The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1839: Reason for rejection

Just as Jiang Yun entered the mountains and seas, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the wind was raging, and the sea was whistling, setting off a huge wave.

Even, there is a stock that is full of strong rejection of hatred, which has swarmed from all directions, all swept away toward Jiang Yun.

At this moment, Jiang Yun has a clearer understanding.

Self, it is like becoming an unwelcome intruder, rejected by the entire mountain and sea community!

"Boss, you are back!"

The voice of the madman sounded and appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun looked dignified, his brow wrinkled and looked at the mad madman: "How long did I go?"

"It’s almost half a year!" The madman replied to Jiang Yun, and he kept looking around with his eyes, his face revealing doubtful colors.


Jiang Yun's pupil can not help but shrink slightly, and he went to the end of the world. In his own feelings, it seems that even one day is not enough, but it has already passed for half a year.

It's just a space magic, it doesn't have the ability to change the passage of time, so it makes it easy for Jiang Yun to imagine that he has been in a coma for half a year!

However, this is really not a possible thing.

His own coma was just because of anger and anger, and he was not seriously injured.

And my life is also far more powerful than others, and her life is strong. How could it be unconscious for half a year in this situation?

At this time, the mad madman’s voice with a deep and incomprehensible sounded again: “What is this? It’s just the wind and the sun, calm and calm, how come you get back when you come back?”

Jiang Yun’s heart moved and then asked: “In the past six months, nothing happened in the mountains and seas?”

The madman shook his head and said: "There is nothing, that is, most of those who were comatose have already woken up."

Jiang Yun was still thinking that the mountains and seas suddenly rejected themselves. Is it because of what happened in the mountains and seas, but now the answer of the madman has made his idea rejected.

Although most of those who are slumbering and sleeping are awakened, this is a great good news for Jiang Yun, but he has no mood to pay attention.

Because he has realized that he must figure out the things that are rejected by the mountains and seas, find the reason!

Shanhaijie is the home of Jiang Yun, but now it is rejected by his own family. This is really not a good feeling for Jiang Yun.

What's more, nowadays the monks of the Daoyu are attacking 100,000 mountains and are likely to enter the mountains and seas at any time.

In case of fighting, under the state of being excluded, the strength may be affected, so it must be solved.

"In a coma for half a year, when I woke up, the mountains and seas suddenly rejected me like this..."

With the whisper of whisper in the mouth, there is a fierce light in Jiang Yun’s eyes. “That is to say, when I am in a coma, there must be some changes that I don’t know about me!”

Jiang Yun’s knowledge immediately looked into his body.

From waking up to now, Jiang Yun has no time to look at his situation.

Because he doesn't have to look at it at all, just vomiting blood and vomiting blood will have no effect on himself.

The first thing Jiang Yun saw was his own Dantian. At first glance, his face suddenly changed.

In addition to the five roads, Dantian is an aura of the sea.

Since leaving the domain, Jiang Yun has been absorbing the aura of the cultivating land of the mortal people through the darkness, so now the aura of the body has once again gathered into the sea, and will soon be able to converge into the sixth platform.

Now, in addition to the Aura Sea and the Taoist platform, Dan Tian has a gray and nothingness!

"This is nothingness in the space of the world!"

"And, these nothingness, I seem to be able to control too!"

The thought of this thought passed, and the emptiness of the ink on Jiang Yun’s eye suddenly emerged, and the emptiness in Dantian immediately rolled over.

The next moment, Jiang Yun's eyes are in front of him, and he has already left the mountains and seas, and is in a space full of nothingness.

The area of ​​the space is several times larger than the nine spaces in the world. Even the situation is a bit similar. There is nothing but nothing but nothing.

"this is……"

Looking at the emptiness around, Jiang Yun understood it after a slight glimpse.

"This is not a space within the bounds of the world, but a world of selflessness, nothingness!"

"I know, this is the virtual boundless!"

After recognizing the emptiness, Jiang Yun’s mind suddenly became more and more cheerful.

"Dao Zun actually has a relationship with calling the virtual, even as if it is cooperation, calling the virtual to send some of its own emptiness to the Tao, and the Tao is either to provide the truth to the call, or something else. ""

"In short, Dao Zun disperses these illusions in the nine spaces of the world, to imprison the Nine."

"And I, because of the power of nothingness, and the blood that I vomited before I was in a coma, must be swallowed up by these emptiness, so that they are just like the world, they are called the imaginary, as their masters. After I was in a coma, it automatically poured into my body!"

After thinking about this, Jiang Yun thought about it. In this emptiness, there were a number of figures, standing there and motionless, like a statue.

Among them, even included Bai Liwu!

Ever since he had the power of nothingness, Jiang Yun’s powerful monks who died in their hands will be marked with nothingness, so that they will use it for themselves even after they die.

After all, this is his one card!

Now that he has a emptiness, then naturally these people can be placed here.

After glance at these unmoving people, Jiang Yun’s thoughts have moved away from the emptiness and return to the mountains and seas.

The virtual madman on the side looked at the sudden disappearance, and Jiang Yun, who suddenly appeared, showed his envious color on his face: "Boss, your mastery of the power of space is becoming more and more familiar, and I have not noticed it."

The madman thought that Jiang Yun was immersed in other spaces, and Jiang Yun did not feel in the mood to explain to him. He still thought: "Why is vain boundlessness the reason why the mountains and the seas reject me?"

"No!" Jiang Yun slowly shook his head and said: "I am not just gaining the power of nothingness, a virtual boundless appearance, there is no reason to cause such rejection."

"Maniac, you go to bring everyone together!"

The madman promised, didn't ask why, immediately turned and left.

Jiang Yun looked at the sky above the head of the thunder and lightning, watching the roaring sea under his body, and the constant rejection of all directions, he suddenly sat down on his knees, and his knowledge was divided into two. One rushed to the entire mountain and sea, and one continued to look inside his body.

After a while, Jiang Yun’s eyes showed a radiance. He had already noticed that the direction of the rejection of the stock was exactly where the Jiu Dao was!

"It turns out that the exclusion of me is strictly speaking, not the mountains and seas, but the dead and the nine!"

"But the people who can make them so excluded should not be me, but should be... Dao Zun!"

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, a dazzling ray of light broke out, and his voice screamed: "Dao Zun, are you in my body, give it to me!"

Along with the explosion of Jiang Yun, I heard a laugh and suddenly came out. From the fire of Jiang Yun, a figure rushed out and stood in front of Jiang Yun.

It is, Tao Zun!

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