The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1831: Entrance open

Hai Changsheng, the demon of the bounds of the sea, in order to resurrect his beloved wife, can live forever, not hesitate to push the bounds of the sea, drowning the mountains and seas, and creating too much killing.

Later, in order to help Jiang Yun to fight against Yue Qing, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life, and after giving all his repairs to the 100,000 mountains, he followed his wife and disappeared from then on.

In the understanding of Jiang Yun at that time, Hai Changsheng must have fallen.

However, just now, among the ninety-nine people, although Dao Tianyou may have a key on his body, he emerged from the depths of the boundary sea under the influence of eight keys, but other people are clearly Boundary sea sent out!

In addition, no matter whether it is the tens of thousands of strong people in the temple, or Jiang Yun himself, they have not found these ninety-nine people in the bounds of the sea.

Although it is because of their body, there is a repair that is easy to stay, but it may also be because of the protection of the boundary sea!

Therefore, Jiang Yun suddenly felt that Hai Changsheng, will still be alive?

After all, Hai Changsheng is the bounding sea. If the sea is born and died, then the bounding sea should also disappear, but now that the boundary sea exists, then the sea may live still!

Jiang Yun’s voice is like thunder, and it is introduced into the bounding sea below, and his knowledge of the same is also spread inside, carefully looking for the atmosphere of the sea.

After a long time, the boundary sea is still tumbling, and there is no response.

And Jiang Yun’s knowledge is also a failure to return, which makes Jiang Yun can not help but frown slightly, do you guess wrong?

Since he couldn't find Hai Changsheng, Jiang Yun naturally could only give up. He turned back to the side of the ninety-nine people and recruited the Xuelian people to help them see their injuries.

Although Jiang Yun himself is also proficient in medicine, he has no medicinal herbs on his body, and he is not in the mood to refine the medicinal herbs. Therefore, it is better to let the Xuelian people with therapeutic talents heal them.

Jiang Yun himself came to the side of Dao Tianyou. The gods carefully scanned his body and found no trace of the key, but there was an assimilation power.

With Jiang Yun extracting the power of assimilation, it reveals a key wrapped in it!

Naturally, this is increasingly proving that this key is indeed the name of the Taoist in the body.

After all, the people who are currently mastering the power of assimilation, in the knowledge of Jiang Yun, only have their own name and no name.

"Just why did he do this?"

"Unless, he knows that I am looking for these nine keys, knowing that I have to enter the world, and know that the gods will return to the mountains and seas with the disciples of Shanhai, so they deliberately fulfilled me."

The Tao is unknown, this is also a strong person who does not belong to the Taoist domain. When the Jiuzu faced the threat of Taoism, the mysteriously appeared, but the mysterious disappeared man, Jiang Yun once thought that he was his father.

However, it seems that he is only somewhat similar to his own appearance. Besides, there should be no much relationship.

The origin of the nameless, there is no clue,

The power of assimilation may not be as good as the silence, the power of creation and light, but it is also extremely powerful.

It is reasonable to say that the ethnic group with the power of assimilation should at least be a bit famous, even the general.

However, what surprised Jiang Yun was that in the mouth of the moon, in the domain of destruction, there seems to be no ethnic group with the power of assimilation.

Naturally, this makes the nameless name more mysterious.

However, Yue Zun also said that the area of ​​the destructive domain is too big, and with his strength, he dare not say that he has understood the entire era and knows every ethnic group.

For the time being, the question of the nameless name was put down, and Jiang Yun carefully took out the key of the Taoist body.

Open the nine keys to the end of the world, Jiang Yun is finally all!

With the removal of this key, the eight keys that had just returned to calm suddenly violently oscillated again.

Jiang Yun also released his palm, letting this last key automatically fly into it.

The nine keys are really like life, and under the violent vibration, they are arranged into a shape.

Moreover, each key exudes a corresponding color of light, rushing into the sky, condensed together, thus forming a light door that brings together nine colors.

The original Jiang Yun is still considering, even if he got nine keys, how can he enter the world, but at this moment, seeing this light door, Jiang Yun knows that he cares.

As long as the nine keys are collected, they will automatically open the entrance to the world.

Moreover, according to Xiao Letian, this is a space sacred object, everywhere.

Close at hand, but far away from the horizon!

At this moment, Jiang Yun knows that they are close to Grandpa, and they are already close at hand!

However, Jiang Yun did not rush into the light door, but took back his eyes, stepped out, and left the mountains and seas!

For the situation inside the world, Jiang Yun also did not understand, even if there is a key in hand, Jiang Yun does not know whether he can enter in a short time, and leave.

Now that the Taoist script has been down, there may be Taoist monks in the mountains and seas anytime and anywhere, so before he enters the world, he must first ensure the safety of the mountains and seas.

Standing in the darkness of the seam, Jiang Yun’s knowledge has spread to all directions.

Why did Shanhaijie break away from its original position and enter this place? Although Jiang Yun does not know the specific process, he can faintly guess, and it must be the protection of the nine people who stayed in the mountains and seas. It is related to the power suppressed by the Jiu Dao.

Jiang Yun is ignorant of the seam that is now in the mountains and seas.

Under the cover of the gods, Jiang Yun discovered that although the area of ​​this boundary is also great, it has a boundary.

That is to say, it is more like a closed space, so when the people of the original temple entered here, they forced the space and opened a passage.

"This means that if you want to enter the mountains and seas, there is actually only one entrance, so as long as you keep this entrance, you don't have to worry about the safety of the mountains and seas."

"As for the interior of the mountains and seas, there are virtual roads opened up by virtual madmen. If there are strong enemies, then they can completely leave the mountains and seas through the void."

Jiang Yun's figure swayed and appeared again next to the channel that was shot.

This channel is actually slowly healing, and this is also the nature of the power of space.

As long as it is not completely smashed and turned into nothingness, then as time goes by, the space can be automatically healed, and it will be as long as time is needed.

As soon as he was indulging, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and turned into a hundred thousand miles of hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains. The heavy fall in the seams and blocked in front of the passage.

If someone comes here and wants to attack the mountains and seas, you must first break the 100,000 mountains.

For the defense power of 100,000 Lushan, Jiang Yun still has some confidence.

If the time drags a little longer, and then the channel will heal itself, then there will be another protection.

In this way, the safety of the mountains and seas is finally guaranteed.

Jiang Yun returned to the mountains and seas, refused to follow the imaginary madman and other people, and after simply swearing at the crowd, he looked at the light door above the sky.

"Grandpa, I am coming!"

Jiang Yun finally stepped and stepped into the light door.

With the entry of Jiang Yun, the nine keys were turned into nine light, and they also broke into the light door and followed Jiang Yun.

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