The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1964: God bless

At this moment, all the Tianxiang people, looking at Ye Younan's eyes are full of complex meaning.

They can't say what it feels like in the heart.

A waste that was once not seen by almost all of them, has not only returned to the system, but has also shown a powerful talent like never before.

In front of Ye Younan, they are more like a waste.

Only some of the older generations, but in the eyes, they are shining with excitement.

For them, they will not care about the struggle between these young people. They care about the development and future of the entire ethnic group.

In the future, you need a talented family like Ye Younan to create!

The age of Ye Younan is much smaller than that of Ye Lingzhu, which means that her potential will be even greater than Ye Lingzhu!

All the foreign monks present at the scene also have mixed feelings at the moment.

They don't have the complex feelings of those Tianxiang people. They just know that this day, the incense is about to rise!

Jiang Yun’s face was with a satisfied smile. Looking at the platform, there were some helpless Ye Younan.

In fact, in the short period of three months, Ye Younan was able to cross the two realms in a row, and Jiang Yun did not think of it.

The reason why they will come so late today is because Jiang Yun is waiting for Ye Younan.

When Ye Younan was only able to break through the last step, he forcedly sealed the cultivation of Ye Younan and took her to Tianxiang.

For the moment, it is!

As for the lions and Ye Lingzhu who have just sang each other and touted each other, they have already closed their mouths, and their faces are red and purple, and they don’t know whether it is because of shame or because of anger!

Refining talent is not important, the important thing is to cultivate talent.

This sentence used by Shi Yan to suppress Ye Younan has now become a complete joke!

Ye Younan’s spiritual talents even surpassed Ye Lingzhu, so that they can no longer refute.

Of course, they can also say that Ye Younan is because his realm is too low, so he can cross two levels in three months.

But even if it is a lion, there is no reason to rebut this reason, because it will only make them even more shameful!

Finally, when Ye Younan’s realm was slightly stabilized, Jiang Yun said: “Well, young South, test it again!”

Ye Younan nodded and said, "Good!"

Looking at Ye Younan, who once again reached out, Ye Lingzhu’s eyes showed the light of hatefulness, regardless of the disregard: “There is no need to test again, you will test it ten times, and the result will only be like me!”

At this time, Ye Lingzhu is already completely out.

Although she knows her own words, it does not have any influence on the excellence that Ye Younan has shown, but she is really unacceptable. This Ye Younan will become the same arrogant woman as herself.

For Ye Lingzhu, naturally no one cares, even if Shi Yan and others are no longer open.

Still in the eyes of the public, Ye Younan gently put his palm, the second time on the holy stone.

The light is shining!

One, two, three... seven!

When the seven rays of light were lit, the holy medicine stone, which was still still, suddenly swayed gently!

In this shock, it actually shines again!

Eight rays of light, flooding the sky, seem to illuminate the entire sky of this incomparable Tianxiang world, and also illuminate the face of everyone in Tianxiangjie!

Looking at these eight lights, everyone's face is extremely shocked.

Just a moment ago, Ye Younan completed a test and lit up seven lights.

And now with her re-improvement of the realm, it has even increased the light!

Eight rays of light have also flattened the highest record of the light of the holy medicine stone above the history of the Tianxiang people.

And that record is said to have been created by a young female tribe when the Tianxiang people just emerged.

The female tribe later became the patriarch of the Tianxiang nationality, leading the Tianxiang people, ushered in the most brilliant period of the Tianxiang people!

However, that time, it is too far away from now, far away to Ye Chunyang, who is only a patriarch, knowing that it was from that time that Tianxiang became the tenth family of silence!

Therefore, at this moment, only his gaze moved away from the eight rays of light in the sky, quietly looking at Jiang Yun, and raised a question in his heart: "Is this a sign?"


However, at this moment, after the eight rays of light, the holy medicine stone was once again shaken, and the magnitude was extremely fierce, just like the explosion -

Until, it is a ray of light!

Nine lights!

This ninth ray is as high as a hundred feet, and it is extremely incomparable. It will completely cover the sky of the heavenly world!

At this moment, there is no sigh in the Tianxiang world, no shock, everyone's expression is almost sluggish, and everyone's eyes are left with the dazzling ninth light!

Ye Younan, actually lit up the ninth light of the holy stone!

Throughout the ages, there has never been a ninth ray that no one can light up in the Tianxiang people. Today, it finally blooms for the first time!

The person who lit the light, but was almost a **** that was used by the Tianxiang people as a tool to sacrifice the waste that was destroyed by the congenital Dantian!

It is this waste, the talent in refining, but it is already standing at the highest point of the Tianxiang people.

The strongest talent!

This result, let alone other people did not think, even Jiang Yun did not think of it, so at this moment, he is like everyone else, looking at the nine rays, his face showed a smile.

Perhaps this is a good sign!

"Tianyou Tianxiang!"

Suddenly, the words of an old Tianxiang people said these five words, and they slammed down.

He is not Ye Younan, but the ninth light.

Because that is the light of the sacred objects of their Tianxiang people, the spiritual light of their Tianxiang people, and the future light of their Tianxiang people!

"Tianyou Tianxiang!"

"Tianyou Tianxiang!"

After the old man, within the Tianxiang ethnic group, there were more and more ethnic groups, repeating these five words, one by one, smashing toward the ninth light.

Hearing the five words that kept ringing and seeing the squatting people, Ye Chunyang’s gaze once again moved away from the ninth light and looked at Jiang Yun.

Only he knows better than anyone else. Whether the Tianxiang people are brilliant or not, they can survive to the present. It is true that there is a "day" to protect them.

This day, the name is silence!

Ye Chunyang slowly closed his eyes, until the nine rays of light on the holy stone disappeared completely, and he opened again.

And in the eyes of the endless vicissitudes of life, there is a touch of relief.

In his heart, he finally made a decision!

For Ye Chunyang's thoughts, other people are naturally unaware of it, and not all Tianxiang people have collapsed. There are still many people who are not jealous.

For example, Ye Zhan that three grandchildren, such as Ye Lingzhu!

At this moment, Ye Lingzhu, the body is like a statue, can not move.

Among all, only her, the most unacceptable one.

Even just now, she did not care that the results of Ye Younan’s test again would not change, just like herself.

But now...

At this moment, her voice rang Jiang Yun’s calm voice: "She is different from you!"

"She is the true arrogant woman of the Tianxiang people, and you, not worthy!"

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