The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1879: No suspense

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are watching Liu Peng who has closed his eyes!

Even Zong Rui did not have the urgency to motivate his own arrangement of ghosts and dead spirits, but waited indifferently.

Obviously, he has a curiosity about Liu Peng.

He wants to see what the other side's accomplishments on the road have, and even let all the creatures pin their hopes on him.

Although Jiang Yun has not appeared in his body, his eyes are also deeply watching Liu Peng.

Since Liu Peng was accepted as a disciple in the prison, the men and women have not seen each other for nearly a hundred years.

In the past, because of his own whim, a young man who did not have the possibility to practice embarked on an alternative path of practice.

Now, he also wants to see what kind of height his disciple has reached on the road.

Even Sen Luo and Dao Zun outside the mountains and seas are watching Liu Peng.

The appearance of the monks in the ancient times made the Tao Zun really a little unexpected.

Because at the beginning he personally sent the Dao San to lead the army to attack the ancient world. Since then, there has been no news.

He did not care about such a thing.

Because the ancient times of the Tao is like Jiang Yun before, it has not reached the level that can cause him to pay enough attention.

He does not care whether the ancient times will be destroyed, but he hopes that the ancient times will not come out when Dao 2 attacks the mountains and seas.

However, since the monks of the ancient times have appeared, Dao San still has no news, it can only show that Dao San has been defeated!

The power of the Taoist attack on the ancient world is not strong.

Even so, it is still defeated.

Moreover, he is not difficult to hear that the ancient world can win, obviously related to this Liu Peng.

Therefore, he is also a bit curious.

At the moment, Liu Peng, the real one is very eye-catching, but he did not care at all.

With the knowledge of Jiang Yun, the situation of the mountains and seas at the moment, as well as the strength and strength of the repair of the mountains and seas, have all been clearly printed in Liu Peng’s mind.

Just after the tenth, all the repairs of the mountains and seas, together with the repairs of the ancient times, have all been acted upon.

With the help of Jiang Yun's knowledge, Liu Peng can inform everyone with his knowledge without opening.

After a burst of shadows that dazzled everyone, more than 100,000 spiritual monks and an incalculable army of dead spirits in the entire mountain and sea have all stood in different positions.

With their standing, everyone only feels black in front of them, as if they have left the mountains and seas, and are in the seams.

Especially around the dead ghosts, all the repairs of the mountains and seas have completely disappeared. Instead, there are countless huge worlds, such as the same statue of the giants staring at them.

Zhou Tianjie!

"What is this?"

Zong Rui's pupil narrowed slightly, looking at this huge boundless dark space, and finally realized that he had smashed Liu Peng.

The same face in the array of promise is also a sudden change, with his rumors on the road, he could not recognize what this is.

But it is not difficult to see that this array is bound to be extremely powerful.

Even Jiang Yun is also in the formation, but with his own rumors on the road, Jiang Yun can see that his position is the safest position.

Obviously, although Liu Peng does not know what Jiang Yun is doing, but since there is a big array, then you must protect your master!

The sound of Zong Rui’s eyes circulated, and the ghosts and necroons in front of him began to move rapidly.

Even the four humanitarians who had prepared for their own battles, and the five elements who received the Taoist voice, were arranged by him to the formation.

After the change of the formation, all the ghosts were turned into twelve large arrays, each of which was led by a humanitarian.

Then, Zong Rui waved his hand: "Kill!"

Twelve large arrays, at least one hundred thousand feet away, and broke through in twelve directions.

If you look at the condescending, the twelve large arrays are like twelve huge ancient chariots. When you march forward, you will be rumbling with a thunderous bang, with great power to destroy the land. Rushed out.

Obviously, Zong Rui will forcibly break through the Zhou Tianjie array with these 12 chariots.

As the ghosts finally launched an offensive, the countless worlds around their bodies were also alive, and they became a statue of a giant, each raising their own fists that could break the ground, toward the twelve. The chariot smashed out.

"This should be the last battle!"

Outside the mountains and seas, Daozun and Sen Luo did not enter the battle, but they naturally can clearly see that the two sides have already fought together.

"Well!" Sen Luo nodded. "Although this kid's rumor is indeed powerful, but whether it is the overall strength, or the strength of a single person, or the number, the mountains and seas are much weaker than my death. ”

"The result of this war, no suspense!"

indeed so!

Together with the five elements and three others, there are thirteen human powerhouses on the side of the dead.

On the side of the mountains and seas, although there are the addition of the ancient times, there are only nine human powers.

Above the number, the number of ghosts in the dead has exceeded 100 million, and even at this time, there are still ghosts in the ghost gates.

Even the ghosts that had been swallowed up by the Abyss in the bounds of the sea have now spread again.

Even though Liu Peng’s Zhou Tianjie array is extremely powerful, in the face of such a huge power gap, it is impossible to reverse the entire occupation.

After Dao Zun’s eyes swept over the mountains and seas, his brows wrinkled slightly: “Weird, the night’s solitary dust has disappeared, is it that it knows that it must die, so it hides back into the soul of Jiang Yun?”

Sen Luo’s gaze is to look at Jiang Yun’s position: “What is this Jiang Yun doing, how has it not appeared yet?”

"It’s just a ghost!" Dao Zun said with a cold smile: "The big picture is now fixed, no matter what he is doing, unless he can escape directly from the mountains and seas. Otherwise, when he appears, the repairs of the mountains and seas have all been Kill, he can't turn the sky alone."

"Escape?" Sinro also smiled proudly: "You and I are here, he still has a chance to escape?"

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

So far, in their minds, this event has already ended.

The mountains and seas will be completely destroyed, Jiang Yun will die, or it will fall into the hands of both of them!

Therefore, the two also stopped talking and watched the battle in the mountains and seas with a relaxed mood.

As the two of them said, despite the great power of Zhou Tianjie, after nearly half an hour of persistence, they finally began to appear defeated.

No way, or the strength gap is too big!

Among the dead circles, in addition to Zong Rui, the promise is also the master of the martial arts, and both people are also humane isomorphic, both to organize the formation of the law, but also to attack.

Compared with them, Liu Peng does not have the weakness of cultivation, and the simplest is that speed can't keep up.

Even with Jiang Yun’s knowledge, Liu Peng’s overall situation still requires a short period of time.

When the repairs in the mountains and seas received orders, Zong Rui and the Promise were enough to complete a round of attacks.

Later, Zong Rui even handed over all the methods to Wuji to control, and he himself began to chase Liu Peng!

In short, when it was half an hour passed, and with the collapse of a world, this Sunday's battlefield finally broke down completely.

The figure of all people has returned from the darkness to the mountains and seas, and Liu Peng’s appearance has become more old.

Obviously presiding over this battle, let him not have much life again and passed away a lot.

Behind him, Zong Rui emerged, his palms lifted up, and suddenly went straight to Liu Peng.

But at this moment, a strong flame is all falling from the sky, wrapped in Liu Peng's body!

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