The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1876: In the fire

The happiest thing in the mountains and seas is naturally four people, including Dao Er and Wu Xing Zi.

The opening of the ghost door, the appearance of the ghost family, let them realize that they have turned around.

Although they still can't escape from the mountains and seas, they are at the end of the sky, but they don't have to worry about their own safety.

They only need to be safe and secure here, and they will be able to leave safely after the death of the dead world completely kills the mountains and seas.

Because they are very sure, the repair of the mountains and seas will definitely not be the opponent of the dead world!

This is indeed the case.

Although there is no ghost filling, many of the mountains and seas have been repaired with a lot of restraints, but in the face of these ghosts and dead spirits from the dead, as they had expected, they can not occupy the slightest advantage.

The Necromancer is relatively good at dealing with it.

After all, they are strictly speaking, just the equivalent of the soul.

Nowadays, there are no weak monks in the mountains and seas. Naturally, there are ways to hurt or even kill these souls.

But the ghost family, this group born in the dead world, the opposite of the living, they are almost equivalent to the undead body.

Except for a few strong men such as Ray Mother and Dan Daozi who can directly kill them through truly unmatched forces, any attack by other monks will not have much effect on them.

Even if they are fragmented, they will only become ghosts and then quickly rejoin.

The only thing that everyone is surprised about is Chen Siyu of the evil Taoist!

The young man who had never been known in the whole domain, not only rebelled against the Taoist priest in the face of the Tao, but stood on the side of Jiang Yun, and now faces these ghosts, in his hands The black pistol has a restraining effect.

Each shot can easily kill one or more ghosts.

The most incomprehensible thing is that there are thousands of people who have come to the mountains and seas this time. But only one person can do this.

But even if Chen Siyu is stronger, he can't reverse the whole situation with his own power.

What's more, the longer the time drags, the more dangerous it is for the repair of the mountains and seas.

After all, fighting is extremely powerful.

After the repeated battles in the mountains and seas, there is not much respirence left.

However, there are countless ghost gates that can provide ghosts for the infinite endlessness of the ghosts, so that they do not have to worry about the power consumption.

Now, all the repairs of the mountains and seas, from the very beginning to fight the enemy, have gradually changed to delay time.

Because of their strength, they certainly cannot kill so many ghosts and cannot win the final victory of this war, so they can only hope for Jiang Yun's body.

Everyone, from time to time, will look at Jiang Yun standing in the air with his eyes.

Even Dao Zun and Sen Luo, who are outside the mountains and seas, are the same.

Regardless of anyone, seeing Jiang Yun at the moment, the heart will give birth to a strange feeling, completely do not know what Jiang Yun is doing.

Jiang Yun has been standing in the same place, there is no movement at all, but his entire body, at a speed visible to the naked eye, disappeared a little.

Just as there are countless invisible mouths in the air, it is eating a little bit of Jiang Yun's body.

And Jiang Yun’s face has never had any expression.

Even his eyes did not look at his disappearing body, just pay attention to the hands of everyone.

Everyone doesn't know what Jiang Yun is experiencing, but the sky at the end of the abyss is clearer than anyone else.

At this moment, he saw the calm of Jiang Yun, and the old face of the old man showed a hint of admiration.

The silence of the body is not just as simple as destroying the body.

Destroy, at least there is something left.

For example, a drop of blood, you destroy it into a thousand, 10,000 points, even small to the eye can not see, but in fact there will still be blood.

The silence, but the true disappearance, will not leave even a trace.

This kind of pain, the sky was once fortunate to experience it once.

But at the beginning, it has already made him unbearable and has to give up.

However, Jiang Yun’s current body has been silenced by one-half of the pattern of silence, but he has always stood there like no one, and even his face has not changed in the slightest, even his eyes have not passed.

This kind of willpower can no longer be described with tenacity, but it is terrible, so how can the sky not admire!

In the mouth of the sky, there is another voice that only he can hear: "In the lonely family of the year, even the strongest people only completed seven times of silence, and thus became the master of the destruction. ”

"Since then, no one can pass beyond, no one knows, can this Jiang Yun complete several silences?"

After that, the cicada closed his eyes and did not go to see Jiang Yun, but patiently waited for the completion of Jiang Yun’s body.

Because, he does not need to look again, with Jiang Yun willpower and determination, at least successfully completed this first silence!

Finally, Jiang Yun’s body is about to disappear, and the only thing left is his fire that has returned to normal size.

Anyone can't see Jiang Yun's body, but Jiang Yun himself knows that he is in a very strange situation.

Obviously there are no eyes, no ears, no body, but I still have a spiritual existence, so I can still see everything clearly, hear everything, can feel this time, suddenly a great pain.

Although the whole process of body dying is not long, but for Jiang Yun, even if it is endless, it can endure to the present, and it is really reaching his limit.

However, I did not expect that the pain would be intensified again when I saw that it was about to end.


Under this painful sweep, Jiang Yun feels that his only remaining spirit is about to be completely destroyed.

And he also knows that if his spirit is gone, he will be truly ruined.

Since then, there is no more Jiang Yun in the world!

With the emergence of this idea, the pain felt by Jiang Yun has intensified again.

This also makes Jiang Yun realize that this silence has not only been directed at the body, but even his own consciousness, even his own spirit is also within the scope of silence.

The more you worry about true silence, the more painful it will be.

Therefore, Jiang Yun desperately guards his own spirit, so that he will not let his body go together, nor dare to think again.

In order to divert his attention, he deliberately looked at the root cause of his own painful increase - his own life that has begun to gradually extinguish.

For the extinguishment of his own fire, Jiang Yun is no stranger.

Counting this time, this is the eighth time it has been extinguished.

However, the first seven times of extinction were due to the practice of Nirvana, the life of the Lord.

This time, the extinction was due to the power of silence, and the degree of pain far exceeded the previous seven times.

Finally, under the insistence of Jiang Yun’s teeth, his life is completely extinguished!

But at this moment, Jiang Yun clearly saw that there was a golden glow in the vain that had no life.

"what is this?"

Jiang Yun suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the golden light of the group.

Not only him, but even the sky at the end of the abyss opened his eyes again, looking at the golden light.

The pair of eyes with endless vicissitudes of life, but also revealed a touch of extreme shock.



At the same time, a ghost door in the mountains and seas suddenly exploded, from which a black man with a cold face was drawn, and the tall and straight body was full of ghosts.

And with his appearance, the ghosts who were originally squadrons and squadrons, all of them all put their opponents together and gathered toward him!

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