The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1722: Intentional connivance

Under the earth, the three ancestors suddenly opened their eyes after a brief doubt, and the eyes of the angry light appeared: "Take away!"

"I didn't expect that this month's spirit demon actually took a fancy to the body of this kid, to win this kid!"

At the same time, Yue Zun's eyes narrowed slightly, and the two sharp eyes that were shot through the gap did not go to see Jiang Yun, but looked at Jiang Yun's hands until the moon has not been released.

After a few moments, the moon whispered softly: "It’s a good choice!"

"When you are taken away, I will kill you again. In this case, you are not only dying of my hand, but I have also avenged you!"

"In this way, when the fire wakes up, I can count on her!"

As for the face of the chaotic road, there is a touch of meaningful smile: "I want to win the Jiang Yun... It’s really not as good as people!"

Naturally, they have already seen the purpose of the moon spirit demon.

The sacred fire that the ancient spirit of the regiment had in the past relied on the power of the moon spirits to believe in it. First, it was born spirituality, and then became a demon.

Nowadays, with the help of the three ancestors, not only has it succeeded in taking away the origin of the fire of the moon in Jiang Yun, but he still has to win Jiang Yun!

In fact, this is normal.

Jiang Yun’s physical body is so strong that even if he does not know that he is a body of silence, it is enough to make anyone feel guilty.

Especially for the moon spirit demon, she has been burning Jiang Yun's body with her own flame, naturally far more than anyone else knows the horror of Jiang Yun's body.

She has now evolved into a demon, and has enough sacred fire. If she can get the body of Jiang Yun, then her strength can climb to a higher level and become more powerful.

What's more, at this moment, Jiang Yun's fire is obviously affected, and the fire and the soul are closely related. It is a good time to win the house, she can let go!

Although everyone has already seen the purpose of the demon of the moon, but no one can stop it at this moment.

The three ancestors couldn't help but yelled again: "Damn, it's cheaper than this little demon!"

The second ancestor on the other side is a faint saying: "Slightly safe, don't wait until she succeeds, we will turn her back and win it!"

The ancestors also followed: "However, we must be careful that she will escape. Just your shot, she should be aware of your existence, so we must be prepared, in any case, must leave her here! ”

As the voice of the ancestors fell, his dry, wood-like body suddenly gave off an invisible breath.

This breath instantly filled the air, forming an invisible net, covering the world where the Moon Spirit is located, silently shrouded.

Although most people in the world are not aware of the actions of their ancestors, the face of the chaotic road can't help but change slightly: "The old monsters are really strict, and I don't know how to stay here." It’s hilarious.”

"I just said that people are not as good as days. Now that the day is coming, I don't know if Jiang Yun can bring me some surprises!"

At the same time, the moon spirit of the demon has entered the body of Jiang Yun, and the original shape, turned into a flame, directly rushed to Jiang Yun that has restored the normal size of the fire.

Take the battle and the soul, although they are literally the same, one is the body, the other is the soul, but the battle will destroy the soul of the other, let the body become the ownerless, and then Enter your own soul, occupy the body, and complete the battle.

Or, you can first suppress the soul of the other party, first let your soul into the body of the other person, completely occupy the body, and then reverse to destroy the soul of the other party.

At this moment, the moon spirit demon chose the latter way!

Because, as the three ancestors of the Moon Ling family speculated, after the Mars of the Three ancestors poured into the body, the demon of the Moon Spirit perceives the existence of the Three ancestors.

And just relying on a Mars will allow her to turn defeat into victory, naturally let her realize that she is not the opponent of the three ancestors!

This also deepens her determination to win Jiang Yun.

Only with the body of Jiang Yun, plus the complete holy fire, can he compete with the three ancestors.

Therefore, now she can't take care of destroying the soul of Jiang Yun, but first suppress the soul of Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun's life fire, with the close of the moon spirit demon, the fire immediately weakened, until it became a faintly burning Mars, can be extinguished at any time.

In this regard, the moon spirit of the demon has no doubt at all.

Because Jiang Yun’s life is already extremely weak, he will naturally be suppressed by himself.

The next moment, from her body that had turned into a flame, suddenly stretched out a myriad of fine lines of hair, tangled toward Jiang Yun's body.

Every fire line naturally contains her soul, so that she can get the control of Jiang Yun's body at the fastest speed.

Originally, in the moon spirit of the demon to think, even though the soul of Jiang Yun was suppressed by himself, but Jiang Yun's body is extremely strong, then he wants to completely occupy his body, it will inevitably cost a certain price and time.

However, what she did not think was that the whole process was unexpectedly smooth.

Almost no effort, his soul has successfully penetrated every part of Jiang Yun's body.

And that means you have already completed half of the win!

However, she did not know that at this moment, there was only one Martian-like life in the depths of Jiang Yun, but there was a pair of eyes watching her every move!

This gaze is the soul of Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun is not the first time it has been won.

In the **** world of the year, he was robbed of blood and blood, and even more than 90% of the people were killed.

At the last moment, if Ye Tianshi, who is not a disciple of Yao Shen, used his own life to help Jiang Yun reignite the fire, Jiang Yun had long since disappeared.

However, it was before, now, don't look at Jiang Yun's life is almost extinguished, but his soul is still extremely powerful.

Even in his soul, there is a more powerful sleeping soul!

The reason why the moon spirit of the demon will be so smooth, naturally Jiang Yun deliberately fulfilled her!

Because, for Jiang Yun, it is simply a better chance to turn a victory than to cast a longevity!

Just like when the powerful existence of the virtual world wanted to capture the soul of Jiang Yun, it was eventually swallowed up by Jiang Yun.

Therefore, what Jiang Yun is doing now is to let the moon spirit demon relax and be alert to let her gradually occupy her body.

Then when she can't escape, her fire will reappear and re-enact it, thus completing the nirvana of life!

In this way, the moon spirit of the demon in Jiang Yun's intentional connivance, did not take long, it has already occupied the body of Jiang Yun Jiucheng.

At this moment, in the eyes of the audience like Yuezun, Jiang Yun’s body has once again ignited the fire of the moon, and this also makes them realize that the demon of the moon spirit is nearing the end.


The soul of Jiang Yun, who spies in the dark, feels that the time is ripe. At this time, he will use his life to devour the soul of the moon spirit. The other party should not have the possibility to escape!

However, just as Jiang Yun quietly spurred his own fire, his body was suddenly stiff, a thick and overbearing atmosphere, from his body that had been occupied by the moon spirit of 90%. Dissipated in the middle!

Under the scent of this breath, the feeling of giving Jiang Yun is like that his body has been sleeping all the time, but at the moment, it is finally awakened!

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