The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1895: Whether it is fallen

Outside the boundaries of the mountains and seas, everyone is pale and looking at the sky!

Although the sky is still half intact and half collapsed, but they represent the shadows of their respective sky, but there is only one wilderness!

Jiang Yun, disappeared without a trace!

Or to be more precise, it should be that after Jiang Yun was hit by the ridiculous ridiculous force of Jiang Jun, it was also ridiculous and turned into nothingness!

Although everyone has long been able to see it, Jiang Yun has burst out with a powerful and powerful strength, but it is still not comparable to the ridiculous Junyan, so the final result will definitely fall.

But at this moment, I saw that Jiang Yun seems to have disappeared without a trace, or let them unacceptable!

Liu Peng stood in the middle of the Zhou Tianjie array, his eyes were dull, and his mouth muttered: "Master, Master!"

In the boundless Thunder Sea, the face of Leimu emerged, looking at the position where Jiang Yun had previously stood, and the beautiful face was pale.

All the nine ethnic groups are not only pale, but most of them are unable to control the slightest trembling, like a nightmare opening: "Lord!"

They have endured the burden for so many years, and finally felt the call of Jiang Yun, ushered in the return to the day of the death of the Nine, and ushered in a revenge opportunity before the snow.

However, now their main lord was killed by a dead tribe of their nine ethnic groups, and this result made them really unacceptable.

"Is it true that my nine people will be defeated again and even buried in this world of heaven?"

"No, the Lord can't die!"

Just then, an indifferent voice slowly sounded.

Jiang Junhao's eyes are red, and the nine color marks in the eyebrows are spinning wildly. The powerful gods rise to the sky and rush to the position where Jiang Yun disappears, carefully searching for the breath of Jiang Yun.

"Yes, anyone can die, the kid will never die, there is a powerful soul in his body!"

It is Bai Ze who speaks. Although he does not believe in Jiang Yun, he absolutely believes in the power of the soul in Jiang Yun.

With that soul in it, Jiang Yun will never die!

Chen Siyu held the black gun in his hand and frowned. "No, he and I are the same people. They are all qualified to go there. They are so fallen into such a small world." ?"

"Ginger brother is not dead, is it, Master!"

Lu Yourong asked Bu Yi, who was next to him, with his white voice, and looked at the disappearance of Jiang Yun with his white eyes.

Bu Yi is not answering, just counting his hands and fingers.

However, his brows are wrinkled and tighter. Obviously, even with his calculations, it is impossible to calculate. Jiang Yun is now dead or alive.

However, there are too many people like Jiang Junhao and Lu Yourong, who do not believe and do not accept the result of Jiang Yun’s fall.

They began to look for the traces of Jiang Yun in this mountain and sea in their own way, with the last hope.

Even Dao Zun and Sen Luo, who are both outside the mountains and seas, although they are already in their expectation, can't help but look for evidence that Jiang Yun is still alive.

Only the wilderness, the still calm hand standing there, still empty eyes, watching the half has not collapsed, but it has been covered with countless cracks in the sky, no one knows what he is thinking.

Finally, both Dao Zun and Sen Luo regained their knowledge and gaze, and looked at each other with a glimpse of doubt from the other's eyes.

Even if they did not find the trace of Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun should have been really degraded!

I don't know why, the two still have lingering doubts in their hearts, and they always feel that Jiang Yun should not be so degraded.

Dao Zun Shen said: "I am afraid that we think more, he is even more talented, and grows up against the sky, but in the face of absolute strength, this is nothing but a bubble."

Sen Luo nodded and said: "Yeah, don't talk about him, even if you are, facing the wild king Yan, it is not necessarily an opponent, Jiang Yun should be dead!"

With the approval of Sen Luo, Dao Zun’s mouth slowly spit out a long airway: “It’s a pity that I wanted to win his body, but fortunately, the nine places and the nine sacred objects have appeared. !"

Jiang Yun’s death, of course, the most happy person is no more than Tao.

After all, in this world where he has already claimed countless years, in addition to the original Jiuzu and the current ancient not old, the only person who can make him the most taboo is Jiang Yun.

Now Jiang Yun is dead, and the stagnation of the nine places and the sacred objects of the nine people is in sight.

After getting all this, even if he is old, he will not pose a threat to him.

Even his deity has the confidence to regain his freedom.

Sen Luo gently nodded: "It is a pity that he was directly beaten by the ridiculous Jun Yan, and his body disappeared."

"If not, he may become the second wilderness!"

Dao Zun’s big hand waved: “Well, now I’m going to solve the rest of the people, and then break the power of the Nine in this world, I can’t wait!”

Sen Luo’s eyes looked at the bounds of the sea, and the cold road said: “Don’t forget, there is a strong existence there, but there is a ridiculous monarch, and the threat is not big!”

Then, Sennana brought the sound of endless chill into the mountains and seas: "The ridiculous monarch, killing all the dead souls in this world!"

As Sen Luo’s voice sounded, he was still standing still, standing with his hands on his back, and looking at the sky that still had no collapsed sky, Liu Junyan finally got a move.

He slowly lowered his head and looked at all the dead souls that guarded the mountains and seas below.

Just a pair of eyes fell on everyone's body, let everyone feel the pressure of the sky, even the strongest such as Leimu is a slight trembling.

And this also made them more aware of the fact that the object that Jiang Yun had just played against was actually so strong!

In the face of such a strong person, he and others have no chance of winning.

However, even if they know that they are not opponents, each of them has a calm face!

Jiang Yun has fallen, even though these people are not dead here today, they will not escape the suppression of Tao Zun and Sen Luo in the future.

Looking at the crowd, the priest Yan Yang raised his feet and was ready to walk down.


Suddenly, a figure rushed to his face, his hands opened, blocking his way, and loudly shouted: "Father, wake up, you can't be wrong again!"

This figure is naturally a waste map!

Jiang Yun’s fall makes it impossible for him to mobilize the Great Five Peaks, so he can only come out and hope to stop the ridiculous monarch, at least let the remaining nine people have the opportunity to live.

Looking at the ruined map in front of him, the foot raised by the priest Yan Yan was fixed in the air, and he did not fall.

The empty eyes are so deeply watching the wilderness, as they were in the illusion.

After a moment of stagnation, Yan Junyan suddenly raised his hand and waved it.

Just outside the body of the ruins, there was a ruin, wrapped around his body, and sent him firmly to the five peaks of the Great Wilderness.

This scene has caused the cold of the eyes of countless people to skyrocket!

Especially the wild map, it is a big mouth, showing the color of shock!

Instead of shooting for himself, the father sent himself safely back to the Great Five Peaks.

This means that the barren Yan Yan is not completely unconscious!

"Father, why!"

This discovery made the wild map unacceptable at all, and suddenly opened his mouth again.

Since the father is conscious, why should he pretend to be unconscious and listen to Sen Luo’s orders, not only to Jiang Yun, but also to the mountains and seas, or even kill Jiang Yun?

Just then, a calm voice suddenly sounded above the sky: "Because there are no other abandonians except you and him!"

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