The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1661: Entering the black cloud

The death zone, the reason for this name, is naturally because it is extremely dangerous. Once you step into it, it is almost certain to die.

However, this is only for those who have not really stepped into the death zone!

Although it is indeed a crisis within the dead zone, it is dangerous. Whether it is the horrible gravity that makes most people struggling, or the monsters with extremely powerful strength, they can instantly deprive the lives of the souls.

But in fact, the five major forces in this area have their own territory!

Like the more than a dozen worlds that Jiang Yun saw before he emerged from the transmission array, it belongs to the life and death gate.

It is precisely because of the dangers of the death zone that few outsiders dare to go deep here.

But once you are familiar with the environment here, on another level, it is quite safe.

Of course, security is only relative.

Among the dead zones, there are several forbidden places, even those who are five major forces are afraid to enter.

At this moment, the square in front of Jiang Yun is only a hundred clouds of the size of a hundred feet, which is the most dangerous place in the entire death zone.

Here, the name is black cloud!

There are various rumors about the black cloud.

Some people say that inside the dark cloud is the birthplace of the monster, and all the monsters in the entire field, regardless of the level, are coming out of this dark cloud;

It has also been said that within the Black Cloud is a cave house left after the fall of a strong man, with the inheritance of the strong man’s life;

Some people even think that this black cloud itself is a big demon, just like the world's demon, entering it, it is equivalent to entering the belly of the big demon.

Although there are many rumors, no one knows which one is true and which one is false.

Naturally, there are countless people entering it, trying to find out the secrets of the black cloud, but most people are in and out.

Those who are lucky enough to come out will only retreat when they are not far away.

It is even said that even the founders of the five major forces have entered it, but they have also failed.

As for the situation inside, they can't say why, the only thing that can be affirmed is that the area is huge, comparable to one world, and indeed there are a lot of monsters.

Over time, this black cloud became the largest forbidden place in the dead zone.

More importantly, this black cloud is not fixed, but can be moved at any time.

Therefore, the five major forces will send people to monitor.

Once the black cloud moves or other abnormalities are found, it must be reported to the major forces immediately.

Jiang Yun naturally does not know the origin of this black cloud, and even if he knows, it will not change his determination to enter it.

Because of the induction from the life stone of the moon, it has been clearly pointed out that the moon is in the fire, it is in this dark cloud.

The emergence of Jiang Yun naturally led to the discovery of the five forces responsible for monitoring the black clouds.

They did not speak out, nor did they stop Jiang Yun from approaching, because this black cloud would allow anyone to enter at will.

However, when they saw the Taiyang riding under Jiang Yun, they couldn’t help but change one by one, and they couldn’t help but voice the argument.

"He, is he riding the monster that is too central?"


"But how is this possible? Don't say that Taiyang is the king of the monsters in the five-level region. Even if it is a general monster, it is impossible to tame. How did he do it?"

"He shouldn't be a demon?"

"Not a demon, there is no demon in the body, and the appearance is strange, never seen, it should be a monk who just entered this dead zone."

"Look at him, it is definitely going to enter this dark cloud."

For everyone's discussion, Jiang Yun is a little vague because of his wisdom, so he did not hear it very clearly, but he did not pay attention to it. He just gritted his teeth to keep his body steady, and at the same time spurred the Taiyang and continued to walk toward the dark clouds.

At the moment, Taiyang has slowed down and the body is constantly twisting back and forth.

Especially the head turned to the side, and the eyes showed fear.

Obviously, Taiyang is also deeply fearful of this black cloud, and even wants to turn away immediately, completely away from here.

Just under Jiang Yun’s order, it can’t go backwards and can only move on.

The people around the four sides, along with Jiang Yun and Tai Yang, who are close to each other, also chose to let them go.

Although they were shocked that Jiang Yun could ride on Taiyang, it was also not optimistic about Jiang Yun’s move to enter the Black Cloud.

In this way, Jiang Yun has slowly approached the black cloud and is about to enter it.

But at this moment, there was a hurricane that suddenly rushed out of the dark clouds.

The hurricane was introduced into the nose of Taiyang, and suddenly it was so fearful that it suddenly raised its front hoof, and the mouth screamed with horror, and even had the urge to turn around and escape.

Jiang Yun hurriedly reached out and seized the mane on the neck of Taiyang. Under the strong force, it prevented its escape.

For the hurricane that suddenly came out, everyone around it was not flustered, and each of them was far away from the flicker.

They know that this is a monster to rush out of the dark clouds!

This kind of situation is also very common. From time to time in the dark clouds, there will be monsters rushing out, and they have long been used to it.

Sure enough, as the hurricane blew, and then, from the dark cloud, a huge head was found, shaped like a cockroach, opened his mouth and made a roar.

The sudden appearance and roar of this cockroach suddenly made Taiyang scared and panicked, and once again had the urge to escape.

In the hands of Jiang Yun, there has already been a whiplash, and the roar of the roaring screams has fallen, and it has already slammed into the head of the shackles.


This cloud of Jiang Yun condenses all his soul power, and the soul whip has brought out a imaginary whip shadow of ten feet, just like the tail of a monster, and he hit it in front of him. On the soul, a dull voice was made.

He licked his pain, and suddenly he made a scream of screams in his mouth. The head that had just been extended suddenly retracted into the dark cloud.

And Jiang Yun whip out, the force is too fierce, the body can not help but sway, even the blood in the wounds in the body has leaked out, the whole person almost fell from the body of Taiyang!


After barely stabilizing his body shape, Jiang Yunkou made a light drink, urging Taiyang to continue to go to the black cloud.

Behind Jiang Yun, those who belong to the five major forces can't help but look at each other. Many people's eyes are exposed to greed.

They are able to stay here, one by one is naturally eye-catching, and at a glance, Jiang Yun’s body has a slight injury.

In particular, the whip in the hands of Jiang Yun can cause a small blow to the monster.

Although they didn't know that it was a whip that specifically attacked the soul, it was enough to make them feel awkward.

However, I thought of the cockroach who had just been beaten back by Jiang Yunyi, but they did not have the courage to walk into it. They could only grow up and be as close as possible to the entrance of the Black Cloud, waiting for death.

When they want to come, once Jiang Yun enters the black cloud, he will definitely be killed by the cockroach.

Then, after waiting for a while, if you can leave the black cloud, it is best.

If you don't leave, then you may be able to rush in and see if you can hurry and get to the whips of Jiang Yun.

Those who did not enter, after hesitating, they each took out the jade briefing, and notified the respective forces of this matter!

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