The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1893: Four holy objects

Jiang Yun and Liu Junyan have all entered the illusion, and in the eyes of all the people in the mountains and seas, including Sen Luo and Dao Zun, the priest Yan Yan is still standing at the peak of the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, and Jiang Yun stands in front of him.

The two people's body circumferences, with endless lines of innocence and silence, are overwhelming, constantly blooming, constantly annihilated, but constantly appearing, as if the two are fighting.

Under the annihilation of the ruins of the ruins, the two men hunted and danced, but their bodies were like statues, standing quietly there.

Looking at this scene, Dao Zun whispered: "Jiang Yun should bring the ridiculous Yan Yan into the illusion and want to find the consciousness of the ridiculous Yan Yan!"

"If he can really wake up the consciousness of the wild king, then I have to launch my card!"

Sen Luo smiled slightly, and his face showed a calm smile: "How is it, the consciousness of the ridiculous Yan Yan can not be awakened, and your card may not be used."

“Oh?” Tao Zou looked at Sen Luo with an interest: “Why are you so determined, I am a little curious, how can you seal the consciousness of the ridiculous prince, or erase his consciousness? So that he is obedient and for you to drive?"

Sen Luo smiled and shook his head: "I am self-sufficient, but I still have no ability to seal the consciousness of a strong person, and it is even more impossible to erase it, even if he is a dead spirit!"

Sen Luo’s answer made Dao’s eyes flash through a light path: “What is the answer?”

Originally, Dao Zun always believed that it was Senro who didn't know what method to use, erased it, sealed it, and let the ridiculous Jun Yan have no consciousness, and thus became a kind of existence, but now it sounds that this is not Sen Luo did it.

However, Sen Luo deliberately sold a Guanzi Road: "You will know later!"

For Sen Luo's secrecy, although Tao Zun was a little dissatisfied, he did not continue to ask questions, and once again looked at Jiang Yun and Liu Junyan, who were still still.

At this moment, the eyebrows of Tao Zun could not help but pick one up.

Because he saw Jiang Yun and the ridiculous Junyan, the two men’s bodies, which were originally as mountain-like, shook at the same time.

On the other side, Sen Luo smiled even more: "It seems that Jiang Yun should have discovered it, and the real good show is coming!"

Just like to verify the sentence of Sen Luo, when his voice just fell, the ridiculous Yan Jun, who had never moved, suddenly raised his fist and slammed it toward Jiang Yun.


Although Jiang Yun was prepared, he was still flying out of this boxing.

And the distance to fly out is farther than the punch, the blood in the mouth is mad, and the face is exposed with a wilting color.

However, Jiang Yun’s face was still with a shocked expression, and he did not seem to notice any serious injuries in his body.

Until it was like killing the gods, the wild yan Yan, who was squandered and murderous, took another step and appeared in front of him. The shock on Jiang Yun’s face disappeared, replaced by the helplessness and admiration of the face. color.

In his mind, he still sees the scene he just saw in the body of the priest, so that he can never forget the scene.


The ridiculously-stricken fist of the ridiculous monarchy once again squats.

Jiang Yun's body shape flashed back under the madness, although he escaped most of the power, but it was also swept by the boxing, and his face became paler.

Looking at the ridiculousness of the empty eyes in the eyes, Jiang Yun's teeth bite, and there are several lines of silence in the body suddenly rushing into the vortex that always exists above the sky.

"With the pattern of my silence, one sacrifice, two sacrifices, three sacrifices!"


In the horror of the sky, a huge black shadow suddenly emerged from the vortex, and it fell on the sky above the mountains and seas.

It is a square altar, the altar of heaven and earth!

Today's Jiang Yun, finally can display the nine sacrifices again!

Above the heaven and earth altar, three round stone pillars suddenly lit up, emitting a dazzling light, forming three beams of light, directly rushing to Jiang Yun, and immersed in his body, just like Jiang Yun absorbed the power of the light column same.

With the disappearance of the three beams of light, the atmosphere of Jiang Yun suddenly began to climb wildly, like a storm that formed a shocking world, surrounded by his body.

Then, Jiang Yun raised his hands again, hit a few prints, and once again patted the whirlpool in the sky.

Printed into the whirlpool, a huge golden tree slowly descended from the whirlpool, revealing a hundred-foot-sized tree.

There are three golden leaves swaying underneath, and each of them has walked out of a figure and directly fell into the body of Jiang Yun.

Take the lead in reincarnation!

Jiang Yun not only displayed the Nine Sacrifice, but also summoned his own reincarnation!

The reincarnation of the third world was merged into the voice of Jiang Yun, and there was another round of crazy skyrocketing of Jiang Yun’s breath.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, although still not as powerful as the wilderness, but the strength is already very close.

It’s just the price, that is, Jiang Yun’s face once again reveals the old state, and there is more white color in the black hair.

Jiang Yun’s move shocked everyone!

And he and the ridiculous Junyan are just like two giant gods. On the sky above the mountains and seas, the horrible smell of each other exudes, so that everyone has to stop again and can’t move. .

In the abyss of the bounds of the sea, the voice of the sky is ringing again: "The Great Five Peaks, the Jiangzu Tower, the altar of heaven and earth, the tree of reincarnation, is the body of innate silence!"

"Although it is within the mountains and seas, although it does not hesitate to pay for the vitality, although this is his limit, but after a silence, it can support him to control four pieces of holy things in succession, but it is not bad! ”

"Just, my strength is still too weak, so it is still not enough to kill this abandoned!"

Jiang Yun naturally did not hear these words of the sky, although his strength has truly reached the most powerful state in his history, but the price paid is extremely huge.

Now that Jiang Yun really has the body of silence, the identity of the owner of the Nine is also deserved, so he has more understanding of the sacred objects of the Nine.

In order to truly control the sacred objects of the Nine, you must exert the power of silence!

This is also the reason why the true sacred objects of the Jiuzu can only exist in the nine places of stagnation, and the rumors that are among the nine people are only the reasons for the sacred objects!

Because the Jiuzu, there is no way to control the real sacred objects, and it is impossible to exert the power of the sacred objects!

The reason why this is so, just like the fact that the lonely family arranged for the clan to monitor the nine ethnic groups, it is still the distrust of the nine people.

But even the sinister people can exert the power of the sacred objects, or depends on how much power you have.

Compared with other sinisters, Jiang Yun is already very lucky.

Because he has the body of innate silence!

Other sinisters must pass the continual absorption of the pattern of silence, let the body be silenced again and again, in order to let the body gradually transform into the body of the annihilation, and it is still the body of the solitude of the day after tomorrow.

Generally speaking, the power of silence that exists after a body's stagnation is already valuable to control a holy object.

But Jiang Yun, able to control four holy objects!

Jiang Yun did not care about the body he had already felt exhausted, but looked at the ridiculous Yan Yanyan in front of him: "The abbot is long, although everything you do makes me admire, but I also have people I want to guard! ”

In the face of Jiang Yun’s words, the response of the ridiculous monarch is one step!

This simple step fell, and the sky in the mountains and seas broke down.


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