The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1864: Not attacking

This suddenly appeared in the space of the mountains and seas, so that the mountains and seas once again fell into a state of rest.

Even if Jiang Yun temporarily stopped the attack in his hand, only the small wind vortex at the fingertips is still spinning.

These hundred people, there are men and women, old and young.

Although at this moment, most of them have curious colors on their faces, and they are constantly looking around, like people who have never seen the world.

But no one in the mountains and seas dares to underestimate them.

Because, the hundred people, the breath of each person's body, are incomparably tyrannical.

The weakest is also the cultivation of the Tao, and the humanity and the context are at least five people!

Especially the foremost handsome man, the white-skinned young man, a cold scent from his body, the cover of his body is so strict that he can't see through his cultivation!

We must know that in today's mountains and seas, there are more than ten strong people in the same humanity and context.

It also includes the avatars of Tao Zun, including the nightless dust that has made the Tao Zun's deity incapable of moving for many years, including Jiang Yun who now has the strength to kill the Taoist!

However, all of them could not see through the cultivation of this young man.

It is conceivable that the strength of the other party is stronger than that of them!

Naturally, for the identity and origin of these hundred people, all of them are confused. Only Tao Zun, Jiang Yun, Night Solitary, Virtual Maniac and Qian Kong’s face are slightly changed at the same time!

Especially the virtual madman and the money and empty two, but also rushed to Jiang Yundao: "Boss, light dark royal family, light dark royal family!"

In fact, without their reminders, after seeing the black and white clothes of these hundred monks, Jiang Yun has already guessed their identity!

This also reminds Jiang Yun that when he was in the fair interface to Bailiwu, the soul of Bailiwu hid a strong man named Bailiguang, letting himself go to the Dark Emperor to plead guilty!

Even, the hundred miles of light also personally killed the hundred miles, but let everyone think that they killed the hundred miles!

Nowadays, seeing the hundreds of monks who suddenly appear in the light and darkness of the Taoist domain, Jiang Yun is far more clear than others, and the other party is definitely looking for himself!

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that even if the hundred miles of light had hatred against himself, as long as he was not in the domain, the other party would not take himself.

However, I did not expect that the other party actually let the people of the Dark Emperor, not hesitate to cross the endless distance, came to the Dojo!

"I'm not right!"

In the mind of Jiang Yun, he suddenly thought of a turn: "Since the hundred miles of light can send Bai Liwu into the battlefield outside the field as a spy, it must be a workman, and a very high-ranking person!"

"Although I have some conflicts with him, I actually didn't really get him from start to finish."

"Just for such a bit of private vengeance, he is so eager to deal with me, this is not something that such people can do!"

"Now he sent people to the domain, and there must be other things besides dealing with me."

"What the **** is it?"

At the same time as Jiang Yun pondered, the young man headed by the light and dark family suddenly frowned, suddenly turned his head and looked at the mountains and seas!

Although there is still a long way to go between him and the mountains and seas, this eye has directly crossed all the distances and entered the mountains and seas without any hindrance.

Even, just like Jiang Yun’s gaze, it’s colliding straight!

Looking at Jiang Yun, the young man’s face showed a faint color first, but then it suddenly turned into joy, and it has already taken the first step and appeared on the sky above the mountains and seas!

Behind him, the rest of the light and dark people naturally also appeared!

With the arrival of these hundred light and dark people, the atmosphere of solidification in the mountains and seas was suddenly twitched again.

And the young man who did not go to see the mountains and seas now filled with at least 100,000 monks, and did not go to see the undead soul.

His gaze was only fixed on Jiang Yundao: "I thought it would take some time to find you. I didn't expect that luck was so good. I just met you when I came to Dao!"

When I heard the man, everyone’s heart was suddenly shocked.

It turned out that this group of people actually came for Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun said nothing, his face was extremely calm, and he could not see what he thought.

Not far from the Tao, but the eyeballs turn, the light in the eyes flashes.

Originally, he thought that he was mortal, but now he did not expect to have a turn.

The young man said to Jiang Yun again: "I am Bai Lixuan, but the person who destroys the dark king of the field, the minor repair of the domain, you should be clear, I am here for the purpose!"

"Now, are you guilty of taking me to the place where there is less light, or do you need me to kneel down?"

Bai Lixuan is at the top, standing at high altitude, overlooking Jiang Yun.

Although there is no expression on the face, but the tone is with pride and arrogance!

And his words, so that those who do not know their identity, the domain of the monk suddenly trembled.

Then, countless eyes looked at the Taoist!

Dao Zun had a script, and all the monks in the Taoist area were told that Jiang Yun was a traitor, and it was to help the monks to attack the domain.

But now, there is a group of royals who have destroyed the domain, to kill Jiang Yun!

The saying that Jiang Yun is a traitor to the Taoist sect is already unbreakable.

Jiang Yun, not only is not a spoiler of the domain, but a person who wants to kill the domain!

In the face of the aggressive momentum and words of Bai Lixuan, Jiang Yun finally faintly said: "The imperial family of the tyrannical domain, in order to take Jiang, even out of such a battle, it really can see Jiang!"

"Ha ha ha!"

With the fall of Jiang Yun’s voice, Bai Lixuan, along with all the light and dark people behind him, burst into a burst of laughter.

A young woman smiled and shook her head and said: "The repair of the Dao domain is really a frog at the bottom of the well. I don't know how tall it is! I really take myself seriously!"

"What is the identity of my dark royal family, just to catch you, you will need such a battle!"

A young man followed: "Xuan Ge, why not talk nonsense with him, it is better for me to take him directly!"

"In addition, since these roads have been repaired, we have all seen them, so we will kill them together, so that we will not be able to reveal our whereabouts!"

Hearing the unscrupulous dialogue of these light and dark people, the face of all the monks was suddenly gloomy.

In particular, Jiang Yun, it is clear that the other party really does not just come for himself, but has other tasks.

Even in order to hide their whereabouts, they even have to kill everyone in the mountains and seas!

Obviously, in their eyes, not to mention the many monks in the mountains and seas, I am afraid that even the monks of the entire domain, like the ants, can be squeezed to death.

Although everyone admits that the people of this dark-skinned family are very strong, it is a bit too arrogant to do so in the eyes of the entire domain.

Only the vain madman and the money emptiness know that the 100 light and dark people naturally do not have this kind of strength, but the entire light and dark royal family does have the power to destroy the entire domain!

Bai Lixuan smiled faintly: "Slightly, don't worry, we will come to this domain very hard, naturally we have to play well, all things, one by one!"

When the voice fell, there were two electric light bursts out of Bai Lixuan's eyes, which fell directly on Jiang Yun's body: "You, don't smash your hand!"

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