The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1927: You are looking for me

On a street somewhere in Tianxiang City, Ye Younan just got out of a pharmacy.

In her hand, she held a storage ring tightly with a slightly excited smile on her face. She said to herself: "I finally bought it all, and I have not lived up to the expectations of Jiang Da Ge."

As a deserted tribe, Ye Younan grew up from small to large, never been trusted, and did not do anything independently.

Therefore, don't look at Jiang Yun to let her buy some medicines on her behalf, just a trivial little thing, but for her, it means a great trust.

She also always worried that she could not complete the commission of Jiang Yun.

Needless to say, the number of source stones in the storage ring that Jiang Yun gave her is really amazing.

Not to mention buying these herbs, even if you buy a few pharmacies in Tianxiang City are more than enough!

Ye Younan has never seen so many source stones in his life, so he is so worried that he always fears that he will lose the storage ring or be taken away.

Fortunately, everything is going well now, not only bought all the herbs, but also did not spend much of the source stone.

Ye Younan’s gaze looked at his own ethnic territory: “I don’t know if Jiang’s brother can catch up with the test and light up a few lights. I really want to see it with my own eyes!”

Shaking his head, Ye Younan laughed at himself and gave up the idea, regained his gaze and prepared to go back quickly.

But at this moment, the smile on her face was suddenly solidified, and the complexion became pale in an instant, and she hurriedly bowed her head.

Because, in her gaze, there are two people, one man and one woman!

The man is middle-aged, looks extraordinary, looks suffocating, and the woman next to the man is Yeats!

Ye Younan didn’t even think that he would meet them here, and turned and wanted to leave!

Unfortunately, Yeats has already sneered and said: "Young South Sister, how do we see us going?"

"It seems that there is a good support, and even the bottom is more than before!"

"People who didn't dare to enter even the Tianxiang City on weekdays, now they are rushing to buy medicines, and I have been looking for you for a long time!"

After Yeats was scared away by Jiang Yun’s glance, he couldn’t swallow this breath, so he found the man and wanted to avenge Ye Younan and Jiang Yun.

When I heard Ye Zhi’s words, Ye Younan realized that the two men came to find their own, and they certainly couldn’t walk. They could only turn around and stand there without saying a word.

The man next to Yeats also looked at Ye Younan Road coldly: "Hello, you are going to marry into the blood refining family. Now I dare to bring a man back. I will give you the face of Tianxiang. Lost it!"

Although Ye Younan was pale, he still braved the courage and looked up at the man: "Ye Shuo brother, don't listen to Ye Zhi and say that things are not what you think!"

"I talked indiscriminately?" Ye Zhi repeatedly sneered: "We looked at you with your man and entered your village!"

"If it's not your good, then tell me, who is that man, and what is it with you?"

"Ginger Brother is..."

Halfway through, Ye Younan did not know how to say it.

She can't always say that Jiang Yun is here to help him treat Dantian and help himself get rid of this marriage.

Seeing that Ye Younan couldn't speak, Ye Zhi was even more proud of her words: "Just as a predecessor, now it has become a big brother. For a while, is it called Xiang Gong?"

At this time, there are already many people around.

After all, the three Tianxiang ethnic groups, quarreling on the street, naturally caused their curiosity.

Especially the words of Yeats, let them point to Ye Younan, with a sarcasm on his face.

Ye Younan encountered such a battle, his face was red for a while, and he couldn’t even say anything.

At this time, Ye Zhi suddenly saw the storage ring tightly held in Ye Younan's hand: "The brother, this must be the man's gift to her, maybe through this storage ring, you can know the identity of the man. !"

For Ye Younan, Ye Zhi actually didn't even look at it. Anyway, it was almost a dead person. What really made her care was Jiang Yun!

Therefore, she has to figure out the identity of Jiang Yun and report the revenge of Jiang Yun!

Ye Shuo reached out and said coldly: "Get it!"

Ye Younan hurriedly put his hand behind him and shook his head. "This is the thing of Jiang Da Ge, I can't give it to you!"

Ye Shuo snorted and directly reached for a stroke. He heard Ye Younan’s mouth screaming, his palms loose, and the storage ring flew out directly and fell into the hands of Ye Shuo.

She is only the cultivation of the Tao Ling, where can be the opponent of Ye Shuo.

Seeing that the ring was taken away, her face was changed even more, and she couldn’t care for the pain in her palm. She rushed toward Ye Shuo: "That is the thing of Jiang Da Ge, you can't take it!"

"Get out!"

Ye Shuo waved his hand and suddenly flew out Ye Younan's body and fell heavily on the ground.

And his knowledge of God has already swept through the storage device, and his eyes can't help but light up.

Naturally, the number of source stones inside makes him extremely shocked.

Cold and cold smile, Ye Shuo did not hesitate to collect the storage device: "Tell you that the good, let him quickly roll out of the heavens!"

"If not, it is an enemy of my Tianxiang!"

After that, he made a look at Yeats and was ready to leave.

After all, Yeats is their ethnic group and it is impossible to kill him.

Ye Younan got up from the ground and gritted his teeth: "Wait, you can't go!"

Although she had been hurt by the fall, she still stood up and stumbled toward Ye Shuo.

The storage device was handed over to her by Jiang Yun. In any case, she could not let Ye Shuo **** it.

Facing the rushing Ye Younan, Ye Shuo did not look at it at all, and raised his hand to drive away Ye Younan.

However, just as he raised his hand, he heard a cold voice ringing in his ear: "Are you looking for me?"


As the sound of the sound, a horrible power suddenly fell from the sky, just like a mountain, heavily pressed against him, so that his raised palm could not be swung out, fixed in the air.


Ye Shuo was shocked and looked at a young man who appeared next to Ye Younan.

Seeing this man, Ye Zhi hurriedly shouted: "The brother is him, he is the good one of Ye Younan!"

Jiang Yun took a cold look at Yeats and suddenly let Ye Zhi close his mouth.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that his previous warning would make this Yeats slightly convergent, but she did not expect her to become more serious.

Thanks to oneself, I left a **** on Ye Younan's body. Otherwise, Ye Younan is afraid to suffer big losses today.

"Ye girl, are you okay?"

Jiang Yun regained his gaze and looked at Ye Younan.

Ye Younan shook his head again and again, his face said: "Ginger Brother, I am fine, sorry, your things have been stolen by them, but I will definitely find a way to help you come back, let's go first!"

Years of reversing the experience of obedience, so that Ye Younan did not dare to resist his own people, so what she can think of at the moment is to quickly leave with Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "I already know, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

Jiang Yun’s gaze once again looked at Yeats and Ye Shuo, but although they could not move, they did not have much fear on their faces.

Even though Jiang Yun’s strength is stronger than them, here is Tianxiang City, which is his own territory. They will not fear Jiang Yun at all.

“Tianxiang!” Jiang Yun shook his head and said: “If all the tribes of the Tianxiang people are like you, then I am really disappointed!”

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