The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1762: a big gift

Hearing this sudden sound, Liu Peng’s body that wanted to blew himself suddenly stopped, and his face showed a surprise color.

As a landlord in the **** world, he naturally knows who the speaker is.

Waiting for Liu Peng to open, this voice has already sounded again, and this time it is just in Liu Peng’s ear: "Hey, who is this little guy, how is this identity, how will you be on you?"

Therefore, Liu Peng hurriedly said: "The blood predecessor, my name is Liu Peng, is a disciple of Jiang Yun. Before the Master left, the identity of the landlord was given to me, but at this moment the three people broke the blood net left by Master. Now the **** world is at stake."

"Also ask the blood predecessors to take back the identity of the younger brothers in the younger generation and protect the millions of people in the **** world!"

The person who speaks is naturally the true master of the **** world, and the blood is flowing!

The reason why Liu Peng did not blew himself was not that he was afraid of death, but because he did not have any cultivation. Even if he blew himself up, he would not pose any threat to Dao San. It would be better to return this identity to the blood.

With the strength of the blood flow, and then get the identity of the landlord, then perhaps there is the possibility of countering the third.

Of course, if the blood flow takes away the identity of Liu Peng’s landlord, then Liu Peng’s end is the same death!

After all, his life is not much, and he can persist until now, relying on this identity.

"You are the apprentice of Jiang Yun, yes, good!"

The sound of blood flow sounded again and became more and more clear.

Apparently he just woke up from a deep sleep, and his consciousness was still a little vague. Until now, he was completely awake, so the situation in the **** world is also clear at a glance.

"The identity of the landlord, or temporarily placed on you, I can not show up now, but also need to use your power to deal with Dao San, so I can accept the third gift for me!"

As the voice fell, Liu Peng’s body trembled a little, and his eyes immediately turned into blood, which also gave him a **** atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Peng suddenly got up and stepped out of the air, his hands suddenly raised, and the illusion was caught.

Suddenly, I saw that I had just poured down the basin, filled the **** world, and poured blood on all the creatures, and went back to the sky.

Looking at it, it is like a blood dragon of varying sizes. It is extremely fast gathering in the air into a nine-story blood tower. It stands between the heavens and the earth and stands in front of Dao San.

Seeing this blood tower, the face of Dao San suddenly changed: "The blood is flowing!"

The nine-story blood tower is a famous weapon of blood flow, and he can not know!

Hearing the name shouted by Dao San, the blood that stood on the side could not help but glimpse.

In the nine-story blood tower, the sound of the blood flow came out: "Dao San, we haven't seen it for a long time, I didn't expect you to remember me!"

"However, before you saw me, I was a senior, my predecessors were short, and now I dare to call my name, but I am bolder!"

"Seeing me appear, you still have to quit!"

The road is full of gloomy roads: "The blood is flowing, you don't need to scare me here, you can't get out of trouble, even if you are out of trouble, you are not my opponent!"

"Well, I am quite confident. I really can't get out of trouble, but even if I am sealed, it is easy to deal with you!"


The nine-story blood tower suddenly rose and turned into a size of a thousand feet, directly to the road three pockets.

Don't look at the three mouths and say no fear, but when he really sees the blood tower rushing to himself, he doesn't dare to pick it up, but quickly retreats!

However, the blood tower suddenly changed direction in the air, and suddenly came to the top of the **** weeping, crashed down, and sealed the **** weeping that had never been guarded.

The laughter of the blood flow followed: "Haha, Dao San, thank you for the gift you sent. Now, you can really give it a try, I am not your opponent!"

"Blood east!"

At this time, Dao San finally understood that he was fooled.

The strength of the blood flow has not recovered, and the target of his attack is not his own, but the blood of the weeping!

As a blood demon, the easiest way to improve your strength is to absorb blood.

Blood weeping is also a blood demon, born from the blood, and for the **** east of the blood demon, blood crying is simply the best tonic in the world.

As long as the bloodstream swallows the blood demon, his strength will inevitably skyrocket.

However, Dao San still can't figure out, blood is clearly trapped inside the seven-star road, why can you come out!

Where did he know that it was indeed that he helped the blood flow!

In the **** year, in order to send Jiang Yun away, he fell into a deep sleep, and he became the real landlord of the **** world.

The bloodline is strong and his strength will increase.

For more than sixty years, the overall strength of the **** world has turned ten times, and he has gradually become stronger in his sleep.

Although there is still a period of time since he really wakes up, the **** demon appears, especially in order to break the blood network, the blood beads used by the bloodshed fall into the **** world, just like It fell into the body of the bloodstream.

This is also a big supplement for the blood east, so he finally wakes up at this time.

Not only that, but also through the body of Liu Peng, he summoned these blood beads, condensed into a nine-story blood tower, scared to live in the third, while taking the opportunity to shed blood.

Then, his strength will inevitably lead to a skyrocketing.

In the past, Jiang Yun always thought that after the Taoist territory, it was a situation of humanity and isomorphism. Therefore, he also believed that the blood flow from the context of humanity and isomorphism is only one step away from the strong.

But in fact, the cultivation of the blood east has reached the four realms of heaven and man.

You only need to spend another day of robbery, you can really enter the realm of humanity and isomorphism.

For this, Dao San is aware of it clearly.

Therefore, in the case of **** tears now swallowed by the bloodstream, Dao San really worried that he might not be the opponent of blood.


At this moment, a **** scream was again heard in the mouth of the bloodstream, and a drop of blood that had just fallen into the body of all bloodstains was once again pumped out at this moment.

Together with the nine-story blood tower that had already been blown up, it was re-formed into a sea of ​​blood, turned into a sky, and rushed to the third.

Blood wash the sky!

This technique was performed by Blood East Stream, and the power is much stronger than that of Jiang Yun, but it is much stronger.

So that the third of this moment, I really want to take out the Taoist order, through the power of the master, to kill this blood.

Just, he doesn't dare!

Because there are several big demons on the seventh floor of the prison, Master is used by him. Otherwise, he can let them live to the present.

Therefore, looking at the **** world that was gradually covered by a blood network, Dao can only hate the words: "When I finish Master's order, come and pack you!"

After leaving this sentence, the road is gone!

He can't spend too much time here, after all, the real task that Master explained to him is to attack the ancient world.

As for the blood flow, he believes that as long as the seven-star seal still exists, then the blood flow will not become a big climate.

With the re-emergence of the blood network, all the creatures in the **** world, after a moment of stagnation, burst into a cheering voice.

With this blood net, you can protect them from the threat of the Taoist temple and the Taoist three, and let them return to the comfortable life of the past. They are naturally very excited!

However, the sound of the blood flow is ringing again: "You should not be anxious to be happy. The temple has been trapped for us for so many years. Next, it is time for us to fight back!"

"Keep your war, continue your murderousness, go with me, the ancient world!"

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