The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1707: a spirituality

The real purpose of Jiang Yun’s entry into this month’s spiritual community is to confirm that Yue Zun is not here.

Although the Moon Spirit is full of hostility and contempt for Jiang Yun, it is impossible for Jiang Yun to rely on this reason to compete with the entire month.

Don't say that he doesn't necessarily have this strength. Even if he does, he won't do such a thankless thing.

To destroy the entire month of the spiritual family, for him, in addition to making him truly become the public enemy of the entire era, in the face of the pursuit of the killing of the monks, there is no benefit at all.

Therefore, if the moon is not in the moon spirits, then he can only leave here with the moon as fire.

Even though this practice is contrary to the first condition proposed by the white-haired man, he is also a helpless move, and there is no other better way to choose.

But if the moon is in the moon spirits, but for some reason, for example, if he is really forced by the rituals and the old people, then Jiang Yun is not willing, but for the moon, he I can only find a way to see if I can provide some help to Yuezun.

Although the moon spirits, Jiang Yun did not want to interfere but sent the Buddha to the west.

He finally found the moon as a fire, came to the moon spirits, and could not really throw the unconscious moon here, and turned and left.

At the same time as the mouth spoke, Jiang Yun’s powerful knowledge also instantly surged, completely covering the entire mountain range, and quickly searching for the atmosphere of the moon.

Although Jiang Yun and Yue Zun did not have direct contact, they did not know what the atmosphere of the Moon is, but it must be the most powerful of the entire month!

In addition to Yuezun, Jiang Yun is also looking for another month of Ling people.

Yue Sheng.

Through the contact with the moon, Jiang Yun is not difficult to judge, even though Yue Sheng is also hostile to himself, but at least he is definitely a confidant of the Moon, and he is really concerned about the moon.

Therefore, if you can find the moon, then from the moon, you may also know what the moon spirit is now.

As for the three old people in front of them, although the atmosphere on them is also very strong, but at most it is equivalent to the cultivation of the Taoist platform. Naturally, Jiang Yun can be sure that they will never be sacrifices or old people, so they will be directly Ignore.

"Bold, Jiang Yun, do you really think that my moon spirit can't take you?"

At the same time, the old man among the three suddenly screamed out and reached out to Jiang Yun.

And above her skinny palm, there is a fire of the moon.

Obviously, under the anger and shock, even if the old man knew that Jiang Yun had a fire of the moon, he still had to try to see if the fire of the moon spirit really had no effect on Jiang Yun.

At this moment, the fire of the moon spirit released from the hands of the old man is still colorless, but it radiates a hot high temperature, and the air around it is directly distorted.


Jiang Yun smiled coldly, and the fire of the moon spirit also filled out, burning on the palm of his hand and welcoming it.

The palms of the two men did not wait for the real thing. The flame on the palm of the old man suddenly appeared like a natural enemy. Although it was not extinguished immediately, the fire suddenly weakened.

It gives people the feeling that it is like her flame, fearing the flame of Jiang Yun.

The fire of the moon spirit on Jiang Yun’s palm was just the opposite. He even surrendered more than enough, with an overwhelming pressure, and it hit the palm of the old man straight.


When the two palms collided, the flame in the old palm was not only completely extinguished, but her body was also shaken back and forth by Jiang Yun’s power.

This scene once again makes the face of all the moon spirits change again.

In particular, the two old men next to the old man were even shouting at the same time.

On the body of a person, there is a large number of fires of the moon spirit, which form a sea of ​​fire of a hundred feet, and the **** cloud is completely wrapped up.

The other old man is reaching out to his own eyebrows, and the bright moon mark above the eyebrows suddenly spirals.

Then, from there, he even rushed out a colorless fire dragon, opened his mouth and swallowed toward Jiang Yun.

For the sea of ​​fire surrounding the body, although the temperature has reached the extreme, so that the mountains under the body began to show signs of melting, but Jiang Yun did not care.

Even if you don't have the fire of the moon, this level of temperature can't hurt your own devil.

However, for this fire dragon that rushed to himself, Jiang Yun’s pupil suddenly shrank, and his face showed a suspicious color.

Because, in this fire dragon, Jiang Yun faintly felt a hint of spirituality!

Although this spirituality is extremely weak, if Jiang Yun is not a refining sorcerer, it is impossible to detect it by other people, but this is enough to surprise him.

Be aware that anything that, once spiritual, has the same intelligence.

Or, this fire dragon, just like the original Jiang Ying, the wisdom has been opened, as long as it takes time, even has the possibility of becoming a demon!

If it is a ritual, or a magic weapon, and some of the celestial treasures can be spiritual, it is justifiable.

However, this fire dragon is just a trick of the old man of the Moon Spirit!

I have never heard of it, a trick can also have spirituality, and the technique can become a demon!

Even if Jiang Yun admits that he is ignorant, the technique may be a demon, but if you want to do this, at least the person who wants to display this technique should have an unimaginable height.

The realm of the old man in front of him is at most only the Taoist situation, and it is impossible to do this.

Seeing that this fire dragon has already rushed to his face, Jiang Yun’s mind is also a moment of thought.

The flame that filled the palm of his hand was extinguished instantly, no longer attacked by the fire of the moon, but a finger was extended, and a fascinating print was drawn in the air, and it entered the body of the dragon. .


The sorcerer's body was twisted into the body, and the body of the dragon was suddenly distorted. The open mouth was even more faintly erupted, and this made Jiang Yun finally confirm that this dragon is really spiritual.


Under the control of Jiang Yun, the volcano blasted open, and this fire dragon also exploded, disappearing invisible!

At this time, the three old men also took the opportunity to retreat and opened the distance between them and Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun did not continue to shoot, but looked at the old man in front of him, watching the densely-knit moon spirits on the mountain, watching the huge mountain shaped like a woman who worshipped the moon.

Although Jiang Yun knows that the existence of a ethnic group, and can gradually grow and develop, it will inevitably hide countless secrets.

However, the secret of this month's spiritual family that I have just inadvertently contacted is beyond my own cognition and incredible.

"This month, the spirits are too weird!"

With the rise of this idea, and the addition of the moon, did not respond to their own voice, and their own knowledge has also been investigated throughout the mountains.

Although some places have their own knowledge, they can't enter, but there is no trace of Yuezun and Yuesheng in the places that can be found, so Jiang Yun's heart has already begun to retreat.

Just watching the moon in the arms still unconscious, Jiang Yun really did not know what to do after leaving the Moon Spirit, how to place this poor woman.

I can’t always hold her from now on.

"But let's leave here and say it!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and finally decided not to delay the time here.

But when Jiang Yun was about to leave, he heard a familiar screaming sound from the ear: "My family is in chaos, the patriarch is kept in the sky, and the Taoist friend saves..."

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