The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1898: After the storm

The Five Peaks of the Great Wilderness, the Tripod of the Nether, the Tree of Reincarnation, the Altar of Heaven and Earth...

The Nine Tribes, the nine true sacred objects, all quietly suspended behind Jiang Yun at the moment!

Although there is no scent of relief on every sacred object, the nine sacred objects that appear at the same time are enough to shock everyone.


In the mountains and seas, all the nine ethnic groups, even the dead spirits of the Nine, at this moment, all bowed to the holy things belonging to their respective ethnic groups.

The sacred objects are the symbol of their nine ethnic groups and their spiritual pillars.

Relics reappear, they can't worship!

Only the wilderness Yan Yan, still standing straight in the body, also staring at the eyes of the nine saints, although the fine skyrocketing, but did not worship!

Outside the mountains and seas, Daozun’s eyes showed a horror, and he couldn’t help but exclaim: “Impossible!”

The sacred object of the Nine Kingdoms, that is what he has planned for many years without getting it, or even being close to it!

However, at this moment, it was all summoned by Jiang Yun, which made him not shocked!

Because this means that the holy things have all belonged to Jiang Yun, accepting the control of Jiang Yun!

At this time, Jiang Yun is the veritable master of the Nine!

Even the Senro, who has always been well-informed, has changed slightly at this moment.

Wilderness Yan did not put Jiang Yun, the master of honor, in his eyes, and would not give up his attachment. Sen Luo actually thought of it.

When the abandonment was defeated, it has passed many years now.

In these countless years, the ridiculousness of the ridiculous monarchy, all words and deeds are under the surveillance of Sen Luo.

Therefore, no one wants to be clearer than the one he understands.

It is absolutely impossible for Yan Junyan to give up the protection of his own people because of Jiang Yun’s simple words and words, and give up his persistence.

But now, the nine sacred objects are in common, and they are not fakes, they are real sacred objects, and they are all controlled by Jiang Yun and turned into their own use.

Then with the help of the power of the nine sacred objects, Jiang Yun probably has the power to suppress and even kill the ridiculous Yan Yan!

Once the ridiculous priests are suppressed or smothered, the remaining dead ghosts and dead spirits are even more unlikely to be Jiang Yun’s opponents. This means that the dead world will be devastated and even annihilated.

And this is a big price, even if he is a bit unbearable.

Thinking of this, Sen Luo looked at Dao Zun: "I take back the words, your cards, you can use them!"

Dao Zun did not speak, nodded silently, and his gloomy eyes stared at Jiang Yun.

At the same time, the vastness of the abyss in the bounds of the sea also opened his eyes again, looking at the clouds above the sky and the sacred objects of the nine people, muttering: "Second silence!"

From the beginning to the end, only the sky is the clearest. After Jiang Yun was hit by the palm of Yan Junyan, it was not the real fall, but the second silence of the body!

Even the reason why Jiang Yun wants to burn the soul is to be able to counter the ridiculous monarch, but the real purpose is to speed up his own second silence!

You must know that after a period of silence, the body must go through a fairly long period of adaptation before it is possible to go through a second silence.

After all, the body after the silence, whether it is the control of the power of silence, or the improvement of all aspects of the body, must have a familiar process.

Continuous solitude, not among the succumbs, no one has tried, but without exception, all failed.

The result of failure is the true complete silence.

Even, even the most powerful lord of the genocide in the past, did not dare to let the body continue to die.

However, Jiang Yun actually carried out two consecutive annihilations between just a few hours.

This crazy behavior, like the attachment of the ridiculous Yan Yan, makes the sky feel terrible!

Moreover, in the sky, Jiang Yun will certainly fail this time, but I did not expect that Jiang Yun was successful!

After completing the second silence of the body, Jiang Yun, the power of silence in his body, is able to control all the nine sacred objects at the same time!

At this moment, Jiang Yun grew up dancing, his eyes were like electricity, and he was placed in the protection of the nine sacred objects, making him look like a god, high above, not offended.

Yan Junyan looked at Jiang Yun deeply and slowly said: "Even if you summon the nine sacred objects, you can't kill me."

"Because I can't die, I won't die, I want to protect my people!"


The eleven lines of the wild priests who were surrounded by Zhou’s body suddenly danced wildly and fell into his own body.

Suddenly, there are more and more desert lines on his body, and the appearance of these wild lines is completely different from his own.

The appearance of these wild lines made the ridiculously arrogant arrogant, and it began to climb, and his strength became stronger.

Moreover, these wild lines are still intertwined with each other, just like countless root vines, growing together at an extremely fast speed, gradually condensing into a huge towering ancient tree.

The ancient trees are intertwined and luxuriant. In each leaf, there seems to be a figure of a deserted person constantly shaking.

For all of this, others may not know what is going on, but Jiang Yun and the wild map are well aware.

This is the most powerful move of the abandon, and it is also a life-saving trick.

The desert lines of the abandoned people can be combined with each other.

And in this combination, it is equivalent to superimposing the strength of each individual.

Obviously, in the face of the emergence of the sacred sacred objects of the nine ethnic groups, Jiang Yun, who was in the face of this moment, realized that his own strength, perhaps not Jiang Yun’s opponent, actually extracted the wild lines of all the deserted people in his body.

In this way, it is equal to relying on the power of the entire abandonment to fight against the nine ethnic groups and fight against Jiang Yun!

Looking at the old tree above the body of Yan Junyan, the old tree was getting more and more solid, and Jiang Yun shook his head gently.

The attachment of Yan Junyan is hopeless.

At this moment, the old tree that he condensed with the wild lines represents the most real thought in his heart.

This ancient tree clearly represents himself. He wants to use his own body to keep the wind and rain for the entire abandon!

Jiang Yun finally whispered softly: "Yan Junyan, as I just said, everything I have done to you, although very admirable, but I also have people I want to guard."

"This one also includes you... the abandon!"

This sentence, let the eyes of the ridiculously flashed a glimmer of light, seems to be a bit puzzled in the words of Jiang Yun.

But before he could understand, Jiang Yun had already reached out and pointed out at the barren.

The sacred objects of the nine ethnic groups trembled, and the imprints of the nine ethnic groups were scattered from the nine sacred objects. They gathered together, like squally showers, and they went to the suppression of the priests.

The ridiculous monarch is also a bite of the teeth. The ancient tree above the body, which has been extremely solid, suddenly swayed violently and slammed into the power of the fallen Nine.

With one's own strength, to counter the power of the nine sacred objects!

What a crazy thing!


The loud noise of the tremors resounded throughout the mountains and seas and resounded in the ears of everyone. The tremendous impact of the impact made the entire mountain and sea world mad.

The endless light completely drowned the bodies of the priests and Jiang Yun, making it impossible for anyone to see the situation in the light.

But everyone still tries their best to open their eyes and want to see the light.

Until a moment passed, the light gradually dimmed.

In the meantime, there is no such a towering old tree, and there is no body shape of the ridiculous monarch. There are only nine colored lights, like a rainbow, and the sky is beautiful.

Jiang Yun, standing on the rainbow, overlooking the bottom, muttered in the mouth: "If you don't experience the wind and rain, how can you see this rainbow!"

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