Also, your enemy is too strong.

If you join the door of life and death, if you let the Taoist and the caller know, then maybe they will take the army of the beast, with the strong who does not return to heaven, and bring the temple to destroy the door of life and death.

Therefore, in the face of the madness of the book madness and Yan Zhao, after a long time, Jiang Yun said: "This is too important, let me consider it first!"

The book screamed and said: "Well, although we have simple conditions here, we can stay here for a while."

Jiang Yun nodded and just wanted to speak, but at this moment, he was always on the ground, but he stood up and screamed in the sky!

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