The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1934: Laughing with tears

Seeing the sudden change of Ye Zhiqiu's attitude, especially the other side clearly is the real anger, so the heart of the refining is a bit worried.

He received the news of Ye Shuo, saying that Ye Younan hooked up the man and let him speed up.

In fact, for this matter, the refining marks are also somewhat doubtful.

Because this Ye Shuo has nothing to do with him, he can't figure out why the other party wants to be so kind to inform himself.

However, this kind of thing, of course, he is rather credible, so this hastily rushed to the teacher to ask for sin, ready for a good scent of the incense, where there will be any evidence.

But now, Ye Zhiqiu’s attitude is so strong that he guards Ye Younan, indicating that there is no ghost in the other’s heart, and that the refining marks are more uncertain.

Ye Zhiqiu is not an ordinary Tianxiang tribe, but a son of a patriarch, who is superior to himself, and is proficient in refining medicine. His popularity is excellent.

Although I am not afraid of each other, if I really provoke him, it will not be good for myself.

What's more, he has been secretly investigating Ye Younan, knowing that this woman is a waste, but her character is inferior. It is not like someone who will not do anything about women.

Moreover, if Ye Younan really does not keep the woman's way, he does not have to go to the door at all. The Tianxiang people will take the initiative to find their own blood refining family to dismiss the marriage.

After all, even if this kind of thing can be won for a while, it will not be alive.

Once discovered by his own ethnic group, he can even use this as an excuse to attack the Tianxiang people.

Thinking of this, the refining marks became more and more aware that they were misunderstood. They hurriedly sat up in a sitting position and smiled on their faces: "Ye Shu, I heard some rumors, and my heart was angry, so I was a little impulsive."

"This may be a misunderstanding."

"However, since I have already arrived, I will bring Ye Younan back and get married soon. The relationship between the two of us is a little earlier, and it is not bad for a few days anyway!"

This requirement put forward by the refining marks is not excessive.

The marriage between him and Ye Younan has already been fixed by two ethnic groups.

Although the time has not yet arrived, but after all, Ye Younan’s marriage is just a slap, and the refining marks are not likely to be a big fan of the media, so there is nothing wrong with taking it away a few days in advance.

However, after Ye Zhiqiu was silent for a while, he shook his head and said: "No!"

"Although young South is just married to you, she is the shackle of my Tianxiang family."

"I can't let her marry the wind, it's already my Tianxiang nationality for her, and now I can't even have time, let you take her away!"

"And, why are you here now, you and I are well aware, this time to give her to you, as if to make my Tianxiang people guilty."

"Not to mention, you don't know, my Tianxiang people are busy with the holy medicine test recently. There is really no free man."

"So, still follow the original time!"

Ye Zhiqiu’s refusal to make the refining marks is really a great surprise.

In particular, the reasons for refusal, I feel that there are some strong words to listen to.

Just when the refining marks were slightly frowning, just thinking about it, Ye Zhiqiu had already said: "If you don't feel relieved, then you can temporarily live in my Tianxiang family during this time."

"And, I remember that you didn't seem to have participated in the test of the holy stone. Tomorrow is the last day. Are you interested in giving it a try?"

"After all, the refining and refining equipment has a lot in common. I want to be qualified with the sage, and I should be able to pass the test. Maybe it will bring us some surprises!"

Ye Zhiqiu’s remarks made the refining marks tempting.

There are a lot of commonalities in the refining and refining equipment. The role of the Tianxiang people's power of heaven and fragrance is well known.

The reason why I promised Yu Ye Nannan is precisely to try to figure out the power of heaven.

However, Ye Younan is innately damaged by the concealed Dantian. The power of Tianxiang she possesses is not pure.

If you can pass the test of the holy stone, and even get the power of the Tianxiang people, then it is not better!

Even if I didn't pass the test, I didn't lose anything!

Therefore, the refining marks finally agreed to Ye Zhiqiu's conditions, willing to temporarily live in the Tianxiang ethnic group, and go to the holy medicine stone test tomorrow morning.

Looking at the figure of the three people in the mark, Ye Zhiqiu’s mouth could not help but sigh a long breath, and his eyes looked at Tianxiang City. He said to himself: "I can only help you so much." It!"

The reason why Ye Zhiqiu does not allow the refining marks to take Ye Younan away is to help Jiang Yun and Ye Younan!

For Ye Younan, he really has a flaw.

At the beginning, he also strongly opposed the expulsion of Ye Younan from the ethnic land and married the refining marks.

But unfortunately, his father has always been retired. These come, the size of the family is determined by the five elders.

Even though he was the son of the patriarch, he had no ability to change the elders' decision before he became a patriarch.

In addition, although he and Jiang Yun did not have too much deep contact, but he can see that Jiang Yun is indeed maintaining Ye Younan.

As a result, he even hopes in his heart that Jiang Yunzhen and Ye Younan have a relationship, it is best to take Ye Younan away from the Tianxiang world.

During these five days, he always sent people to monitor Ye Xiaonan's small courtyard, knowing that it was covered by the formation and could not know the situation inside, but it is certain that Jiang Yun and Ye Younan have never left.

Ye Zhiqiu does not know what the two are doing in the end, but he still wants to try to get some time for the two.



In the young courtyard of Ye Younan, there was a sudden sound of explosions.

A wave of turmoil skyrocketed and instantly filled the entire courtyard.

If there is not the protection of the array of Jiang Yun in the dark, I am afraid that this small courtyard will be blown into nothingness by the air waves.

As for Ye Younan, when the explosion just happened, it was already protected by Jiang Yun with his own strength, so he did not suffer any harm.

However, Ye Younan at the moment, apparently did not care about his safety.

Her two eyes were just staring at the center of the explosion, watching the stone pot!

Because this explosion means that her alchemy has ended this time, and she is eager to know the result.

It is a pity that her cultivation is too bad, her eyes and the gods are unable to penetrate this wave, so she is ignorant of the result.

Even she didn't dare to look at Jiang Yun beside her.

Although she knows, Jiang Yun must have clearly understood the results!

Jiang Yun’s face showed a happy smile!

Dan Cheng!

Not only successful, but also a one-time refining of three remedies!

These three medicinal herbs are enough to completely repair the dantian of Ye Younan, so that she can have a completely different life after that!

However, Jiang Yun did not say it, this surprise still let Ye Younan discover it himself.

After a long time, the air wave began to dissipate. In the eyes of Ye Younan, I finally saw three white and innocent medicinal herbs suspended in the air!

Ye Younan’s body was heavy and his eyes were still staring at the three medicinal herbs. The whole person was like a statue, and his face was full of tears!

Until a moment passed, she twitched and said: "Ginger, Jiang Big Brother, me, I am not dreaming!"

Even if she saw it with her own eyes, she still couldn't believe it. She actually succeeded in refining these three remedies!

Jiang Yunxiao's hand reached a little volley toward Ye Younan, and an aura shot directly on Ye Younan's arm, letting Ye Younan's brow suddenly wrinkle.

"It hurts?"


"That is not a dream!"

Jiang Yun’s words finally made Ye Xiaonan’s tearful face finally show a smile, tears in laughter!

Then, Jiang Yun waved in the palm of his hand, and the three medicinal herbs automatically fell into the palm of Ye Younan.

Three seven medicinal herbs!

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