The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1941: More comfortable

Among the contents of refining medicine told by Ye Lingzhu, she contains many unique insights of her own.

These insights, when heard by anyone else, are extremely novel and inspiring, something they have never imagined before.

However, Jiang Yun is more familiar with the more listening!

Because of the insights that Ye Lingzhu said, Ye Younan just told him when he was refining medicine a few days ago!

Although it is normal for different people to produce the same insights about the way of refining.

However, all the opinions expressed in Ye Lingzhukou are exactly the same as those described by Ye Younan, and there are not many more!

This is extremely abnormal!

After all, one or two views are the same, but it can be said that it is a coincidence, but all the opinions are exactly the same, there is only one possibility.

Among Ye Lingzhu and Ye Younan, there is definitely one person who steals the opinions of another person and takes it for himself.

"Ye Lingzhu!"

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun’s mouth uttered the name of Ye Lingzhu.

He believes that these insights should be thought out by Ye Younan, but Ye Lingzhu has taken these insights for himself!

This is not Jiang Yun's intention to favor Ye Younan, but he speculated!

The two people have the same views, so they must have discussed the refining aspects together.

Ye Younan is a shackled tribe abandoned by the Tianxiang people. He can only live in the outer area of ​​Tianxiang City, so that even the gates of Tianxiangcheng rarely enter, and it has not been in his own family for more than ten years.

Ye Lingzhu, although she lit up the light of the holy stone, was not long ago, but as a shackle, she always lived in the Tianxiang ethnic group.

Then the two people can only meet Ye Younan, who is going to see Ye Lingzhu!

Ye Lingzhu's character is snobbish and self-esteem is extremely high. According to reason, it is impossible to see Ye Younan, and it is impossible to tell Ye Younan about his own opinion on the pharmacy!

And Ye Younan's character is timid and weak, even if she gives her courage, she does not dare to take Ye Lingzhu's insights on the drug path as her own, and actively tell Jiang Yun when refining medicine!

Therefore, only Ye Lingzhu inadvertently heard Ye Younan's certain views on refining medicine, and he was very tempted, so he took the initiative to find an opportunity to approach Ye Younan and put out the words of Ye Younan.

Ye Younan is very admired and envious of Ye Lingzhu.

Seeing Ye Lingzhu to take the initiative to find himself, it is bound to be extremely exciting, coupled with her lack of opportunity, naturally will express their thoughts on the refining of medicine, tell Ye Lingzhu in detail!

After trying to understand these things, Ye Lingzhu, the arrogant woman of Tianxiang, has been extremely impressed by Jiang Yun.

In fact, if Ye Lingzhu knows the unique insights of Ye Younan and only uses it to improve her own refining techniques, then Jiang Yun will not be angry.

Even if she is now shared with other people, it is not a big deal.

However, she actually said that these were all her own opinions, and she did not mention Ye Younan’s name.

This kind of behavior is shameless!

Ye Lingzhu is already shining, and the glory is added, especially the deeds that light up the seven rays of the holy medicine stone, which makes her become the arrogant woman of the Tianxiang people.

Even if she does not find these unique insights, there will be no impact on her identity and status.

And if she is willing to tell the truth, then for Ye Younan, it is undoubtedly a great help.

It is even possible to change the fate of Ye Younan, so that Ye Younan will be valued by the ethnic group and will not fall to the point of marrying the mark.

However, Ye Lingzhu not only did not say it, but the big model of the original belonging to Ye Younan took possession of himself, but he did not read Ye Younan at all!

Jiang Yun’s face has been gloomy to the extreme, and the whole Tianxiang family is really disappointing.

In addition to Ye Younan and Ye Zhiqiu, the other Tianxiang people they met were even more shameless than one.

At this moment, he is really seriously considering whether the Tianxiang nationality, a member of the tenth family, is still necessary to continue to exist.

Looking at Ye Lingzhu, who is still talking in front of him, Jiang Yun finally faintly opened and interrupted Ye Lingzhu’s remark: "Ye girl, there is a problem underneath to ask!"

Jiang Yun’s opening naturally caught the attention of everyone.

Especially the refining marks, the face is even more unobtrusive and reveals a sigh of relief.

In the eyes of everyone, Jiang Yun should also want to attract the attention of Ye Lingzhu, and will deliberately open at this time.

Ye Lingzhu glanced at Jiang Yun coldly and then retracted his eyes: "I just said what I said, didn't you hear it?"

"All my content is only spoken once, I don't understand, it can only be that your qualifications are not enough, don't ask me!"

In the face of Ye Lingzhu’s high tone, Jiang Yun is still calm: “I don’t understand it. I just want to ask, what insights you just said are really what you think of yourself?”

In this sentence, everyone suddenly started to look up, and all of them looked at Jiang Yun’s gaze.

Anyone can hear that Jiang Yun is clearly suspecting Ye Lingzhu.

What is the identity of Ye Lingzhu, and it is tolerant of others, especially Jiang Yun, who has no other skills besides luck.

As for Ye Lingzhu’s eyes, it was a flustered flash, but it’s just a flash of light, and it has regained its indifference: “Are you doubting me?”

"You only illuminate three lights in the holy stone. What qualifications do you have to doubt me?"

"Tell you, don't think that if someone in your family gives you support, you really take yourself as a personal thing!"

Obviously, for the name and deeds of Jiang Yun, Ye Lingzhu has also heard about it.

However, as she said, she was not in the eyes of her arrogant woman, even if Jiang Yun had Ye Zhiqiu support, she did not put Jiang Yun in her eyes.

For the flustered flash in Ye Lingzhu’s eyes, Jiang Yun’s clear and clear, and more and more sure that his speculation is correct.

"Why, don't you dare to answer? You just need to answer yes, or you can't!"

In the face of Jiang Yun’s questioning, Ye Lingzhu simply ignores it, but is cold and cold to the people: “Today’s story, stop here!”

After that, Ye Lingzhu turned and left.

However, Jiang Yun is reluctant to say again: "Although I am not qualified to ask you, but those who truly discover those opinions are more qualified than you to stand on your position!"

Ye Lingzhu suddenly turned around, and the two cold light in his eyes shot straight on Jiang Yun’s face: "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will be rude to you!"

Not waiting for Jiang Yun to open, the refining marks have already rushed: "Lingzhu girl also asks for anger, what is so angry with this jumping clown!"

"Refining a certain talent, willing to teach this girl to the girl!"

This is a great opportunity to behave in front of Ye Lingzhu, and the refining marks will certainly not be missed.

What's more, the hatred between myself and Jiang Yun has long been settled.

Ye Lingzhu shook his head and said: "Where dare to work hard to smelt the brother!"

"However, the refining brother said that it is extremely boring to understand such a person. You are scattered!"

The scent of the refining marks: "Lingzhu girl is a large number of adults, and does not generally see him, but refining one is really not familiar with such a person, so this matter has nothing to do with the Lingzhu girl, it is a refinement and his personal grievances!"

After that, the refining marks have directly looked at Jiang Yundao: "You and I have no innocence, but you have twice provoked me twice. Today, I am also tempted to provoke Lingzhu girl. I am really impatient."

"However, it is Tianxiang, I don't kill you, just break one of your hands, then you apologize to the Lingzhu girl, I will spare you a dog!"


Just as the voice of the refining marks fell, a loud slap in the air suddenly sounded!

Then, I saw the body of the refining mark flying straight out!


At the same time, Jiang Yun is also a long spit out, saying to himself: "More comfortable!"

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