The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1917: Mountain and sea

"Go directly into the bounds of the sea!"

Jiang Yun’s voice just fell, and the sound of the sky was already ringing in his ear.

Jiang Yun did not hesitate to go straight and stepped into the bounds of the sea.

However, after one step, Jiang Yun’s expression suddenly solidified!

Because he clearly has taken a step toward the sea, but at this moment, he is still above the bounds of the sea.

There is no change in the surrounding scenery, just like you have not moved at all!

However, his keen senses clearly told him that it is not just the bounds of the sea, not even the mountains and seas!

In all directions, in addition to the sound of the wind and the rolling of the sea, there is no other sound.

Even, there is no existence of any living beings!

"this is……"

Rao is a well-informed person in Jiang Yun. At the moment, he is also amazed at the heart. He does not understand why this is happening.

At this moment, there was a loud noise, and the sea of ​​Jiehai was split up on both sides, and a figure emerged from within.

It is the sky!

As soon as the sky stepped out, he spoke out: "You can think of it as - the dead side of the mountains and seas!"

Mountain and sea dead world!

These four words, although sounding a bit horrible, but Jiang Yun has already understood.

It is indeed a mountain and sea area.

However, it is no longer the mountain and sea that you and all living in, but the mountains and seas where all the dead spirits who have died in the mountains and seas have lived for countless years!

Naturally, here is the Abyss!

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that the Abyss of the bounds of the sea was an independent space for the dead spirit to live in, but never imagined that it would be another complete and identical mountain and sea.

In other words, in the past few years, there have always been two mountains and seas.

One for life and one for death!

Even though Jiang Yun’s current vision is already extremely high, he still cannot understand and imagine how the two mountains and seas coexist.

Especially how this mountain and sea dead world can be achieved without anyone discovering it!

And the step that I just took that step is actually equal to one step, crossing the boundaries between life and death, and the birth world has reached the dead world!

Although I know that this is caused by the shooting of the sky, but the whole process, I did not feel the slightest feeling.

If the sky wants to kill itself and wants to kill anyone, it is a breeze, and even there is no resistance!

From this point, it is not difficult to imagine that the strength of the sky is really terrible!

After a long time, Jiang Yun was able to converge with the shock in his heart. He said to the sky and clenched his fist: "I have seen the predecessors of the sky!"

The sky swayed and waved, and said with no expression: "You don't have to set it up, let's just say, are you ready to go to the domain?"

Since the sky is so direct, Jiang Yun is naturally the beginning of the road: "Yes, so I would like to ask the seniors how to fight against the creation and the dark royal family?"

The eyes of the sky stared at Jiang Yun, one word and one sentence: "It is very simple, find the tenth family!"

If you change it, Jiang Yun will not understand the meaning of this sentence.

However, when he was in the field battlefield, from the mouth of the refining demon who took away the little beast, he already knew the slaves of the dead family, at least ten.

It is only from the beginning to the end that only the dead nine people appear in the eyes of the world.

At the time of destroying the domain, Jiang Yun also tried to find out what kind of ethnic group the tenth family was.

But the helpless domain is strictly blocked for all messages of the stalwart, and even does not allow private discussion, so he has no clue.

Unexpectedly, now the sky actually tells himself that if you want to fight against the creation and the light dark family, you can find the tenth family!

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun asked: "Is there really a tenth family? Where are they now?"

The sky replied: "Of course, and the tenth is still in the field!"


Jiang Yun couldn't help but squint his eyes: "I have been to destroy the domain, and everything about the genocide is taboo in the demise."

"If the tenth family is always in the domain, can you survive to the present?"

The sky is faint: "Because, the tenth family is just a name, not really a family, not a slave of the sect!"

The words of the sky made Jiang Yun even more puzzled: "What do you mean?"

The sky once again glanced at Jiang Yundao: "As a sinister who once dominated the field, you can expose your true strength to all people without reservation!"

"In a nutshell, the existence of the tenth family is not a big secret, but for the true face and identity of the tenth, let alone outsiders, even those who know in the dead, There are only a handful."

Hearing here, Jiang Yun has some understanding.

The so-called tenth family is actually the hidden power of the dead family!

It is like the nine people created by Tao.

Everyone knows that the direct forces under the ruling have a temple, but no one knows the existence of the nine.

Therefore, the death of the tenth family is not a message that they cannot find them, but no one knows.

The sky went on to say: "This tenth family was born after the death of the genocide, that is, after the emergence of the nine."

"It was also a patriarch of the sect of the sect of the past, and under the precaution, a force created secretly, including many ethnic groups."

"Yes, it is to prevent the mortal people from being robbed, so that the later tribes, with the tenth family, still have the ability to revive the sect."

"The tenth family is extremely hidden. Even most of the ethnic groups that constitute the tenth family will not know their own ethnic groups. They belong to the tenth family of the genocide, only their respective patriarchs, etc. Talent is qualified to know."

"What they have mastered is not the power that is divided by the power of silence, but the power that their ethnic groups originally had, so they are not slaves."

"However, the patriarchs have naturally made some changes in their power, thus making their respective strengths stronger."

"They won't appear in the weekdays, they will be scattered in various places in the domain, and they will not have any connection with the mortal people."

"Even, even if the mortal people have really suffered from the disaster, they will not show up until they are called by the sinisters."

Jiang Yun nodded and finally understood the meaning of the tenth family!

The tenth family is not only the hidden power of the dead family, but also the power to revive the family!

This also made him have to admire the patriarch who created the tenth family.

With the power of the stalwart, the possibility of encountering a disaster is minimal.

But if it is really encountered, it must be a big disaster. Even if the tenth family goes to the rescue, it will be ruined.

Therefore, the Tenth family will only hide in the dark and wait until the sinful people call, they will appear, with their own strength to help the ruined people to re-establish the mortal!

If the sects are always strong, if the sects are devastated and no one can survive, then the tenth will never even appear!

Now that the genocide has disappeared, there is only one such mortal.

Naturally, only you can find the tenth family and mobilize their power!

Jiang Yun thought about it and asked: "How many ethnic groups are there in the tenth family? How strong is their overall strength?"

The sky shook his head and said: "How many ethnic groups they are composed of, I am not very clear, because I am not a mortal."

"As for their specific strength, I don't know, but I can tell you that when you first created it, the strength of a tribal group is even stronger than the nine people in the heyday!"

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