The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1682: Gan Zhiru

Jiang Yun quietly prevented Taiyang from moving forward.

For Jiang Yun's carefulness, naturally, Taiyang and the little beast are a bit puzzled.

In their cognition, within this dark area, there is simply no danger that threatens themselves and others, so Jiang Yun does not have to suddenly become so careful.

Jiang Yun let the two beasts not speak out, their eyes are deeply watching the darkness in front, and the brain is running at a rapid speed, thinking about how to solve the Bailiwu, so that they can leave this dark cloud and return to the field. battlefield.

However, after a while, Jiang Yun shook his head gently, indicating that Taiyang was quietly retreating.

Although Jiang Yun’s status has now returned to the peak, accompanied by a small beast, but in the face of Bai Liwu, such as the human race of the five people, but in any case is not an opponent!

Moreover, during this period of time, Taiyang was in the darkness of this dark cloud, and it was also a combination of the two beasts. Now it is also a place here.

It is really to let all the monsters flee and escape, and they are not afraid to get close to their own side.

Otherwise, if you can attract a hundred monsters, mixed in the monster group to rush toward the entrance, perhaps with the help of the power of the monster, drowning fish to break through the defense of Bailiwu.

After Taiyang finally retreated to the depths of the black cloud, Jiang Yun stopped Taiyang again, his eyes fixed on the direction of Bailiwu, and after gazing for a long time, his eyes gradually showed his perseverance.

"The only way to get out of this black cloud is to solve the problem."

"Since I am not the opponent of Bai Liwu, then I will practice here and spend it with him!"

"If he loses his patience, then I can leave."

"If he insists on waiting, then when my strength becomes stronger, I will call him to leave!"

The idea that Jiang Yun wants to cultivate in the dark clouds, if let other monks know, will inevitably think that he is unrealistic whimsy, even looking for a dead end.

However, for Jiang Yun, with the shock of a small beast, there are a large number of powerful monsters, there is a fire that can be used to refine the demon animal into a demon, and there is almost no external interference.

Especially the terror gravity that is filled here, Jiang Yun thought before using these gravity to see if he could destroy the remaining seal that Grandpa left on himself.

It can be destroyed, naturally the best, even if it can not be destroyed, using gravity to temper the body, at least will make his body become more powerful.

Together, the conditions make it the best place to practice Jiang Yun.

The most important thing is that the situation of the moon is now under control.

As long as Jiang Yun’s life is not extinguished, the fire of the moon can be continuously provided to the moon, thus ensuring that the state of the moon will not continue to deteriorate no matter how long it has been in the past, which makes Jiang Yun without any Worried about it.

Therefore, Jiang Yun simply jumped out of Taiyang's body and sat in the darkness with his knees. The little beast and Taiyang looked at him with fog and he obviously didn't understand what he was going to do.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "I have to practice here for a while, you two can move at will, but remember not to be near the entrance."

"And, if you meet a human monk, you must stay away."

The two beasts nodded again and again, as long as they followed Jiang Yun, as far as they were, there was no difference, so it did not matter at all.

After explaining the two beasts, Jiang Yun ignored them and took out a demon.

Then he converges on all the defenses and opens his body!

Suddenly, the innumerable gravity filled in the depths of this dark cloud immediately rushed into his body and began to tear his body a little bit.

This pain is not only extremely intense, but also continuous.

Although Jiang Yun has already experienced it once, it still makes him have to grit his teeth and stick to it.

In this way, Jiang Yun absorbed the energy of the demon, while letting this gravity to tear his body, actually began to practice like a retreat in the depths of this dark cloud.

This black cloud has a lot of time that I don't know.

Throughout the ages, the only human monks who can practice here are probably Jiang Yun.

As Jiang Yun began to practice, at the beginning, the little beast and Taiyang did not dare to be too far away from Jiang Yun's side.

Because of gravity intrusion, they can clearly see the body of Jiang Yun, from the skin, to the muscles, from the bones, to the blood vessels, from the meridians to the internal organs, all of which are torn apart a little.

A large amount of blood permeated, completely staining the body of Jiang Yun's flesh and blood.

This kind of pain, even if they just see it, will feel chilling, as if they are feeling the same.

However, Jiang Yun always sat with his eyes closed, his body motionless, and even the sound did not shine.

Naturally, they are worried about whether Jiang Yun will be in danger, so he always stays by Jiang Yun.

After three months passed, Jiang Yun reached out and took out a demon suit, and then continued to maintain such a state of motion, which allowed them to let go, and began to leave Jiang Yun, not too far away. The place turns around.

Time is slowly passing through the cultivation of Jiang Yun.

The places where the two little beasts are going are getting farther and farther, and in the end they will not come back after a few days of running out.

Don't look at Jiang Yun's stay, but he will wake up once in a while, continue to swallow the demon, see the two beasts and the moon, and let his body heal.

Although he is going to break the seal left by Grandpa with gravity, he has to consider the limits of his body.

Once the body exceeds the limit of tolerance, it will be destroyed directly, and in that case, he will die.

Therefore, once the body is torn to the limit by gravity, he must use the power of assimilation to stop gravity and repair the body.

Wait until the body is completely healed, then re-invade gravity and continue to tear your body.

This kind of recurring damage to one's own body, I believe that few people can persist.

However, Jiang Yun is as sweet as it is.

Because, originally, Jiang Yun did not know whether the stupid method that he thought of was effective, and whether he could completely break the seal left by Grandpa.

However, as the body has undergone two broken healings, he finally realized that the power of the seal is getting weaker and weaker, and naturally it has deepened his confidence!

In addition, his knowledge of God has always been a trace of the body.

On the one hand, it is worried about the safety of the two monsters. On the other hand, it is also worried about whether there will be a monster or a human monk approaching.

Fortunately, everything is spent in peace, without any danger or accident.

And Jiang Yun is gradually getting used to the tremendous pain caused by gravity tearing the body.

In the depths of this dark cloud, it has become a rare time for him to practice quietly in addition to the nameless wasteland.

It’s said that there are no years in the mountains, let alone in this endless darkness, and in a blink of an eye, ten years have passed!

In the past ten years, Jiang Yun almost forgot that the fundamental purpose of his cultivation was to defeat Bailiwu, so that he could leave the depths of the dark clouds and return to the battlefield outside the field.

He has been completely immersed in his own practice, and he can't wait to cultivate here.

However, the day is not a wish, just on this day, Jiang Yun opened his eyes, his brow slightly wrinkled, whispered to himself: "The two little guys, this time is a bit too much!"

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