The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1905: Killing 百

Jiansheng coldly glanced at the direction of Sen Luo's escape, did not continue to chase, turned to the area where Situ Jing is located.

Although Jiansheng is very confident, he is not arrogant enough to think that he can completely kill Senro.

After all, the Lord of the Dead, you are so good to kill!

Behind him, the body of the three ghostly and powerful people, blasted open, turned into a ghost of the sky, and no longer re-agglomerated, dissipated between the heavens and the earth in the mountains and seas!

Just as Jiansheng went to Situ Jing, Situ Jing also said: "I don't have to help me, I can handle it!"

Jiansheng smiled and turned to other battlefields, but he quickly stopped.

Because of this battlefield, the mountains and seas have completely occupied the advantage, and they do not need to shoot themselves.

Jiansheng’s eyes looked at the space where Tao Zun and Jiang Yun were located.

At this moment, the body of Dao Zun is only half left, and the whole person is weak to the extreme.

Although Jiang Yun’s expression has not changed from beginning to end, his attack is like a madman. He does not know how many punches he has played against the Tao.

Even though all the nine ethnic road seals in the mountains and seas have all been broken, Jiang Yun has not resorted to even the slightest power of the nine ethnic groups.

Jiang Yun is completely relying on his physical strength, and the birth of the Tao will become this miserable.

Moreover, in order to prevent the Tao from dying, Jiang Yun is still summoning the void of nothingness in this enclosed space.

Under the closure of two spaces, facing Jiang Yun like a madman, Dao Zun knows that his own avatar has been escaping.

Just, he is not willing!

After a lot of calculations, I sacrificed thousands of monks who had painstakingly cultivated, sacrificed so many monks in the temple, and sacrificed a avatar.

Even the sacrifice of the army including the dead world, I have to get everything I want to get, but I did not expect that, in the end, I still lost!

But unwilling, and no use, I have no more cards to use now, so I can only accept such a fiasco!

Looking at Jiang Yun who came to himself again, Dao Zun sighed and gasped, fell to the ground, and did not even have the strength to stand up.


At the same time, from the road to the entrance to the extraterrestrial battlefield, there is an old figure.

The ancient immortal look coldly looking at the front not far, is a big man who is coming to himself.

This big man, tall and tall, is burly, and behind him, he carries a large knife that is much higher than his height.

The big man is like a humanoid monster. Every step of the way, the whole seam will tremble with violent trepidation until he comes to the ancient age.

At this moment, the old age is no longer the appearance of the boy, but the state of being restored to the old man, looking up at the big man, with a cold color on his face.

Dahan also watched coldly and blocked his ancient body with the passage of his own body: "Who are you, why are you blocking me here?"

Looking at the big man who exuded the incomparably heavy pressure, the old and the indifferent said: "Who are you, why do you want to enter the domain?"

"It seems that you are a monk!"

Dahan suddenly grinned and smiled: "I finally saw a decent domain monk, but dare to stop me, die!"

When the voice fell, Dahan suddenly raised his hand and slammed it toward the ancients.

Behind him, there was a black figure of a hundred feet in size, and the same fists were made to the ancient age.

The two fists merged into one, and the shadow of the great man was lost between the eyes of the ancient and the old, and there was only an endless darkness.

However, the old-fashioned look is still calm, and even closed his eyes.

The darkness that obscured the ancient body was suddenly turned into a mist, and disappeared directly into the void, revealing the black man and the black figure behind him.

At the moment, Dahan’s face showed a hint of surprise: “You are not a Taoist force, but it is a bit like the power of my devastation.”

"What strength are you, I have never seen it before!"

The ancients still closed their eyes and said: "Give you the last chance, answer my question, what kind of ethnic group you are in the domain, what is going on in my domain!"

"Haha!" The big man suddenly burst into laughter and said: "I don't even know who I am, I dare to stand here to stop me. Although you are a bit of a skill, it will still not be my opponent!"

"But, since you asked, then I will tell you, for your domain superintendent, I am your god!"


At the same time as the big man spoke, he had already grasped the handle of the big knife that he was carrying behind him and pulled it out with force.

Above the blade, it also sounded like a dragon.

However, before the big man pulled out the knife completely, the old-fashioned voice had already sounded again: "You, no chance!"

When the voice fell, the ancients suddenly opened their eyes, and the taller body was swept up with the smoldering weather, wrapping the body of the big man.

In the eyes of Dahan, I saw a cemetery with endless vicissitudes, which was filled with countless pieces of torn gravestones.

Although the tombstones are ruined and full of ridiculous meanings, each of the tombstones exudes an eccentric power that they do not know, and they are rushing toward themselves.

In an instant, Dahan actually saw his own appearance on one of the tombstones!

"District illusion, can't hold me!"

In the eyes of Dahan, the fierce light skyrocketed, and the big knife in his hand finally pulled out, and he smashed out in front of the graveyard.


Under the slash of a knife, the horrible knife is filled with the whole world, as if this endless seam is broken into two halves.

However, in front of him, the ridiculous cemetery still exists!

It’s just that the cemetery at this moment is no longer dead, because from every tombstone, a silhouette has been rushed out, overwhelming, densely packed, and entangled in his body.

The power of these figures is incomparably powerful, so that they can not break free, can only be unwilling, let them drag themselves into the cemetery, dragged to the tombstone still showing their appearance.


In the midst of the gap, once again, after a loud bang, everything returned to calm.

The ancients still stood still quietly, the big man in front of him, together with the big knife in his hand, and the dark shadows that emerged behind him have disappeared.

However, on the cheeks of the ancient and not old, there was a wound suddenly, in which a drop of blood slowly dripped and fell into the darkness.

Looking at his own blood, the old mouth is muttering to himself: "The dark royal family, the hundred miles, the ten dark world, is equivalent to the realm of the Tao, the life of the hundred miles of light, come to the road The field captures Jiang Yun and Daozun!"

"Before, there were already a group of monks who had gone through the passage to enter the mountains and seas. I asked the nine of them to send them to Yupei, and solved the matter. Now how come a monk of the dark royal family!"

I still don’t know if I was old, and Yu Pei, who sent it out, has been robbed by Jiang Yun.

"And, this hundred miles as a royal family, why not enter the dojo directly from the channel, but instead come from this field outside the battlefield?"

"The strangest thing is that Jiang Yun and Dao Zun are two people who are always opposite. Why do you want to start both of them at the same time?"

Standing in the darkness, the old brows wrinkled, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head and said: "However, this can rule out the collusion between the Taoist and the light-dark royal family, and what is going on, maybe the fourth should know."

When the voice fell, the old man slowly turned and prepared to return to the dojo.

But when his body shape had just turned to half, he suddenly stopped and looked coldly at the front.

There, there was another figure.

Moreover, it seems to be a woman!

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