The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1954: Weeping

After listening to the bad news of Ye Zhiqiu, Jiang Yun nodded quietly: "The things of the blood refining family, I will handle it myself."

"But please also help me to tell you that I will be honored. After three months, I need to know his clear attitude."

"Because I might have left here at that time."

"After all, the tenth family is not only your Tianxiang family!"

When I spoke the last sentence, Jiang Yun looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a meaningful look.

And Ye Zhiqiu’s heart glimpsed, naturally understand that Jiang Yun was deliberately reminding himself that he was not prepared to provide protection for his father and son, but also expressed his dissatisfaction!

Jiang Yun does not need anyone's protection, but since Ye Zhiqiu and his son both know their identity, even if they need to consider the opinions of the entire group, they should not be such a cover-up attitude.

Especially as a patriarch, if you are willing to express your support for Jiang Yun, then Jiang Yun will be more convenient.

This also shows that although the patriarch of the Tianxiang nationality is willing to accept the identity of the tenth family, it still does not really recognize the identity of Jiang Yun, a ruined tribe.

Then, Jiang Yun now clearly tells Ye Zhiqiu that although you are strong in strength, if you accept your own responsibility, then I can only give up and look for other members.

At that time, what kind of consequences will your Tianxiang people greet? Think about it yourself!


Ye Zhiqiu left with Jiang Yun’s reminder, and Jiang Yun’s thoughts are still immersed in the drug **** war.

As for the threat of blood refining, it was directly ignored by Jiang Yun.

Of course, Jiang Yun knows that the blood refining family will not let go of himself, but he also learned from Ye Zhiqiu's mouth that the father of the refining mark is refining, but it is the strength of Daojing.

However, the soul of refining is extremely strong, and he is good at refining, and there are many weapons of the gods.

Each piece contains a powerful power, and even when he and others are fighting, the soldiers alone can easily suppress others.

For these, Jiang Yun is not at all concerned.

The soldiers are stronger, and after all, they are only foreign objects. If their own strength is not high, they will not be able to exert all the power of the soldiers. What is the use of the soldiers?

As for the power of the soul, Jiang Yun is not self-proclaimed, and his power of the soul can at least be ranked in the middle and upper streams.

What's more, there is still a night of dust in your own soul.

As long as the blood refining people did not come to the strong, the Jiang Yun did not have the slightest fear.

The strong person who turns the road, at least the patriarch of the blood refining family, will find trouble with one of the deaths of a refining mark.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is more concerned about this drug war!

He himself certainly has no way to participate, because he is completely rootless duckweed in the demise of the domain, and there is no ethnic group as the background, and there is no qualification for registration.

However, since this is the Pharmacological Congress of the entire Southwestern Wilderness, there will inevitably be many outstanding refiners.

Among them, there may be characters who are comparable to the predecessors of the drug gods, and they may be able to cure Xueqing by this opportunity!

"The war of medicine, if the drug gods come to participate, I don't know if I can be truly deserved and become a real medicine god!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun no longer wants to think about the war of medicine, but began to consider the opening of the Tianxiang people's life stone three months later.

"For me, this is indeed an opportunity. I will not only make Xiaonan a blockbuster, but also thoroughly understand the attitude of the entire Tianxiang people."

"They are willing to admit my identity, and everything is fine."

"If you don't want to, then after I killed Ye Shuo, I left with the holy stone and went to see this drug war!"

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun no longer thinks about it, while paying attention to the situation of Ye Younan, while continuing to practice.

When the two days passed, Ye Younan finally opened his eyes and his face showed excitement.

Her Dantian is already in good condition!

"Ginger Brother!"

Looking at Jiang Yun, who was smiling in front of his face, Ye Younan just said these three words, and the tears fell off without competing, and they burst into tears.

After Ye Younan’s mood returned to calm, Jiang Yun told her about the news that the holy stone would open again three months later.

"For three months, you have to upgrade your cultivation to a realm!"

Hearing Jiang Yun’s sloppy tone, Ye Younan did not show his unconfident look as before, but nodded hard: “Ginger Brother, you can rest assured that after three months, I will definitely promote a realm! ”

"I believe you!"

Jiang Yun’s big sleeves waved, and a pile of source stones appeared in front of Ye Younan: “I will do my best to help you!”

Looking at the pile of source stones, Ye Younan's look can not help but a little sluggish.

Because she knows the value of this pile of source stones, let alone oneself, even Ye Lingzhu and other ethnic groups can not enjoy.

After a long time, she looked up and looked at Jiang Yundao: "Ginger Brother, why are you so good to me?"

For Jiang Yun, the gratitude of Ye Younan’s heart has no way to describe it. Jiang Yun is simply giving her a new life.

However, she really can't figure out why Jiang Yun would help himself.

After all, I don't have any outstanding places, even even looks, I am not a perfect color.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Because you and I are all using stone pot refining!"


This sentence suddenly made Ye Younan laugh out loud.

When she wants to come, this is Jiang Yun’s joke, but in fact, this is the real reason why Jiang Yun helped her.

Because he saw Ye Younan, Jiang Yun thought of himself.

I am the same waste. If there is no referral from the master, then I will not be able to go this step.

Ye Younan is also true. Her talent is not bad, and she is willing to work harder than others. Why don’t he help him?

Ye Younan did not continue to ask this question, but he was solemnly confronted with Jiang Yundao: "Ginger Brother, I will not let you down, I will start practicing now."

"Well, you cultivate with peace of mind!"

Jiang Yun quietly walked out of the house, and arranged several isolation arrays outside the house. Then he sat on the ground of the courtyard.

Because he knows that the people of the blood refining family should be coming soon!

Sure enough, just two days later, a group of people appeared above the courtyard.

The number is small, only nine people.

The head of the person is naked and full of savage meaning, it is the father of the refining mark, refining!

Nine people, all of them are the strength of Daojing!

Although there are only nine people in the blood refining family, Jiang Yun is very clear. At this moment, the Tianxiang ethnic group is long and old, and the strong people in the entire Tianxiang city are paying attention to themselves.

"Jiang Yun, you killed me. Today, I will not only take you back, but also let Ye Younan be buried with me, start!"

The refinement of the gods has seen Jiang Yun, so I naturally recognized it at a glance, and it was also a very simple order.


When I saw the eight people he brought, he immediately raised a lot of various weapons of the gods flying out of their hands, and slammed into the sword array below, and made a terrifying roar.

I have to say that the power of these sacred weapon weapons is really great, falling on the sword array, and actually broke through countless swords.

After only a moment, the sword array has already broken.

The sound of the illusion is also ringing in Jiang Yun’s mind: "Adult, this sword array may not be able to hold back!"

Jiang Yun did not go to see the refining, his eyes only looked at the direction of the Tianxiang ethnic group, and said to himself: "You are not always curious about my true strength, want to know if I am qualified. Do you manage the Tianxiang people?"

"Today, I will let you see!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun stood up directly and appeared in the sky above the yard. He took a step toward refining!

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