The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1794: Strongest force

Even if the ordinary nine thousand winds come together, the power is not the same, let alone, this is the dark wind released by Bai Liwu!

This wind can not only blow away all the light, but once it is blown into the body of the soul, it can easily blow out the fire of the soul.

After all, the fire of life will also shine!

"Jiang Yun must be completely finished this time!"

"Yeah, this dark nine thousand world is the strongest power of Bailiwu. I didn't know how many strong people died under this magical power."

Seeing that Jiang Yun was trapped in the depths of the darkness, everyone around him could not help but open his mouth.

In particular, some monks from the demise of the field have a deep understanding of this technique.

"This is more than the best power of the hundred miles, even in the entire light and dark royal family, this can be regarded as the most powerful magic."

"And this technique is also divided into two. The power of darkness has nine thousand circles of darkness, and the power of light also has a bright nine thousand world."

"If the two skills are combined, almost no one can break the world!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun, who is already in the deepest part of the Jiuchijie, has nowhere to hear about the outside world.

Now, he has not only been in a state of complete closure, but also truly isolated from the world, and can not perceive everything from the outside world.

His face became more dignified.

Because he was trapped, he had already made a heavy blow to the darkness around him with the body of silence.

Although it is indeed breaking up several layers of dark world, but where the knowledge spreads, the remaining dark world is still layered, as if it is endless, there is no end.

Even if you can break a hundred worlds with one punch, you need ninety punches to completely smash all the world.

Don't say that Bai Liwu will not give himself the opportunity to continually swing ninety-five punches. Even if he gives it, his own strength is not enough to support himself to continuously throw out ninety punches.

This also made Jiang Yun realize that although the pattern of silence has strengthened the power of destroying the domain, but in addition to the power of pure silence, the power of the nine people has no power limit for the power of darkness.

What's more, even if there is a power limit, it is only relative!

Just like the gap between the major realms, as long as the strength is strong enough, you can completely cross the gap and ignore any boundaries!

The strength of Bailiwu, at least in the four days of robbery or even five robberies!

Therefore, at this moment, the darkness of the nine thousand circles he exerted cannot be broken by virtue of his strength in the five-fold world.

The gods watched as they whizzed from a distance, and the black wind became stronger and stronger. Jiang Yun’s body felt a bit of chilling chill, and he asked him to raise his hand and make a series of prints.

"Responsible for the reincarnation!"


The huge golden reincarnation tree appeared behind Jiang Yun, the tree body swayed gently, the leaves shook slightly, and there were countless golden lights, just like countless sharp swords piercing the darkness around. .

At this time, Jiang Yun can only recruit his own reincarnation and continue to improve his strength!

Although the golden light of the tree of reincarnation is dazzling, for the people in the outside world, they can only see the depths of infinite darkness, with the appearance of a faint golden light spot.


With the return of Jiang Yun's reprint, the tree shook, and Jiang Yun's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Because this time, with four leaves above, I walked out of myself!

Fourth world reincarnation!


The fusion of the four worlds of reincarnation made Jiang Yun’s body screaming loudly, letting his long hair fly, his clothes fluttering, and the already slender body, once again tallened!

浑 浑 浑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑


Gently clenched his fists and felt the horrible power of the body that almost blew his body out. Jiang Yun’s mouth spit out two words.

At this moment, Jiang Yun reached the strongest state in his life, the strongest fighting power!

Just then, the nine thousand dark winds that have gathered together have arrived.

Looking at the dark wind that should have been blown away by himself, Jiang Yun’s eyes showed dazzling fineness and raised his fist.


A loud repercussing of the entire fair world came out, and the shock of everyone’s ears was rumbling and the blood was tumbling.

Some of them were slightly weaker, and even the body could not stand still and sat down on the ground.

Even the entire fair world has swayed, like the end of the world, and is about to be destroyed!


With the loud noise, Bai Liwu was also suffering from a huge impact. The blood in his mouth spurted out, and the whole person succumbed backwards and backwards. The pale face was even more terrifying.

However, now everyone can't watch the situation of themselves and Bai Liwu, but all of them turn their attention to the position of the sound of the explosion.

At this moment, the nine thousand-layer dark world is like a flower with endless petals and layers of bloom, which makes people feel dizzy.

And in the center of the flower, a tall figure is slowly moving out!

Jiang Yun!

Looking at the body at this moment, it became very tall, full of breath, hair flying, and the coldness of the eyes. Just like the demon, Jiang Yun, who came out without any injury, the whole fair world, really fell into the dead, silent!

Who can imagine that Jiang Yun, who was almost sure that they were all sure to die, broke through the darkness of the nine thousand worlds and succeeded in coming out!

Not only that, the smell of Jiang Yun’s body at this moment is obviously several times stronger than before!


Millions of people staring at Jiang Yun, with a trembling voice in his mouth.

He did not believe it anyway, and Jiang Yun was able to break his own darkness.

Jiang Yun’s gaze also looked at Bai Liwu. To be honest, even himself was quite emotional.

If the reincarnation that I have summoned is not the fourth world, but the third world, I am afraid I will not be able to walk out of the nine thousand layers of darkness.

However, since he has already stepped out, it means that Bailiwu is not his opponent.

Jiang Yun put away the emotion, the cold voice said: "Bai Liwu!"

Hearing the voice of Jiang Yun, Bai Liwu was a cleverman, and suddenly he woke up and turned around. His body shape disappeared instantly.

Obviously, he realized that he was not Jiang Yun’s opponent, so he escaped.

In the extraterritorial battlefield, the famous killing star Bailiwu, at this moment, was beaten like a funeral dog, which made everyone feel like a dream. It is a bit unbelievable.

Jiang Yunqi can let Bai Liwu escape, smile coldly, and walk straight toward the direction of Bai Liwu's escape.

Just before Jiang Yun and Bai Liwu left and right, among the crowds, there were suddenly two figures rising up and trailing behind them.


At the same time, the old man who stood by the beautiful woman at the door of life and death always gave a cold cry, and also rushed to chase away.

The departure of these three monks fell into the eyes of many people, leaving many people's faces exposed.

Because they all recognized it, the three men came from the return of the heavens and the death and death.

Obviously, it is impossible to kill the sky and be killed by Jiang Yun, so you must keep Bailiwu.

The life and death gate is to keep Jiang Yun, not to be killed.

After all, the relationship between life and death and Jiang Yun is very shallow.

It is no secret that Jiang Yun walked out from the dark clouds twice and took the initiative to find people who are living and dead.

And this means that today, whether Jiang Yun is alive or dead, the two forces of life and death and no return to heaven must obviously go to war!

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