The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1775: Victory is defeated

The reason why Jiang Yun can have today's achievements on the road to spiritual practice is partly because of the bold ideas that often come out of his mind.

These ideas must have been thought of by other monks, but few people dare to put their ideas into practice.

But Jiang Yun is different. As long as he thinks that his ideas have a certain possibility of realization, even if this idea is beyond ridiculous, he will try to make the idea come true.

Fortunately, his luck has always been good, so every time his bold thoughts turned out to be a reality, he also benefited a lot.

The idea that he came out this time was to integrate the forty-five lines of silence that he had just snatched from the cultivation of this sinister family into his own Taoist platform!

The Taoist platform is a monk of the Taoist domain and is owned by the monks who pursue the avenue.

The pattern of silence, which represents the power of silence, is the power possessed by the most powerful royal family.

These two things, in any respect, are completely different and there is no commonality at all.

To bring the two together, I am afraid that no one has ever tried it in the two fields.

Not that they can't think of it, but they can't do it!

Although the top powerhouses in the domain and the domain have been trying to integrate the Tao and various forces, the fusion can only be said to be a kind of behavior.

Especially for the monks who destroy the domain, if they can reach the road, the strength should at least be equal to the humane isomorphism.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to give up their already powerful and profound cultivation, and then go back to the road of repairing the road again, so the way they choose to merge the Tao is to swallow the fruit.

The difference between the two is naturally great when swallowing the fruit, directly gaining insight, and starting from scratch, step by step.

And Jiang Yun, when he has not embarked on the road of practice, has actually been exposed to these two different ways of practice, the power of the road and the destruction of the domain, and it has always been with him to the present.

Nowadays, he has acquired the pattern of silence and will soon gather his own Taoist platform, so he has emerged this bold idea, and only he has this unique and unique condition.

Although this is Jiang Yun’s whim, he is not sure whether he can succeed in this way, but he knows that there is definitely a certain possibility.

Because, this piece of darkness!

This darkness, since the birth of various forces including the power of silence, but also the presence of aura, is enough to show that the two are equal in status and can coexist.

However, some living people have chosen various forces to become a destroyer, while some creatures have chosen the aura and become a monk.

After thinking about my own thoughts again, Jiang Yun finally spurred the forty-five lines of silence and poured into Dantian.

Naturally, the pattern of silence has just entered, and it is directly engulfed by the sea of ​​aura that is already everywhere!

"Now, it's only the last step!"

In Jiang Yun’s self-speaking voice, in his dantian, he is truly unprecedented. I am afraid that it is also the majestic aura of the unfinished, rolling the power of nine kinds of holes, rolling forty. Five lines of silence, once again crazy boiling!


In the ancient times of the Tao, all the monks have entered the state of preparation for war under the command of Xiao Letian.

Everyone’s eyes can clearly see the ten ships that are slamming into the darkness and tearing apart the layers of space barriers.

Although Xiao Letian really hid the Taoist world in a very deep space, at the moment, the Three Palaces are being shot, and the weakest is the strongman of the Heaven and Man, and under their full attack, nature Can break through the hidden space.

Obviously, at the speed of this attack, they will not be used for a long time, they will directly rush into the ancient times!

"You are a Taoist friend. This time, Dao San is obviously preparing to completely destroy the ancient world."

"And once this world is destroyed, I believe that you should know the consequences better than me. Therefore, we can only win and not defeat this battle!"

At the same time, Xiao Letian's voice also sounded in everyone's ear.

"After they entered the ancient times, we chose our opponents according to their respective strengths."

"Oh, old, you are going to trap the heads of the eight battlefields. They are all the strength of the heavens and the robbers. Don't care!"

Quarry and Lao He immediately shouted loudly: "Yes!"

"Old nine, that humanity and the same context will be yours!"

The old nine of Xiao Letian’s mouth is the youngest of the nine brothers, such as the savage and so on. It is also the only strong person in the Taoist world who has entered the humanity and the same context.

Although he once betrayed his brother, he was also a swindler with the disciples of the drug god, but at this time, he also knew that he would end up if he did not contribute.

Without the ancient world, he had no place to live, so although he was not happy, he had to respond with a cold voice.

"Dao San, naturally I will deal with it!"

"As for the other people in Dao Sangong..." Xiao Letian Wei Shen said: "Snow!"

At the beginning of the patriarch of the Xue nationality in the mountains and seas, the creator of the Jiuxuelian Array was already at the request of Jiang Yun, and was sent to the ancient world by Xiao Letian.

Although he is the first demon in the mountains and seas, but in the ancient world of the masters, his strength is not at all.

Even though he is now successful in entering the Tao, but at this moment I heard Xiao Letian point to his name, still a little surprised: "In!"

"The rest of the Tao Sangong, I will hand it over to you."

"Xing Mo, Su Yang, Hua Hong Niang, Ren Ding Han, you all assist Xue Yucheng, obey his arrangements, must not defy!"

Xiao Letian’s order, although somewhat unexpected, is also clear that Xiao Letian is going to use the shackles of Xue Yucheng to deal with the enemy of the Third Palace.


Under the command of the people, the body shape has risen to the sky, standing on the sky, eyes staring coldly at the ten ships that are close to themselves and others.

Along with a loud bang, all the space outside the ancient times was completely shredded, so that ten ships finally slowly entered the ancient times!


In the face of the ten warships that have not stopped, Xiao Letian has no extra orders.

After a simple word export, he was the first to take the lead, step by step, appeared in front of the third, above the head, a strong knowledge of the gods came out, and instantly rushed to the third.

With Xiao Letian's first shot, the rest of the people are naturally unwilling to lag behind, and they have greeted them according to the previously selected opponents.

Quite a sigh of laughter, watching the ancestors who had already greeted the enemy one step at a time, facing the black monsters and other humans beside them: "Our brothers have not fought side by side for a long time!"

The black grotesque nodded: "Unfortunately, if the old gold, the old evil, the old blood, they are here, then they are there. If they are there, then we will win!"

Pretty screaming and laughing: "Reassure, no they are, we will definitely win this battle!"

"After killing the people in the Three Palaces, we can save them and even destroy the entire prison!"

"Say, kill!"

The ancient times and the Tao San Palace, these two as natural enemies, the two great forces that exist together in the prison, finally broke out!

This battle will also be the last battle between them, the winner of the king, the loser, and the same death!

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