The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1932: I have a way

Looking at the seven monks who surrounded themselves, Jiang Yun was really not in the eye.

Because the strongest of the seven is just the Taoist.

This kind of monk, even if he came to seventy, would not threaten him.

"Quick speed, up!"

Seven people also did not put Jiang Yun in their eyes, and they whispered, and they were ready to rush toward Jiang Yun, who was still standing still in the air.

But at this moment, there is a different voice that suddenly came from not far: "It seems that you really haven't put my Tianxiang people in your eyes!"

As the sound of the sound, the bodies of the seven monks were set in the same place, and each looked at the direction of the voice.

There, there was a middle-aged man who looked elegant and indifferent, Ye Zhiqiu!

Jiang Yun is also looking at Ye Zhiqiu, and even he knows that Ye Zhiqiu is even earlier than the seven people.

Although Jiang Yun’s impression of Ye Zhiqiu is good, after all, he does not know much about him. He does not know whether Ye Zhiqiu’s early arrival here is to find his own source stone or other reasons, so he has never broken his trace. .

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu finally came out, and listening to what he meant in his words seemed to be helping himself.

Ye Zhiqiu slowly walked toward the seven people, and once he walked, he quietly said: "All of you are the guests of my Tianxiang people. Although it is the outer periphery of Tianxiang City, it is also the place where my Tianxiang people live."

"You are blatantly robbery here, some have passed!"

Seven people looked at each other again, and one of them hoared and said: "Ye Zhiqiu, there is no rule in the Tianxiang world that is not allowed to rob!"

"What's more, we are not robbing you of the Tianxiang people, and you have nothing to do with your Tianxiang people. Your Tianxiang ethnic group is too wide!"

Indeed, even if Jiang Yun is in the territory of the Tianxiang people, it is not a Tianxiang people.

They robbed Jiang Yun, even if Jiang Yun was killed, Tianxiang should not be the first to make Jiang Yun, to protect Jiang Yun.

The monk's world is a common occurrence.

Even though the Tianxiang people are the masters of this world, they have no ability to protect every foreign monk who enters the Tianxiang world.

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and said: "I don't want to take care of it, but when you come here, it is completely tempted by my nephew."

"In this way, the safety of this friend is naturally related to my Tianxiang people!"

"Look at my face, can you turn around and leave, rest assured, I will not trace the true identity of you, this matter has not happened!"

At this time, seven people are well aware, Ye Zhiqiu is ironed to help Jiang Yun.

If they are replaced by other Tianxiang people, they may not be afraid, but Ye Zhiqiu is the son of the patriarch, offending him, even worse than the consequences of offending Ye Shuo.

Therefore, despite the unwillingness of the heart, the seven people can only hate and end up with Jiang Yun’s eyes: "Your boy is lucky!"

After the figure of seven people disappeared completely, Ye Zhiqiu’s gaze looked at Jiang Yundao: “This friend, anyone who comes to trouble because of Ye Shuo’s things, I will pick it up for you!”

"However, no matter who you are or what purpose you have come to my heavenly world, I hope you know that Xiaonan is a good girl!"

"If you really treat her, I won't interfere with it;"

"But if you are doing something else for Younan, then you remember that Xiaonan is always the person of my Tianxiang!"

After leaving this sentence, Ye Zhiqiu also turned and left.

Looking at the back of Ye Zhiqiu's departure, Jiang Yun's eyes showed a color of interest.

From the beginning to the end, I didn’t even say a word. Everything was Ye Zhiqiu’s appearance and everything was settled.

And the last sentence of Ye Zhiqiu, the meaning is more obvious, clearly telling himself that he can take Ye Younan away, but be good to her!

Obviously, Ye Zhiqiu is opposed to Ye Younan’s marriage to the blood refining family.

However, even if he is the son of a patriarch, there are things that can't be done.

Therefore, when he saw that Jiang Yun had always protected Ye Younan, he mistakenly thought that Jiang Yun was interesting to Ye Younan.

Even as long as Jiang Yun really treats Ye Younan, he agrees that Jiang Yun leaves with Ye Younan.

But if Jiang Yun is not true, then he will not let go of Jiang Yun!

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun smiled and said to himself: "This Ye Zhiqiu is really good!"

After that, Jiang Yun looked up at the already white sky and walked back to the courtyard to continue watching Ye Younan's refining.

For all that happened, Ye Younan did not notice it at all.

Her attention was completely immersed in the refining.

Coupled with the arrangement of Jiang Yun, not only has the protection, but also can isolate everything, so now even if the sky collapses, it will not disturb her!


"I am mad at me, mad at me!"

Among the huge palaces of the Tianxiang people, Ye Shuo is like a trapped beast, constantly making a roar in his room!

The house is already a mess, and all the things that can be smashed are all broken into pieces by him!

Even so, he can hardly eliminate the anger in his heart.

There is no reason for him. Today, he has been rumored to be apologized by a foreign monk at his home site.

Nowadays, the whole Tianxiang City can be said that no one knows no one.

Among the ethnic groups, although the elders did not say anything, they were already talking about privately with the people of his generation.

In particular, some of his peers who did not deal with him on weekdays even sneered at him without any disguise.

Now, when he sees anyone, he feels that the other person is pointing at himself, so that even the door is not willing to go out.

Just now, he also learned that there are already seven people who are going to **** the source stone of Jiang Yun, but they have been blocked by Ye Zhiqiu!

"Damn Ye Younan, **** Jiang Yun! I must kill you!"

"And you, Ye Zhiqiu, what do you care about!"

"You are my Tianxiang people. I am being bullied by outsiders. You are not pointing to me, but instead helping an outsider. What is your heart!"

"It’s not going to make me happy to kill the dogs and men. I want them to die!"

Although the mouth constantly screams, Ye Shuo can only have a mouth addiction here.

Because he is very clear, he has no way to deal with Ye Younan and Jiang Yun.

Ye Younan can never kill.

Killing the same ethnic group, once it is known by the family, it is really a death sin, even if his grandfather can't keep him.

As for Jiang Yun, the strength is far more than him. If he goes to find Jiang Yun’s revenge, he will die.

Although his grandfather is a long-standing family, but this kind of thing, even if his face is thicker, it is impossible to open his grandfather, let Grandpa personally deal with Jiang Yun.

As a grandfather, if you really deal with a junior named Ye Younan called Big Brother, then Grandpa’s face was also thrown away.

What's more, Ye Zhiqiu has already known this matter.

Ye Zhiqiu has always been impartial and self-serving, and is the son of the patriarch. I am afraid that someone has been staring at himself in the dark, just in case he will go out and cause trouble.

"Ye Shuo brother!"

Just when Ye Shuo was almost mad, Ye Zhi suddenly pushed the door and walked in.

Looking at Yeats, Ye Shuo’s eyes suddenly revealed the cold light of the monks: "Ye Zhi, you dare to come, all good things you do!"

In fact, this whole thing was originally related to Ye Shuo.

The real initiator is Yeats!

Yeats ran to him and asked him to export his bad habits. He heard that he was dealing with Ye Younan. He thought that this little thing was not coming, so he ran to find Ye Younan.

As a result, it is now such a situation that he can only vent his anger on Yeats.

Yeats did not care about Ye Shuo’s anger. He smiled and said: “The brothers are suffocating, I have the means to kill the pair of dogs and men!”

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