The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1871: Never die

Jiang Yun’s voice naturally made everyone look at him with his gaze and saw the four figures that were already at the end of the sky in the mountains and seas!

Dao 2, Wu Xingzi, Mu Yu and the Promise!

In this scene, all the people, even the many monks including the Temple of the Tao, are all shocked and angry!

Because the self-destruction of the thousands of monks in the temple is not their original intention.

Instead, their bodies are controlled by their respective lords, and they are used as weapons, forcing them to blew themselves to stop the pace of Jiang Yun and others.

The purpose is to enable Dao 2, Wu Xingzi, Mu Yu and the Promise Four to escape from the mountains and seas through this short time!

Apparently, the 10,000-member monks were facing Jiang Yun, so that the four of them clearly realized the war, and they would not have the slightest chance of winning.

Continue to stay in the mountains and seas, and even have the possibility of falling.

And to their identity and strength, although they have a deep hatred of Jiang Yun, although they are the master of the high, but everything is not as important as their lives.

Therefore, the four people have reached a consensus in the secret, at the expense of the lives of thousands of disciples, to lay a path for their own four people to escape.

While they ignited the body of these thousands of monks, they have already stepped outside the mountains and seas, not even seeing what kind of consequences such a self-destruction will bring to Jiang Yun and others.

To tell the truth, even Jiang Yun did not think that these three Taoist lords would be shameless and despicable to this extent.

In order to be able to survive, I will not take the life of my disciples seriously.

As for other people, nature is extremely angry.

In particular, I asked, kendo and evil Tao Zong and others, in addition to their anger, there is a deep fear.

Because if it is not Jiang Yun’s quick response and the imprisonment of thousands of monks by the force of space, he will bear most of the power of the explosion. I am afraid that many of them will be under the blast. Direct fall.

I have to say that this method of the Five Elements and others is too vicious!

Fortunately, the figure of four people, such as the Five Elements, has stopped at the end of the sky in the mountains and seas.

Because Jiang Yun had already guessed that some people would escape from the mountains and seas, so they have completely blocked the mountains and seas.

The Tao can walk away, and Jiang Yun deliberately let go.

Apart from Tao Zun, the remaining people, Jiang Yun is not ready to let go!


Inside the evil sect, Chen Siyu took the lead and stepped out. The Qingxiu’s face revealed endless killings. There was no extra words. He held a black pike, and through an endless distance, he shot at the road with a shot!

He just walked in the forefront. If it wasn't Jiang Yun, then the thousands of monks' self-destructive powers would be the first to bear the brunt, and even if they didn't die, they would be seriously injured.

I can imagine the anger of his heart now.

One shot stabbed, but there were 10,000 black gun flowers blooming in the air.

Every gun flower is like consciousness and life. With the supreme power that can destroy everything, it rushes to the second.

With Chen Siyu's shot, the other people also did not hesitate any more, and they all flashed and rushed to the many monks of the Taoist temple.

The monks of these temples joined the temple of the Tao to follow the loyalty of the Tao and become a group of high presence in the Tao.

But they will never think that when they are really facing the crisis of life and death, they are one after another, they are not hesitant to abandon the Taoist and the lords who are willing to guard with their lives.

Even, they are also regarded as a stepping stone to escape!

This **** reality finally completely destroyed the last trace of the hearts of these monks in the temple!

Their hearts have been cool, and it is impossible for them to be the opponents of the mountains and seas in the imposing manner. They have become the weak side.

At this time, a strong man of the five-day robes of the celestial celestial man suddenly shouted: "I am willing to shun you, help you fight against the Tao, fight against the temple, just let me go!"

After him, one voice after another came out of the monks of these temples.

"I am willing to return, I beg you to let me go!"

"I am willing, let me go!"

In the face of these monks who are willing to return to the temple, Jiang Yun’s mouth only spit out a word: "kill!"

Although they are indeed sad and poor, but Jiang Yun and all the repairs of the mountains and seas will not have a little sympathy for them!

After all, when they attacked the mountains and seas for the first time, they were the real main force.

They and the mountains and seas were innocent, but when they slaughtered the mountains and the sea, they did not have a soft hand, and they did not think about letting them go.

Now, they want to surrender, want to keep their lives, Jiang Yun and all the mountains and seas, do not accept!

Even Jiang Yun once again said with a cold voice: "Let their souls be forever hidden in the mountains and seas, and always protect the mountains and seas until they are scattered!"

"Let all those who want to invade my mountains and seas to see their end!"

This sentence, let alone these monks in the temple, even if the earth spirit and others heard, the heart can not help but chill!

If you die, the soul will be trapped forever in the reincarnation of the mountains and seas, protecting the mountains and seas until the soul is gone!

This is absolutely the most severe and horrible punishment for anyone.

The world only knows that it will not end, but in Jiang Yun, it is dead, not a stop, but the beginning of another reincarnation!

Even if you die, the soul will continue to accept punishment until the complete soul flies!

Of course, if you don't want to accept punishment, then you will blew yourself up and let yourself fly away.

Since then, there is no reincarnation, direct annihilation, there is no slight breath between heaven and earth!

This is the end of the invasion of the mountains and seas!

At this moment, Jiang Yun did not join the battle group. He just stood there and watched the battle without any expression.

Lei Mu, Bu Yi and three dead human beings with the same humanity and context, the power of five people besieged the five elements of the five elements.

Chen Siyu is alone in the second battle!

Many of the dead army, in addition to the question, the three disciples of Kendo and Evil, and the Linglingzi and others surrounded the repair of the Taoist temple, which basically had no fighting spirit.

In this big battle, he has no need to shoot, and the mountains and seas have taken an absolute advantage.

Even the night, the same dust, also stopped, standing beside him.

At night, I saw Jiang Yun’s eyes: “How is the injury?”

Jiang Yun faintly said: "Nothing!"

Although the mouth said nothing, his pale face clearly represented his injury.

After all, the self-destruction of thousands of the weakest monastic monks, the power, is enough to destroy hundreds of worlds.

Jiang Yun and Shan Haijie have endured the power of such horror with the power of one person and one world. It is a blessing to die.

Nodded at night, "What are you going to do next?"

Jiang Yun did not answer immediately, but looked up, his eyes pierced the mountains and seas, and looked at the darkness outside the boundary. After a while, he replied: "Fighting!"

Although the mountains and seas seem to have the upper hand today, Jiang Yun is very clear that all this is just the beginning!

Whether it is the Taoist or the light and dark people, it is absolutely not easy to let go of yourself and let go of the mountains and seas.

Perhaps the light and dark people will not enter the domain again in a short time, but Tao Zun, I am afraid that will soon return and return.

Therefore, he must be prepared to meet the war that may come at any time.

Just as Jiang Yun said these two words, in the darkness where the mountains and seas were originally located, there was a sudden sway of stagnation, and the Tao Zun, who was always sitting there with his knees, opened his eyes.

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