The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1698: Array

At this moment, Jiang Yun did not know where he was in the dead zone.

In front of his eyes, there are more than a dozen worlds that have lost their vitality, quietly suspended in the darkness, waiting to disappear under the passage of time, until they return to nothingness.

The world like this has a lot in the whole field and outside the battlefield, so Jiang Yun did not care, just took a glance and took back his eyes and looked at the woman.

The woman smiled slightly: "Jiang Daoyou's eyesight should be good, but I didn't expect it, I didn't even notice it?"

The inexplicable words of the woman allowed Jiang Yun to frown slightly, completely ignoring the meaning of the other party's words, and asked casually: "What do you notice?"

"Transfer array!"

"Transfer array?" Jiang Yun repeated these three words, looking at the darkness in front of him, his brows could not help but wrinkle more tightly.

Although he is always thinking about his mind, but the habit of growing up all the year, so that whenever and wherever, there will always be a glimpse of the mind around the body, in case there will be unexpected.

However, this kind of ignorance of his own, did not notice the atmosphere of the transmission array in this area.

The woman did not speak, so she stood quietly on the side, staring at Jiang Yun with a smile on her face. It seems that she intended to compare it. Can Jiang Yun discover the transmission array?

If you change to another time, Jiang Yun may look carefully, but now, where is he here?

Just when he just wanted to admit that he was not aware of the transmission array, his gaze suddenly stayed in the more than ten dead worlds!


Then, the cloud of Jiang Yun’s fascination suddenly rose, and the world of more than a dozen was completely overshadowed.

At this time, his face finally showed a hint of amazement: "These worlds have formed a transmission array!"

These more than a dozen worlds, alone, are dead and silent in every world.

But if, as Jiang Yun did now, he will cover all these worlds with his knowledge, and he will be aware of the volatility of the array.

Of course, this is still the power of Jiang Yun is strong enough.

If you switch to someone else, God may not be able to cover so many worlds at once.

Naturally, in this way, it is impossible to detect the existence of the transmission matrix!

Seeing that Jiang Yun discovered the location of the transmission array so quickly, the woman nodded with a smile: "Yes, among the more than ten worlds, there are actually six worlds, which constitute a transmission array!"

Rao is Jiang Yun’s accomplishment on the road, but it’s not low, but at the moment it’s not to be admired, and sincerely praised: “Gao Ming!”

It is conceivable to arrange a transmission array in the world of death. Not to mention the strength that needs to be strong, the idea alone is extremely brilliant.

The woman continued to smile and said: "Well, Jiang Daoyou, since you have already discovered the transmission array, then I don't need to say more, enter the battle, I will help you start this battle!"

"There is work!"

Ginger cloud has stood in the center of the six worlds.

And the woman was also stretched out, and saw six rays of light shot from the palm of his hand, directly into the six worlds.


With the sound of six turbulences, each of the six worlds has a ray of light, intertwined with each other, which constitutes a transmission array.

Looking at Jiang Yun, who has been shrouded in radiance, the woman held a fist and said: "Jiang Daoyou, take care, I hope you can achieve what you want, return safely!"

Jiang Yun also returned to the ceremony: "Through the friend of the road, thank you for your help from Daoyou and Guimen!"

With the operation of the transmission array, Jiang Yun's body shape began to blur gradually.

And the woman opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but in the end she did not say it.

Until Jiang Yun’s figure finally disappeared from this area and disappeared from her eyes, she sighed with a sigh of relief. The beautiful face showed a disappointment: “I didn’t expect him to ask me. name!"

Shaking his head, the woman stopped talking, looked at the more than a dozen worlds that had recovered calmly, and waited quietly for a while, determined that the fluctuations of the transmission array had not led to other monks, and then turned and left. .

However, just after the disappearance of the woman's figure, in this darkness, a strange bird that is only the size of a palm and shaped like a sparrow is slowly emerging.

Although the bird's wings are constantly waving up and down, its eyes are gray and white, and there is no slight breath on the body.

If it is not the eye that can see it, it is impossible to detect its existence by God alone.

After the emergence of this bird, it immediately accelerated the fanning of the wings, turned into a ray, and spurred in one direction!


At this moment, Jiang Yun has been in the battlefield outside the half of the field.

From the perspective of the surrounding environment, there is no difference between the battlefield and the battlefield near the domain.

therefore. After Jiang Yun only glanced around, he summoned Taiyang.

Since Taiyang took Jiang Yun to the world where the little beast was trapped, it was taken up by Jiang Yun and it only appeared until now, so naturally he did not know what happened.

At this moment, when it saw that there was only Jiang Yun in front of him, there was no small beast, and the eyes suddenly showed shock and doubt.

Obviously, when it comes to it, the little beast should not be able to escape from the encirclement of those monsters.

"Reassure, the little beast is fine, just find a place to retreat!"

Jiang Yun did not have the mood to explain the incidents with Taiyang in detail. After compiling a reason to perfuse the past, he went directly to the back of Taiyang: "Now, let's let go of your speed and run!"

Although Taiyang’s heart has some doubts, it certainly does not dare to continue to ask. It can only carry Jiang Yun and gallop toward the endless darkness in front of him.


At the same time, within the dead zone, the speed of the eccentric birds was so fast that they continued to move rapidly in the darkness and came to a world completely filled with darkness.


With the appearance of this bird, there was a sound in the world, and some unpleasantness was revealed in the voice. Obviously it was dissatisfied with the sudden arrival of this bird.

At this moment, the bird suddenly opened his mouth and spoke out: "Daoyou, you have received my benefits, but I have not done what I promised. If this is the case, should I give me a Explain."

In the darkness, the voice silenced for a while and then rang again: "Although Bai Liwu did not kill the Jiang Yun by hand, but Bai Liwu kept in the black cloud for three years, did not see Jiang Yun's Appeared enough to show that Jiang Yun is dead."

"The transaction between you and me has been completed, calling the virtual, what do you want me to give you?"

"Hey!" The bird said in the mouth of the bird: "Jiang Yun just passed the transmission array and went to the other half of the field battlefield. If you don't believe it, you can ask your men!"

"What!" The sound brought a strange look, but then it regained the calmness of the road: "To imaginary, if you say it is true, then you can rest assured, I will give you an explanation!"

Birds are welcome: "There is a place where you don't return to heaven, I will wait for your good news!"

When the voice fell, the birds turned and turned and flew out of the black world.

In the world, the voice also sounded again: "Baliwu, you know what to do!"

"Your genius knows!"

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