The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1693: Secret of the battlefield

The words of the hunter demon made Jiang Yun’s mind suddenly flash a lightning bolt. He thought of a group of people in the Taoist domain that was not known by most of the creatures, but who had a very detached status.

Holy family!

The origin of the saints, Jiang Yun is not clear, but the powerful soul in his body once reminded him, don't believe the saints too much.

For this warning, Jiang Yun was originally not in the heart.

However, I did not expect that before entering the field battlefield, in the demon sect, the blood robe gave him the same reminder.

Even, the blood robe also told Jiang Yun, the earliest saints, or the founder of the saints, the five demon who were honored as saints by the saints, probably from the extraterritorial battlefield!

Although this is only a guess of the blood robe, but at this moment, when I heard the hunter, it was Jiang Yun finally realized that the guess of the blood robe should be right!

That is to say, in the extraterritorial battlefield of the year, there were a total of five king beasts, which not only joined the dojo, but also created the sacra.

Naturally, these five king beasts are the five holy ancestors of the saints!

It is no wonder that the strength of the saints is so powerful. It is no wonder that even the Taoist people are quite jealous of the saints. The roots of the saints are from the extraterritorial battlefield!

Even if the saints are really anxious, the saints may have the means to bring all the monsters from the extraterrestrial battlefield to the dojo!

Jiang Yun, who understands all this, is really completely stunned.

Although his relationship with the saints did not dare to say how harmonious, but the five demon in the saints, such as Wuyang, had a life-saving grace for him.

More importantly, the fire cloud is also in the saints, and has become the heir to Fengzu.

But nowadays, the saints are actually created by the king beasts of the extraterritorial battlefields. That does not mean that all the creatures of the saints and the Tao are completely hostile.

And myself, will eventually one day, and Huoyang Wuyang, they become enemies!

"Jiang Daoyou, it’s quite a surprise to see you. Could you know the things of the king beasts, but that’s what happened in the domain? How do you know?”

At this time, the sorcerer’s voice with a doubtful voice rang again, finally letting Jiang Yun return from the shock, and almost instinctively replied: “I am...”

Halfway through, Jiang Yun suddenly closed his mouth.

Because he suddenly realized that the meaning of the hunter demon is clearly saying that he is not a person in the Tao.

Thinking a little, Jiang Yun will understand.

Because of his own sorcerer!

In fact, although his own life is still not clear, at least one point is already certain.

It must be a life-killing creature, but it has only grown up in the domain.

The sorcerer's body is a powerful body unique to the catastrophe.

Naturally, the hunter is to destroy the magic body through his own, and thus think that he is a devastating creature, so he will feel strange, how can he know the things of the domain.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun was finally curious about the identity of the hunter.

Who is this hunter, why is it hidden in the most dangerous area of ​​the field?

"Hunting demon friends, I would like to ask, are you from the domain, or from the domain?"

"Since you understand this monster, why do you still say that they are of great use to you, and what purpose do you have here?"

Jiang Yun straightforwardly asked all his doubts.

This series of problems is to make the hunter go into silence. After a long time, he said: "I naturally come from the domain!"

"As for why I am here, I can't tell you."

"But you can believe me, I am absolutely not malicious to you, I just want to completely eliminate those kings who enter the domain, and even destroy all the monsters!"

"The reason why I don't let the Taoist friends kill these monsters and this monster demon is because I have to use them to deal with the king beasts, to deal with the king beasts, let them kill each other!"

"Although I can't control these monsters, I just said to my friends, I have found half of the way, just use the king to control them."

After hearing this, Jiang Yun finally understood some of the possibilities.

The hunter, although he is a refining sorcerer, but obviously has a great hatred for the demon.

Even Jiang Yun guessed that the reason why he stayed in this dark cloud is probably related to the king beasts who entered the domain.

Therefore, he wants revenge!

With his own strength, naturally there is no way to take revenge, so he hit his mind on the monsters of the extraterrestrial battlefield, and found this turtle demon, as a guinea pig, want to find it thoroughly through it. The way to destroy the king beast.

However, Jiang Yun brows slightly wrinkled: "Is the king beast still alive?"

According to the blood robe, the five ancestors of the saints have been shown for many years and should have died.

The hunter is cold and cold: "Of course it is alive! The real king of the great beast is very strong, especially the king beasts who enter the dojo, they are not even afraid of refining the demon."

"Time, you can't kill them!"

"So, this turtle and these monsters alone cannot still be their opponents..."

The hunter once again sighed: "In fact, there is a simpler way to find a beast!"

"If there is a beast, then all these problems can be solved."

"Unfortunately, the king beast is already very rare. As for the beast, I have never encountered it before."

Through the hunters said, Jiang Yun has understood that between the hunter and himself, it is indeed not an enemy, but it is not difficult to see that the other party's mentality has become a bit distorted.

His purpose is not only to kill the kings of the saints, but to kill all the monsters!

Therefore, Jiang Yun decided that for the hunter demon, he is still respectful.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun said: "Hunting a friend, seeing that you have just taught me the seal of the seal, today I let go of these monsters, let go of this turtle."

"Now, I still have something to do, I will not delay here, let me say goodbye!"

"Wait!" The hunter is shouting Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Daoyou, it doesn't matter, I want to leave you because I want to make a deal with you!"

"What transaction?"

The turtle demon attached to the hunter devil suddenly grinned and said: "Jiang Daoyou, I have stayed here for a lot of time, and I know a lot about the situation of the domain, the field, especially the battlefield outside the field."

"If I didn't guess wrong, the purpose of your coming here should be to save the woman in your hand."

"And, her situation is obviously very bad, all you need to be sent to her body with a special force all the time, so that her state will not continue to deteriorate, so that her life will continue."

"I may have a way to help her!"

The words of the hunter demon, although Jiang Yun’s heart is full of leaps, but his face is a quiet voice: “What?”

The hunter did not answer and asked: "Is the mark in her eyebrows representing a colorless flame?"

Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly skyrocketed, and his face finally couldn’t help but reveal the color of excitement: “Yes, how do you know?”

The hunter demon laughed loudly, and the laughter revealed a deep smugness: "Ha ha ha, Jiang Daoyou, this field battlefield, do you think it is just an ordinary battlefield?"

There are a lot of secrets hidden in the extraterrestrial battlefield. This has already been guessed by Jiang Yun.

However, he can't think of it, and this has something to do with how the hunter can help the moon.

"To tell you the truth, this extraterritorial battlefield is buried with countless secrets."

"Even, the origin of the power that many ethnic groups have in the destruction of the domain is hidden here."

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