The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1802: Live well

For the realm of Bu Yi's cultivation, some people think that he has already entered the realm of humanity and isomorphism. Some people think that he is still a robbery of heaven and man.

Today, he finally showed his true realm to the world. It is indeed the five worlds of heaven and earth, and it is the peak!

As long as he is willing, he can always bring this last catastrophe into the realm of humanity and isomorphism!

As long as he has survived this fifth robbery, he will be able to enter the realm of humanity and isomorphism, becoming the first strong person in the Taoist domain to enter the humane isomorphism in the countless years.

At this moment, he attracted his fifth robbery of heaven and earth. The purpose of it is naturally self-evident. It is to use this robbery to deal with the people of the temple to protect the souls of the mountains and seas.

Looking at the moment, like a master who has changed himself, Lu Yourong’s heart is inexplicably trembled, raising an ominous premonition. The tears that have just been recovered are falling uncontrollably, shaking and whistling: "Master, what are you going to do?"

Bu Yi turned his head and looked at Lu Yourong. His face showed a kind smile. He just reached out and licked Lu’s head again. He sent his voice to Lu’s voice. Rong, sent to the ears of every mountain and sea spirit: "Next, no matter what happens, you should not move!"

When the voice fell, Bu Yi recovered the palm of his hand, and the smile on his face also converges. The sudden storm of the storm suddenly rises like a hurricane, sweeping almost the entire mountain and sea, and it is also pervading every soul.

Then, Bu Yi took a step out, and the whole person appeared directly in the dense temple of the Taoist temple above the sky!


That has covered the entire mountain and sea sky in the robbery cloud, a loud noise, but also a number of horrible lines in it filled out, and it has become a myriad of chessboards of different sizes!

All the strong men of the temple, all the creatures of the mountains and seas, together with Bu Yi, are all on the chessboard, which is like a chess piece.

According to the different avenues pursued by each monk, the vicissitudes of heaven and man are different.

The fifth robbery of Bu Yi’s heavenly man is in the way of confusing the chessboard.

This scene makes the creatures of the mountains and seas look like a fascinating color.

They have limited strength and little knowledge. They simply don't know what is the fifth robbery of the heavens. They just look at the chessboard underneath them. It is unknown.

For the many powerful people in the Temple of the Tao, they are very clear about the purpose of Bu Yi, and their eyes are also full of horror.

Because of the scent of Bu Yi, who is on the chessboard, each of them can clearly feel that the robbery has locked themselves.

Dao Er is blurted out and debuted: "Bu Yi is difficult, you are crazy!"

The fifth robbery of the heavenly man, since it is the last catastrophe into the realm of humanity and isomorphism, its power is absolutely beyond the imagination of all.

After all, once you have passed, from then on, it is humanity!

Naturally, if you want to successfully survive this robbery, the difficulty is also extraordinary, so many monks who have reached the fifth robbery of heaven and earth will spend a long time to do all kinds of preparations, thus increasing their own The success of robbery.

Even so, the probability of successful robbery is less than one in ten thousand.

Otherwise, there will not be so many strong people in the doctrine of humanity in the Taoist domain.

But now, the fifth robbery of Bu Yi’s heavenly man has actually taken up almost all the monks in the temple.

Of course, there is a great possibility that the tyrannical will bring these monks into it, but in this way, the power of this robbery will also double!

Obviously, Bu Yi is already holding a mortal heart, and he must fight all the strongmen of this temple with his own strength!

Bu Yi’s hands were carried behind him, and the endless hurricane blew his white hair and clothes, and his face showed a light smile: “I’m crazy!”

Indeed, in the eyes of all people, Bu Yi is not recognized by the six parents. It is a person who is unrequited and is equivalent to a madman.

But the world does not know, Bu Yi difficult this life, the most friendship!

The reason why his six parents do not recognize is to bring disaster to their relatives and friends!

Because of the road of Bu, the venting of the open-air machine, this is a road to no return, even to the relatives and friends.

Therefore, from the beginning of the road of practice, he has never enjoyed any kind of feelings, affection, friendship, and feelings of the same family in the world. He has never felt it.

Therefore, he will also keep in mind everybody who has helped him.

For example, the ancient is not old!

What Gu did not do for Bu Yi is actually saying a word.

This sentence, a little bit of good for Bu Yi, so he did not hesitate to pay the price of his own degeneration, to help Situ Jing, help Jiang Yun to survive the robbery.

Now, in his only disciple, he finally feels the concern and feels the feelings like family.

This also makes him almost no regrets in this life.

Therefore, in any case, even if the mountains and seas will die, even if there is no escape, he will use his own power to go against the sky and to incite the days of his life that can never be reversed!

He has to keep his disciples and do what he can to satisfy his disciples' wishes.

In the eyes of the second eye, the light flashed: "Bu is difficult, even if you pull us all into your road robbery, but you will not naively think that we can kill us, can we save this mountain and sea?" ”

The power of the road robbery is stronger. As long as the road robbery comes, the monks of the Taoist temple will not attack them as long as they do not attack Bu Yi and do not move.

Even if they were dragged into the robbery, although there will be people who will fall, but with the strength of the sects among them, it is enough to keep most people.

What's more, the power of this robbery has doubled, but Bu Yi is not able to survive this robbery, and even speed up his death.

As long as Bu Yi is dead, the road robbery naturally disappears. At that time, those who are in the temple can still easily kill all the people in the mountains and seas.

For the second word, Bu Yi is just a cold smile: "This will not bother you!"


Another loud noise came from the mountains and seas, and the countless chessboards that were overwhelmingly opened suddenly turned.

With the rotation, each side of the board is like a living, which exudes a chill of meaning, and begins to have one illusion of one after another, and everyone who will be on the board Encircled firmly.

These illusory figures, each with a strong killing effect, seem to rush to the people surrounded by them.

For the mountains and seas, for everyone in the temple, the moment is like being on the real battlefield. In addition to themselves, all sides are all enemies.

Although these illusory figures have not really started to act, but the murderousness of their bodies is enough to make some timid people feel cold and rise infinite fear.

This is the rob of Bu Yi, because he is proficient in Bu Dao, so if he wants to get through this robbery, he must rely on Bu Dao, find a way to live, and walk out of this enemy, the crisis board. !

At this moment, Bu Yi suddenly suddenly bowed his head, a pair of eyes crossed the endless distance, looked at Lu Yourong above the earth, kindly smiled: "Shantou, listen to Master's words?"

Lu Yourong naturally understood what Master was going to do, but he also knew that he could not stop it. He had already burst into tears and nodded again and again: "Master, I listen, I listen!"

"Live well!"

The four-character export, Bu Yi difficult figure has taken a step forward.

With the action of Bu Yi, all the figures on the chessboard he was on, immediately moved!

A more powerful atmosphere of the stock, emitted from the top of each board, robbery in the clouds, thunder and booming, the road is full of.

The fifth robbery of Bu Yi’s Heavenly Man, officially begins!

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