The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1718: Deadlock


Just when Yue Sheng and others took their own unconscious people, they had already left the mountain far away, and a series of deafening loud noises came.

The moon spirits have lived in countless years of mountains, and their homes, under the burning of the moonfire, have finally begun to collapse.

Rocks, trees, buildings, everything in the blazing fire made a hot magma, pouring down the hills in all directions.

From a distance, this mountain, which was shaped like a woman to worship the moon, has no brains, and only half of the body still exists.

At this moment, those who are standing in the air or on the ground, seeing this scene, are all afraid of it.

If it weren't because the shields disappeared, if they had just slowed down a bit, then they must have been buried in the fire.

In addition to fear, there is a deep sorrow that flows from the bottom of their hearts.

No matter what the outcome of today's events, at least their home is completely ruined!

As the mountains collapsed, Jiang Yun, who was always held in the hands of the illusory woman, was also a bit of a scorching smell.

We must know that Jiang Yun’s current body has been destroyed for ten years in the most powerful place in the extraterritorial battlefield, and has been reborn for more than 30 times.

Even if you let go of the body of silence, the degree of strength of Jiang Yun’s body is already terrible.

However, now these moonfire fires can burn his body, but I can imagine that the temperature of this flame has really reached a limit.

Although the burning sensation brought by the body brought great pain to Jiang Yun, this pain was directly ignored by Jiang Yun than the pain of tearing the body.

Even Jiang Yun is still protecting the moon with fire because of his fear that his body will be burned by flames.

Of course, the refining pen in his hand is also without any pause. He constantly draws a demon print with blood, and firmly suppresses the unreal woman, so that his life can completely devour the other party. .

Despite the strong fire of Jiang Yun, the demon print has a certain suppression effect on the illusory woman, but the strength of the other party is obviously far stronger than Jiang Yun.

Therefore, this also makes Jiang Yun's life fire, it is impossible to complete the engulfing of her easily.

As for the illusory woman, although she also wants to quickly burn Jiang Yun to ashes, to capture the origin of the fire of the moon in Jiang Yun, but the body of Jiang Yun’s silence is equally difficult to shake.

Between the two sides, it is not a simple contest of strength, but a contest of will and spirit!

In short, Jiang Yun and Yue Ling adults at this moment have once again fallen into a stalemate.

In a short time, no one can get the other side!

And to break this stalemate, unless there is the appearance of the old family, there is the intervention of external forces!

However, the Moon Ling people have been as far away as possible from this area. If they enter here, they will not even have the power to protect themselves. It is even more impossible to help Jiang Yun.

The old people are still trapped in the fog formed by the power of chaos, and they do not dare to move.

Even at this moment, he has no mood at all to understand who is winning and who is between Jiang Yun and Yue Ling.

What he cares more about is that the strong person who has not revealed his whole appearance until now, only revealing one eye and making himself unable to move, what is the origin and what kind of cultivation is!

In front of the old family, the chaotic road is still frowning and talking to himself: "If I go to help him now, then he will be able to complete the engulfment."

"But if I take it again, it will definitely expose myself!"

"Forget it, let's take a look!"

In addition to the two of them, in the four-petal flower, the sacrifice of the Moon Spirit is a decisive color, and the eyes look at the moon spirits who are standing in the air and the earth.

Originally, she thought that the moon spirit was a steady winner, but Jiang Yun’s strange and powerful fire was giving her a head.

And her own current situation can not give more help to the moon spirit.

Therefore, she hit her mind to other spiritual people of the month.

"If all the fires of the moon in their bodies are dedicated to the moon spirit, then the moon spirit adults will be able to successfully complete the robbing of the Jiang Yunsheng fire!"


The gaze of the sacrifice was moved to the body of the moon, and she feared that once she left, the moon would take the opportunity to break free.

However, looking at the face is already pale as paper, eyes closed, even the moon has become weak, the sacrifice of a sacred tooth, finally stepped out of this four-petal flower, appeared in the air!

Just as the sacrifice left, the moon-respecting who kept his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes. Although his face was really pale, his eyes were exposed with a group of fine eyes.

Even the faint breath above the body climbed at an extremely fast rate.

The sacrificial gaze looked indifferently and stood in the distance of the spiritual people of the month: "You are still doing what you are doing. The moon spirit is the **** of our moon spirit family. Now she is fighting with the lower domain monks to protect you."

"If there is any accident in the Moon Spirit, if we lose her protection, then all of you will vanish and let us fall into the power of the genocide!"

"You will devote your fire of the moon to the moon spirit to help the moon spirit to defeat the lower domain monks!"

The sacrifices made these moon spirits suddenly sneer, and Yue Sheng stood up and said coldly: "Protect God? If she is the protector of our moon spirits, why would it hurt our people?" ”

"If she is allowed to win, then I am afraid that it will usher in the true end of our family!"

Everyone is not stupid, although they don't know what happened, but at least they can see the unconsciousness of their own families. They can see that Jiang Yun is always dying to protect the moon.

Now if they listen to the sacrifices and contribute their own fire of the moon, then Jiang Yun will not only lose, but also others will lose their lives.

The sacrifice suddenly became cold and cold: "Those people are coma, but after they wake up, everyone's strength will rise."

Yue Sheng shook his head and said: "The sacrifice, you don't have to be here, or you will kill us now, or you will wait to be killed by us!"


In the eyes of the ritual, the cold light rose, and when she just wanted to lift her legs and walked toward Yuesheng and others, her figure suddenly stopped, and her face showed a sinister smile: "If you don't give out the fire of the moon, Then, I will kill your patriarch!"

Upon hearing this, the face of Yue Sheng and others can't help but change!

They were imprisoned at first, because they were supportive patriarchs and did not want to obey the orders of sacrifices and old people.

For them, it is natural to worry about the safety of the patriarch.

The reason why the sacrifice does not kill the moon is precisely because it is known that the moon is deeply loved among the people.

As long as the moon does not die, even if it becomes a waste, but you can also rely on the moon to restrain the moon-wingers who are obedient.

Seeing the reaction of the people, the sacrifice knows how correct this decision was, and proudly said: "You'd better make a decision soon, the life of your patriarch is now in your hands!"

Just as the sacrificial voice fell, in her ear, between the heavens and the earth, a voice suddenly sounded: "The life of a month is always in your own hands!"

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