The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1929: Mindfulness

The experience of Jiang Yun is so rich that he can't see that Ye Shuo is not only dissatisfied, but it is absolutely impossible to settle this matter so easily.

According to Jiang Yun’s personality, although he is not willing to bully, he does not mind scribbling.

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, all the faces were slightly changed.

In particular, Ye Zhiqiu is quietly saying: "Ye Shuo!"

Ye Shuo’s body is also gently trembled, lowering his head lower, and continues to hold the storage ring: “Don’t, I am sincerely apologizing!”

Jiang Yun looked at him deeply, and then he reached out and took the storage ring.

However, Ye Shuo suddenly went on to say: "I see that the predecessors have purchased a lot of herbs, and they should also be a refining pharmacist!"

"If there is a chance in the future, I hope that I can see my predecessors in the Tianxiang people. I will ask the seniors for advice!"

"And, the number of source stones in the storage ring of the predecessors is extremely large, and there are even nine source stones, which can make me open my eyes!"

After Ye Shuo’s remarks, he had already retreated to Ye Zhiqiu at a very fast speed, with a cold smile on his face, and the entire street was once again in a dead silence.

Everyone's eyes are concentrated on Ye Shuo's body, and the same thoughts flashed through the heart -

This leaf is really too sinister!

Because Ye Shuo’s short two sentences seem to be flattering Jiang Yun, but in fact, it is a poison!

His first sentence is simply a naked threat.

Since Jiang Yun is a refining pharmacist, it must have come to participate in the test of the holy stone.

However, he offended Ye Shuo, which is equivalent to offending Ye Shuo’s grandfather, an elder of the Tianxiang tribe.

Then, even if Jiang Yun can enter the Tianxiang people, waiting for him will inevitably be the revenge of the elder.

The last sentence of Ye Shuo, pushing Jiang Yun into danger, will bring a lot of trouble to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's body has a large number of source stones, and even nine source stone, this is a great wealth!

I dare not say that I can impress everyone, but it will definitely cause a lot of people to be embarrassed!

The murder and treasure-hunting thing is not new in any world, anywhere!

So many people now look at Jiang Yun’s gaze, which is full of bad intentions!

Ye Zhiqiu’s face suddenly sank, and he did not expect to let Ye Shuo apologize. Ye Shuo would say such a thing.

The words have been said at this moment, have been heard by everyone around, so that he has no way to make up.

As for Jiang Yun, looking at Ye Shuo, his face showed a hint of meaningful smile, and even nodded at Ye Shuo.

Then, Jiang Yun took back his gaze and turned to Ye Younan: "Ye girl, let's go!"

Ye Younan has been scared almost by the series of accidents.

Now when I heard Jiang Yun’s words, I came back and hurriedly nodded and hurried away behind Jiang Yun.

Others did not move, and they all looked deeply at Jiang Yun.

When Jiang’s figure is about to come out of everyone’s sight, Jiang Yun’s voice suddenly sounds again.

"Without bothering to follow me, I live in one of the most remote courtyards outside Tianxiang City, and I am always waiting for you!"

"But you can think clearly before you come, so you don't have to come back!"

Every word that Jiang Yun said was clearly introduced into the ears of people in the place, and also showed different expressions on the faces of the people.

The words of Ye Shuo have already caused many people to remember the source stone of Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun did not want to leave Tianxiang City quickly, but instead reported his residence.

There are only two possibilities for this kind of behavior.

One is that Jiang Yun is bluffing and placing an empty city plan;

The other is that Jiang Yun really has a very strong self-confidence.

Want to grab my source stone, come directly to me, always accompany, but be prepared to be killed!

Most people tend to the latter possibility.

Because when Jiang Yun wanted to kill Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi, it was definitely not a bluff!

On the territory of the Tianxiang people, dare to kill the Tianxiang people, this is not a bluff!

Therefore, among those who originally blamed Jiang Yunyuan Stone, some people suddenly dismissed their thoughts.

Although the source stone is precious, if the life is gone, what is the source stone?

However, there are still people who still have greedy flashes of light.

Ye Zhiqiu is cold and stunned Ye Shuo and said: "This matter, stop here, don't go and provoke the person!"

"He, dare to kill you!"

However, Ye Shuo was a cold smile, and did not care: "If he dares to kill me, he can't leave Tianxiang City alive!"

Hearing the words of Ye Shuo, Ye Zhiqiu shook his head gently: "Even if he can't live to leave, but at that time, you are already dead!"

After leaving this sentence, Ye Zhiqiu’s big sleeves are gone, and they no longer care about the two. They leave.

Although he is not in a low position in the Tianxiang people, he is worse than Ye Shuo's grandfather, so he can't really take Ye Shuo.

However, his last sentence, finally, made Ye Shuo alert.

Indeed, if Ye Zhiqiu arrived in time, he is now a dead person.

Even Grandpa and the entire Tianxiang people will avenge themselves and kill Jiang Yun, but they have nothing to do with themselves.

At this moment, Ye Zhi whispered: "Hey brother, is this the case?"

Although Ye Zhi has a good relationship with Ye Lingzhu, even if Ye Lingzhu is even more talented, it is only a junior. It is impossible to help her to deal with Jiang Yun for such a small matter, so she can only find Ye Shuo.

Ye Shuo’s eyes flashed in the cold: "Of course you can’t just forget it!"

As a grandson of the elders, he was almost killed in the street, and finally had to apologize to others.

This tone, where can he swallow it.

"However, for the time being, I don't want to find him. When I come to my Tianxiang people to light up the holy stone, we have a way to deal with him!"

Speaking of this, Ye Shuo Yin Yin smiled and said: "Just, I don't know if he can live to the day of my Tianxiang!"

Ye Shuo is very clear about the role he has just said to Jiang Yun.

Even if you don't have to do it yourself, someone will kill Jiang Yun for yourself!

At this moment, Jiang Yun has returned to the small courtyard of Ye Younan.

The first thing that Ye Younan did after returning home was to quickly close the courtyard door and then watched Jiang Yundao: "Ginger Brother, I am sorry, because I am tired of you."

Although she is timid, although she has no status in the family, she can't see it. Jiang Yun is completely for himself to stand up and punish Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi.

To this end, Jiang Yun has offended Ye Shuo and the elders of the ethnic group. In the future, I am afraid that it is impossible to move in this fragrance.

Jiang Yun puts his hand in his hand: "What is the relationship with you, they are stealing my things!"

Ye Younan hesitated and said: "Ginger Brother, if you want to go now."

"You will leave Tianxiang for a while, wait a while, or wait for me to marry, then come back."


Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Since you call me a big brother, then I will be your sister."

"My sister is married, it seems that I have to ask my older brother for advice!"

"Big brother does not agree, no one can marry you!"

Jiang Yun’s words made Ye Younan’s slight glimpse, and then the eye circles were already red.

Since my parents passed away, apart from my grandfather, I have never felt the feeling of being cared for and protected.

But at this moment, her body suddenly lit up a light.

Ye Younan took out a piece of jade, and his face changed suddenly. He looked at Jiang Yundao: "Ginger Brother, my grandfather, was left in the family!"

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